Chapter 605

Although Ade knew the existence of Umbrella and Brad, Ade did not expect that there is also a branch of Umbrella in Southwest Africa.

Of course, the branch in Southwest Africa will definitely not directly use the name Umbrella. Not only are the names different, but they are also four different security companies.

In order to deceive the public, these four security companies have different heads, and the companies compete with each other and dismantle each other, creating an illusion of fierce competition. Only in this way can these security companies survive smoothly in Southwest Africa go down.

Among the four security companies, the Winifred Security Company is the largest, with hundreds of employees in German Southwest Africa, and has begun to undertake the business of the colonial authorities in Southwest Africa.

The latest business of the Winifred Security Company is to help the Southwest African Governor's Office capture fugitives. Of course, this is only an official statement. In fact, the Winifred Security Company mainly plunders the population from the Bechuanaland State in Southern Africa. This is the main business of Winifred Security Company.

It is precisely because the Winifred Security Company has successfully carried out several operations in Bechuanaland, bringing back nearly a thousand people in batches from Bechuanaland, that the Winifred Security Company was able to obtain the support of the Southwest African colonial government. trust.

The person in charge of the Winifred Security Company is Brant Winifred, but a Cossack with the nationality of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Although the Three Emperors Alliance has broken down, the relationship between Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire is still good. In Southwest Africa, there are many immigrants from the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

When it comes to Cossacks, many people will think of the brutal and violent Cossack cavalry.

In fact, the Cossack ethnic group does not only exist in Russia, there are Cossacks distributed throughout Europe, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire is of course no exception.

In order to facilitate operations, Brant Winifred lives in the desert on the border between Southwest Africa and Southern Africa, because the people of the Winifred security company will wear traditional red scarves every time they go out, so the The forces of Nifred Security Company are also known as the "Red Turban Army".

"Brant, the telegram just received—" Lucius, Brant Winifred's deputy, hurried over with a telegram.

Brent Winifred didn't speak, but took the telegram casually, and after reading it, he was at a loss: "Where is Puacana?"

Lucius made a face, raised his hand and called the guard to bring the map, and then he and Brent Winifred lay on the map to find Puacana.

It took a long time for Brant Winifred to find Puacana on the map, and then Lucius used a ruler to measure it for a long time before finally determining the exact distance: "How far is this? , Two—very good, a full eight hundred kilometers.”

Eight hundred kilometers may not sound like a long distance, but considering that Brant Winifred is in the desert, this task is very difficult.

Brant Winifred lives in an oasis in the desert area. This oasis is not large, only a few hundred square meters in size, but it has the most precious water source in the desert, so Brant Winifred simply put the telegram here, and he can directly contact Nyasaland.

"The time is indeed too short. We only have one week. In this week, we have to cross the desert, arrive at Puakana, and then carry out the capture of Samson-oh, yes, when the time comes We may be facing a German force, at least a company." Lucius updated Brent Winifred on the situation, and the task was indeed very difficult.

In fact, the key issue is not distance, but manpower.

Of the entire Winifred security company only Brant Winifred and Lucius are Nyasalandian, all the others are South West African nationals so let them point their guns All troops are composed of real Germans, and there are indeed hidden dangers.

"Fortunately, this is a joint operation. Malachi and Johnston will also send people to participate. You go to choose the people first. Remember, ability is not important, the key is loyalty—" Brant Winifred Don't worry, two days later, a force will cross the border and enter Southwest Africa, so Brant Winifred can't go directly to Puakana, he must first contact the cross-border force, and then make an action plan .

Malaki and Johnston are also security companies in Southwest Africa. This time, Roque asked the three companies to work together, absolutely not allowing any mistakes.

Rock is indeed ready. Three days ago, the support troops had set off from the Congo Free State, preparing to cross Portuguese West Africa and provide support to Southwest Africa.

No need to ask, the supporting force must be composed of Taitera people under Yaya's subordinates. There are nearly [-] Taitera people under Yaya's subordinates, and their main activities are in the Congo Free State. Reinforcements from Southwest Africa are the most suitable. At least the Tatera people are Africans. In Southwest Africa, the appearance characteristics are not as obvious as the Chinese and whites. Therefore, even if someone died in the operation, Rock can completely ignore it.

