Chapter 607

The biggest problem in this era is not the decentralization of power, but the excessive concentration of power. For example, the police department is not only responsible for public security, traffic, and criminal investigation, but also responsible for prisons, fire protection, environmental sanitation, city appearance, and so on.

With so much power concentrated in the police system at the same time, one can imagine the attention the police department receives.

Although Rock knows that this is not good, he has no idea of ​​decentralizing power. After all, the Police Department is also a subsidiary of the Ministry of Justice, so Rock will not voluntarily give up his power.

Not even apportionment.

On December [-]th, the Umbrella Company raided Samson's estate in Puakana. Nearly a hundred German troops responsible for protecting Samson and Samson's men were killed, and Samson was successfully captured. Escorted back to Nyasaland.

In fact, it is more appropriate to send it to Pretoria or Cape Town, but Cape Town is too far away, and Rock is still a little worried about the situation in Pretoria. Samson was also a famous general during the Boer War. Samson and the Boer generals are very sympathetic to the current situation. If Samson is sent back to Pretoria, there may be additional problems, so Rock simply sent Samson to Nyasaland. Saran interrogated on the spot.

As a result, the decision sparked controversy.

After the Umbrella Corporation raided Samson's estate in Puakana, the Governor's Office of South West Africa issued a statement severely condemning the violence, while claiming to investigate the incident thoroughly and retaliate against the violence .

In the statement of the Governor’s Office of Southwest Africa, there was nothing aimed at Nyasaland. As a result, some people in southern Africa thought that Rock sent people to attack Samson’s manor and asked Rock to send Samson to Belgium. Pretoria is on trial.

"No, I don't know where Samson is. If you know, then you can tell me, and I will definitely bring Samson back with my own hands." Rock spoke very strictly, even in front of Ade. Ke also revealed nothing.

"Come on, besides the Ministry of Justice, who else cares about Samson?" Young Smudge obviously didn't believe it.

The previous series of actions taken by the Ministry of Justice against the Ministry of Education completely tore apart the superficial harmony between Rock and Yang Smother. Come to Ad and ask Samson to be tried in Pretoria.

"Hehe, you are also very concerned—" Rock is not angry, he can be more patient with Louis Botha, forget about Yang Smudge, Rock and Yang Smudge are incompatible .

"Lord Locke, you may not know that your people left two corpses in Puakana. Now Southwest Africa has determined that your people crossed the border and attacked Samson's manor in Puakana. If you It’s okay if the people only targeted Samson and his men, but you also killed nearly 40 German soldiers in the operation, do you think the Southwest African government will let it go?” Yang Smozi obviously has a lot of information Otherwise, he wouldn't have come directly to Adelaide.

Although the combat effectiveness of Samson's subordinates is not very good, the combat effectiveness of the German army is still very good. In order to capture Samson, Roque mobilized nearly 200 operatives, and losses are inevitable. In fact, there are more than a dozen soldiers on the umbrella side There were no casualties, but the bodies of the others were brought back to Nyasaland, and the two bodies left at the scene were all Tatera.

"Hehe, do you believe what the Southwest African Governor's Office says? I also said that this is a self-directed and self-acted Southwest Africa. You also know that there are no Africans in Nyasaland—" Rock retorted. Mere corpses can't prove anything. Before Mel's men entered Southwest Africa, they replaced all the equipment with the Nyasaland logo. Even if there were mistakes, Roque would never admit it. This matter has a big fight with South Africa.

Even if it is a fight, Rock is not afraid. The German troops in Southwest Africa and the servants of Southwest Africa are less than 5. One division, randomly transferred over, is enough to deal with the threat of Southwest Africa.

Yang Smother wanted to argue, but Ade stopped him.

"Lock, is Samson in Nyasaland?" Ade took the initiative to ask Rock for confirmation. At the beginning, Ade only gave the Ministry of Justice a month, and now it has been more than a month, but Ade did not pursue Henry. and Roque's responsibility.

"It's definitely not there, and I don't know where Samson is." Roque categorically denied that Ade really didn't know about this matter, and Roque would never disclose the news until he got Samson's statement.

As for how Roque will get back this lie, it is actually very simple. Roque can claim that Samson was arrested in southern Africa. As for whether the Germans and Boers believe it or not, Roque has nothing to do with it.

In the final analysis, the Boers are also part of southern Africa, and they should maintain a unified position with southern Africa on this issue, but Yang Smother's performance does not seem to be the case.

