Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 606 Conflict of Rights

Chapter 606 Conflict of Rights

Rock No matter how Brant Winifred and Mel completed their tasks, the Department of Justice has been full of scandals during this period, and Rock, as the deputy minister who is mainly responsible for the work, is duty-bound.

Some time ago, the scandal of the Ministry of Education had already led to the resignation of the two vice ministers of the Ministry of Education. Facing overwhelming accusations, Yang Smozi still had the cheek to refuse to resign. Can use more British and Chinese employees.

So this year, graduates of Nyasaland University were assigned to work in the Ministry of Education. Sidney Milner tried his best to bring back more than 80 graduates from Nyasaland. As a result, nearly a quarter One went to the Ministry of Education.

Most of these 80 people are of Chinese descent, and there are only nine graduates of British descent. Nyasaland University has begun to train talents in batches, which also means that the administration of officials in southern Africa has entered a new stage.

In the previous southern African colonial authorities, the government basically had little room for employees to choose. The situation in southern Africa determined that the first-rate talents would definitely return to work in the UK, and then all the second-rate talents would be recruited by the southern African masters. Enterprises recruited, and there were not many talents left for the colonial government, which led to frequent problems after the establishment of the federal government.

Adelaide attaches great importance to the group of government employees. After the establishment of the federal government, Adelaide began to implement the civil service system in southern Africa. Although southern Africa will still elect a prime minister in the future, the prime minister only has the right to form a cabinet, and ordinary employees will not be affected. , That's why Roque said that some departments of the federal government would not cause too much trouble even if they tied a dog in the minister's office.

As a result, the requirements for government employees are relatively high. During the colonial government in southern Africa, people who could read and write could enter the colonial government. In the future, if the federal government does not have a formal university study experience, it is estimated that it will be difficult to enter the federal government. It's a bit difficult.

The same goes for the Department of Justice.

The judges and independent prosecutors of the federal government in name are all graduated from prestigious schools and have rich experience. Within the federal government, the overall quality can be said to be the highest.

In fact, the quality of justices and independent prosecutors is also uneven. There are not many justices and independent prosecutors who are truly trusted by Rock. Eliot Field is one of them. The former chief judge of the Transvaal is currently the federal government. Duke Cowper, one of the six justices, was barely another.

The reason for the reluctance is that Rock and Duke Cowper had a good relationship in the past. In terms of real business ability, Duke Cowper is not very good, but it is already considered good in southern Africa.

Like Roque, Duke Cowper is now the Deputy Minister of Justice. Roque is mainly responsible for the implementation of this part in the Ministry of Justice. Duke Cooper is mainly responsible for trials and the management of courts and judges.

If Roque wants to strengthen the management of the Ministry of Justice, he must discuss it with Duke Cowper.

"I am going to set up a special investigation department in the Ministry of Justice to supervise and inspect the federal government staff. There have been a lot of problems during this period, and the Prime Minister is very dissatisfied. We have to do something, otherwise we will inevitably be attacked by public opinion. "Rock said as lightly as possible so as not to arouse Duke Cowper's disgust.

Supervise the staff of the federal government, including the staff of the Ministry of Justice. In this way, the power of the Special Investigation Section is a bit greater, and Duke Cooper will inevitably have doubts. After all, no one wants to have double-eye surgery God stared at himself.

"My lord, the functional departments of the federal government serve the federal government. You have to take care of this." Duke Cowper reminded cryptically that this is also a person's essence. Even if Roque said vaguely, he immediately understood Roque's intentions. .

To put it bluntly, it means that officials and officials protect each other. The main purpose of the Ministry of Justice is to combat criminal groups, and this group must also include government employees.

However, in Duke Cowper's understanding, it is better not to go too far when it comes to the group of government employees. It is almost enough to give an explanation to the outside world. It is impossible to really prevent illegal crimes. The staff of the Ministry of Justice often The case-handling procedures of the Ministry of Justice are also illegal. If we really want to set up such a department, let alone other things, I am afraid that there will be disputes within the Ministry of Justice.

"I understand—" Roque didn't explain too much. Although they are both deputy ministers, they have different powers. In the Ministry of Justice, Roque, the deputy minister, obviously has more power than Duke Cowper, the deputy minister. On this issue, in fact, Rock does not need the consent of Duke Cowper, and it is just going through the procedure now.

"Should the Judicial Committee formulate a normal working system?" Duke Cowper also had his own request.

According to the system requirements of the federal government, the Ministry of Justice should establish a Judicial Committee to guide and supervise the work of the Ministry of Justice.