Of the nearly 400 people in the Winifred Security Company, only less than 50 people met the requirements. That night, Brant Winifred personally led the team to set off.

On the second day after Brant Winifred left, Lucius of the oasis received an order from Windhoek. Nasdaq creates chaos.

Lucius immediately sent someone to chase after Brant Winifred, but he failed to catch up. Lucius could only be responsible for the next action.

"The situation is like this. Mr. Winifred went to Walvis Bay to buy new weapons. It is impossible to come back in a short time. Therefore, this time I will command the operation. I will go back and make preparations. I will set off in three days." Lu Hughes was doing his part in the preparatory meeting, Brant Winifred was not at home, and no one in Winifred's company could compete with Lucius.

The reason why it took three days to set off was mainly because Lucius had to get in touch with the Pena State garrison before he could sing and act for the German Governor of Southwest Africa.

The reason why the Winifred Company has developed so fast is mainly due to the cooperation of the Bechuanaland State garrison.

After Roque issued an ultimatum to the colonial government of Southwest Africa on behalf of the Ministry of Defense of the Federal Government of Southern Africa, Southwest Africa has indeed been honest for a while.

However, due to the turmoil in southern Africa during this period, Southwest Africa began to move again. The Winifred Company, mainly composed of Cossack cavalry, once again became the first choice for Southwest Africa.

It is really that other security companies do not have the strength and luck of Winifred Security Company.

The Winifred security company is not only powerful, but also very lucky. Every time it can find the weakness of the Bechuanaland garrison, and then launch an attack, other security companies lose troops every time they perform missions, and sometimes they even fail. mission accomplished.

According to the internal information of the colonial government of Southwest Africa, the Winifred security company still maintains a [-]% completion rate for the mission, which is in stark contrast to other security companies, even the two companies Malaki and Johnston, The task completion rate is only about [-]%.

On the third day, Lucius led the troops to leave the oasis and enter Bechuanaland to perform a mission. At this time, Brant Winifred had just joined the reinforcements.

As expected, the reinforcements were all composed of Africans, and even the officers in charge of leading the troops were Africans.

What Brant Winifred didn't know was that Mel, who led the team, was Yaya's younger brother, so it cannot be said that Nyasaland did not support Brant Winifred's work.

"Have you ever been to the Eagle's Nest?" That night, Brant Wilfred and Mel sat by the fire and chatted casually.

November is summer in Southwest Africa, and the lighting of the fire at night is mostly to prevent mosquitoes, and has little to do with the temperature.

Cossacks almost grew up on horseback, and many of them could sleep on horseback. Now each of them has a blanket and has fallen asleep.

"No, my brothers have been to—" Mel replied honestly.

Mel refers to Yaya and Mumu, and Eagle's Nest is Eagle Fort. In Southwest Africa, when Eagle Fort is mentioned, Eagle's Nest is used instead.

"You? Sounds like a lot of people." Brant Winifred laughed.

"It's really a lot. I have seven older brothers, and more than a dozen younger brothers—" Mel was still a little embarrassed, and this kind of expression was rare for a big man like him.

Unlike Yaya, who is thin and skinny, perhaps because Yaya was finally able to help the family when Mel and the others grew up, so Yaya's dozen or so younger brothers are generally in good physical condition.

Mel is the best of them all. This guy is more than 1.9 meters tall and weighs more than [-] kilograms. This figure is actually a good body for carrying a heavy machine gun.

"The place we are going to is called Puakana. It is about [-] kilometers away from here. It is estimated that we will not arrive at Puakana until at least five days—" Brant Winifred picked up a root The branch draws a map, and the scale is quite fine. This is indeed a caring person. A few days ago, I didn't know where Puakana was.

"We don't have that much time, my lord—" Mel just started to be interrupted by Brant Winifred.

"Don't mention the title, it might cause trouble for the lord—" Brant Winifred didn't seem to notice that he had made exactly the same mistake as Mel.

Mel's face was a little red, and it was very hard to hold back the smile, and it took Brant Winifred a long time to react.

"Speaking of time, we actually have less than three days left, but it's a pity that it seems that we will not be able to reach Puakana in three days—" Brant Winifred would not apologize, Discussing and discussing how to complete the task is serious business.

(End of this chapter)

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