In fact, it is also understandable that during the Boer War, Jan Smother and Samson were both Boer generals, and they had a very good personal relationship. Rock is still not sure that Samson hijacked the officials under trial and Yang Smother Whether it mattered or not depended on the outcome of Samson's interrogation.

"Well then, continue with your work and bring Samson back as soon as possible." Ade showed no doubt that Ade and Rock still had a tacit understanding on this issue.

Rock had already reported to Ade before taking action.

Although Roque did not report the results of the operation to Ade later, Ade believed in Roque's loyalty. No matter what, at least Roque would not reach a private deal with the Germans, which was enough.

As for whether Rock has his own little Jiujiu or not, Ade doesn't care about it, who can have no secrets.

"Your Excellency, the foreign actions taken by the Ministry of Justice have seriously affected the relationship between Southern Africa and Southwest Africa. This will drag Southern Africa back into the abyss of war. The interests of the entire Southern Africa cannot be damaged because of the personal behavior of a certain person. "Yang Smother didn't believe Roque's nonsense, and in the whole of southern Africa, only Luo Erke had the ability to take action against Samson.

"Don't talk about it so seriously, Minister Smozi. Let's not talk about whether Southwest Africa has the ability to launch a war. Even if Southwest Africa launches a war, the Ministry of National Defense has the strength to keep the enemy out of the country." Rock will definitely not be polite at this time It's not that Rock looks down on the Germans. It's that the German army in this era is far from the number one in the world.

Simply put, the strength of the military is the embodiment of comprehensive national power. If the country is not strong, the military is useless no matter how strong it is.

Today's Germany seems to be aggressive and wants to compete with the British Empire everywhere. In fact, Germany's comprehensive national strength is still incomparable with the old colonial countries such as Britain and France. The arms race has been going on until now. Britain has not exerted its full strength, but Germany has come close. Don't forget that Britain has a son on the other side of the ocean.

Of course, this "pro-son" definitely does not refer to southern Africa, but the United States. Although the military strength of the United States is not as good as that of Britain and Germany, the military potential of the United States is the strongest in the world.

The strength of the United States is not only reflected in the economy, but also in human resources. At this time, the United States has a population of more than 8000 million, while the population of Germany is only about 500 million, and the population of the United Kingdom is only 500. Ten thousand, so in terms of war potential, the United States is indeed unparalleled.

The potential here does not mean that there are more people. In terms of population, the Qing Dynasty is undoubtedly the largest in the world, but the Qing Dynasty is unable to maintain a basic standing army. Southern Africa is now close to the limit to support the [-] to [-] troops. Rock wants to The third and fourth divisions are fully staffed, but they have never had enough funds, so how to realize their potential is a serious problem.

This is the case in Germany. Perhaps the combat effectiveness of the German army is indeed very good, but the German government does not have enough funds to arm the German army. There is still more than half of Africa between Germany and Southwest Africa. To reinforce Southwest Africa, you must go through the English Channel. If a war really breaks out between Southwest Africa and Southern Africa, the British government will definitely block the English Channel and prevent Germany from sending reinforcements to Southwest Africa at will.

So Rock really doesn't care about the threat of war in Southwest Africa. As for the servants in Southwest Africa, Rock doesn't need to mobilize regular troops. The Gurkha mercenaries of the Umbrella Company are enough to deal with it.

"Hehe, Lord Nyasaland, it is good to have confidence, but too much confidence is arrogance." Yang Smother sneered, obviously not believing Rock's words.

After all, the title of "World's No. [-] Army" is still a bit of a deterrent.

Rock just laughed and said nothing at this time. Before the war broke out, this question was about Guan Gong fighting Qin Qiong, and there was no answer at all.

A rebellion broke out in Tanganyika before. Although the Lions entered Tanganyika to fight, it was not in the name of southern Africa, so Yang Smother was not clear about the specific situation.

"Okay, Minister Smudge, go back and continue your work. The Ministry of Defense will be responsible for war issues, and it has nothing to do with your Ministry of Education." Ade's attitude on this point is very clear. In any case, Ade does not would bring the Boers back into the army.

So I can also understand why many Boers are dissatisfied. Nominally, the Boers are now part of southern Africa, but in southern Africa, the Boers have never gained the real trust of the British. The federal government would rather trust the Chinese than the Boers. people.

In fact, they are all self-inflicted, and it is indeed difficult to gain Ade's trust with Yang Shi Mozi's performance.

(End of this chapter)

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