In fact, the Ministry of Justice now has a Judicial Committee. The federal government has six justices, four independent prosecutors, and two ministers, Henry and Roque, to form the Southern African Judicial Committee.

It's a pity that the current situation in southern Africa has determined that the Judicial Committee is almost in name only. From its establishment to the present, it has not even held a few meetings, and many members have not even met face to face.

There is no way around this. The six justices of the federal government work in Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein, Johannesburg, Durban, and Port Edward. It really is impossible to stay in Cape Town all day.

Not to mention the four independent prosecutors, because of the nature of the work of independent prosecutors, the Ministry of Justice has very little constraints on independent prosecutors, and the work of independent prosecutors does not even need to report to the Ministry of Justice from time to time, it is even more impossible for them Every day in Cape Town.

There are also two ministers, Henry and Roque. Henry, as the Minister of Justice, will stay in Pretoria for a long time, and Roque will hold several positions. When he stays in Nyasaland, Bill stays in Pretoria There is more time in Toria. After Cape Town became the judicial capital of the federal government, Rock has never been to Cape Town once, so he really has no time to spare.

However, Rock also has a solution. Although it is impossible for the committee members to stay in Cape Town all the time, it is still necessary to set up an office in Cape Town. It is enough to send a person in charge to preside over the work. The committee members do not need to stay in Cape Town all the time. in Cape Town.

"That's fine. Recently, some people in Cape Town proposed to abolish all courts in southern Africa except Cape Town, and concentrate criminals in Cape Town for trial, so as to strengthen Cape Town's status as the judicial capital. I said that this group of people is headed into the water. If that is the case, the size of the Ministry of Justice has doubled now, and the manpower is not enough." Duke Cowper is over 60 years old this year and will soon reach retirement age, so There is not much desire for power.

Although there is no such thing as retirement in southern Africa, birth, old age, sickness and death are always unavoidable. Dr. Starr Jameson, who shouts sick every day, is dying, but there are still very few people who do not die. The chief justice in southern Africa And independent prosecutors are lifelong, as long as the person is alive, this position can be held forever, but once this position is held, it is almost impossible to go further.

The main reason is that Henry and Roque are too young. If there is no accident, these two people can stay in the ministerial position for decades, and the others basically have no chance.

"This incident has sounded the alarm for us. If those criminals were tried in Pretoria, there would be no such accidents. Therefore, it is impossible to revoke all courts outside Cape Town, and the next We strengthen the construction of courts in various places, and try to prevent similar incidents from happening again.” Although Cape Town was Rock’s first stop in this time and space, Rock didn’t have much special affection for Cape Town. The judicial capital of Africa also takes into account Cape Town's status in southern Africa. Even so, Cape Town will inevitably be marginalized in southern Africa.

The decline of Cape Town is also helpless. Before the opening of the Suez Canal, Cape Town, as the southernmost supply port on the African continent, played a very important role in the east-west shipping. At that time, almost all ships had to pass through Cape Town for supply, so Britain would not hesitate to launch a war and snatch Cape Town from the Boers.

After the opening of the Suez Canal, Cape Town's status is gradually declining. More and more ships choose to pass through the Suez Canal instead of bypassing the entire African continent. It is estimated that when the World War broke out, because of the German army's blockade of the Suez Canal, Cape Town There's still a flashback phase, and then Cape Town's status goes downhill.

That's why Rock won't work hard in Cape Town, and now the Transvaal and Nyasaland are the focus of Rock's attention.

After communicating with Duke Cowper, the Ministry of Justice has added a department called the Special Investigation Section. Although this is only a section-level department, the level is not high, but it has very powerful powers. It can not only conduct investigations on federal government employees Oversight, while also in charge of the Ministry of Justice's intelligence work within Southern Africa.

To put it bluntly, Roque just copied another Brad in the Ministry of Justice.

The candidate to be the head of the Special Investigation Section is Luis, the same as Lu Si who used to be the umbrella.

Lu Si is one of the founders of the umbrella, and he has rich experience in intelligence work, at least compared with the current staff of the Ministry of Justice, he can be regarded as rich experience.

"The task of the Special Investigation Section is mainly to supervise government employees, but you have no enforcement power. Even if a crime is discovered, it must be transferred to the Police Department. Of course, you also have supervision rights to the Police Department." Rock There are still restrictions on the rights of the Special Investigation Section. The police system in southern Africa is also part of the Ministry of Justice. Rock cannot artificially create conflicts of rights.

(End of this chapter)

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