Chapter 608

The interrogation of Samson was very difficult. After all, Samson was a soldier, and he was killed by a mountain of blood and blood. The general torture method could not be used on Samson, so the interrogators had to endure it hard. I hope I can pry Samson's mouth open one day sooner.

Samson confessed to his crime, admitted that he organized the attack on the train, and executed Laurent Buckle on the spot.

But apart from that, Samson declined to answer other questions, such as whether the attack was behind the scenes, and the current location of those abducted officials.

In fact, the interrogation has been carried out to the present level, and Rock does not have to use Samson to drag Yang Smotz and Louis Botha into the water. Yang Smotz will not talk about it, the existence of Louis Botha , It is still conducive to the internal stability of southern Africa, at least Louis Botha is willing to communicate with Roque.

At the beginning of December, the amended "New Tax Law" was finally passed by the Congress. In fact, the current "New Tax Law" has been revised three times. The new tax law was barely passed.

According to the provisions of the new tax law, private property is still sacred and inviolable, that is, the federal government has no right to levy any tax on private property, but in contrast, the proportion of commodity transaction circulation tax is expanding. The previous tax proportion was about 5.00%. After the implementation of the "New Tax Law", the rate of commodity transaction circulation tax was increased to [-]%, and the extra [-]% had to be turned over to the federal government.

The implementation of the "New Tax Law" has the greatest impact on Nyasaland. In the past, Nyasaland almost did not need to pay any tax when selling goods to the outside world. Now it must pay taxes in accordance with the regulations of the federal government. Bureau, Ada became the new Director General of Taxation.

This is the result of mutual compromise between the parties. Compared with the British, Ada, the French, is easier for Bloemfontein to accept, and Nyasaland, Rhodesia, and Transvaal will not accept one. The Boer became the new head of the General Administration of Taxation, and Ada is still nominally from Cape, so Cape has no objection to this arrangement.

As for the other states, their opinions don't matter.

The first thing Ada did after taking office was to find Rock's important person. In order to ensure tax revenue, the State Administration of Taxation had to set up its own law enforcement department.

"It's not necessary. If the State Administration of Taxation needs to enforce it, it can completely apply for the cooperation of the Ministry of Justice. There is no need to set up its own law enforcement department." It's not that Rock doesn't want to delegate power, but there is really no one to give it to Ada.

Ada's requirements for talents are completely different from those of Roque. Roque is more used to cultivating them by himself, while Ada is using them as doctrines. Therefore, Roque will establish Nyasaland University, and Ada has a strong presence in Europe. headhunting company.

"You put it simply. The biggest trouble for the State Administration of Taxation is the Johannesburg Mining Union. Can the Ministry of Justice cooperate in this regard?" Of course Ada has her own reasons. If it is another aspect, the State Administration of Taxation can indeed apply to the Ministry of Justice for cooperation. , but for the Johannesburg Mining Union, not to mention the Ministry of Justice, even the Ministry of Defense is not easy to use.

In southern Africa, the Johannesburg Mining Union is absolutely outside the law. In the past few years, several gold mines have been discovered in Johannesburg. Now the number of gold mines in Johannesburg has exceeded [-].

Forty gold mines are backed by hundreds of dignitaries from southern Africa and the United Kingdom, and even France and the United States have invested in Johannesburg, so the situation of the mining alliance is very complicated, and it is a standard hot potato for the federal government.

When London agreed to the autonomy of southern Africa, the gold in Johannesburg was the only sphere of influence that London requested to retain. London needed the gold in Johannesburg to stabilize London's status as a global financial center, so it was impossible to hand over all the gold mines in Johannesburg to southern Africa. .

So even though Philip has become the governor of the Transvaal, the head of the tax department in the Johannesburg area is still directly appointed by London.

This is also the only department in southern Africa that needs a head appointed by London.

After the self-government of southern Africa, the British still sent governors to southern Africa in name, but the post of South African commissioner has been abolished, and the powers of the governors are not as good as before. It is more symbolic and basically has no say in the current southern Africa. So much so that no one cares about the position of the current governor of Southern Africa. The current governor, Lord Glanston, has been in office for more than a year, and he has not even come to southern Africa. Instead, he has stayed in London, seeking to serve in other colonies.

After the implementation of the "New Tax Law", the Federal Government Tax Administration will also start to levy taxes on the gold mines in Johannesburg. The funny thing is that in this regard, the Legislative Council and the Congress have maintained a high degree of agreement. It seems that everyone hopes to strip the British government of the southern The last bit of African influence.

However, it is not easy to tax the gold mines in Johannesburg. Although the mine owners no longer have their own army, the mine owners and the real gold owners behind the mine owners still have a strong influence, so Ada It is only hope that the State Administration of Taxation has its own law enforcement department and cannot rely on the support of the Ministry of Justice for everything.

It is said that Rock himself is a member of the Johannesburg Mining Union, and the chairman of the Mining Union is Stoudemire, so Ada does not think that Rock will sincerely support the SAT on this issue.

"Of course, as long as it is the need of the State Administration of Taxation, no matter whether it involves anyone or any organization, the Ministry of Justice will go all out." Rock said righteously.

Ada is also too worried. The current Rock Gold Mine is not that important to Rock.

The greatest significance of the Rock Gold Mine to Rock is that it completed the primitive accumulation of capital for Rock. Through the Rock Gold Mine, Rock not only captured a lot of wealth, but also found a reason for a large number of immigrants to southern Africa.

Now these prerequisites no longer exist. The profits of Rock’s industry in Nyasaland have far exceeded that of the Locke gold mine, which is still limited in production. Rock does not need to immigrate from the Qing Dynasty in the name of recruiting miners. Saran is not restricted in this regard.

So Roque is not joking, if the State Administration of Taxation needs it, Roque will really support Ada wholeheartedly.

"Really?" It's not that Ada doesn't trust Rock, what she doesn't trust is the nature of capitalists.

"Really—" Rock was decisive. Seeing Ada's expression still hesitating, he immediately added: "I swear in the name of Arthur and Jessica!"

This reason was really good, and Ada immediately stopped worrying about this issue, but she still said unforgivingly: "Ha, then you must first obtain the consent of Arthur and Jessica."

Really, Rock is really not used to this kind of ethical relationship in white families, everything has to be discussed, while Chinese families are much simpler and straightforward, if you don't obey, just call.

This means that it is enjoyable. Rock is at home, and he doesn't dare to make trouble with Gavin and Alvin. Phyllis is very tough in this regard, and he doesn't even let Rock get involved in education.

Of course, Phyllis promised that she would not neglect the Chinese education of Gavin and Alvin, which is the prerequisite for Rock to let go.

After dealing with Ida, Rock will go back to Stoudemire's work.

I just found out that Ada is the director of the Federal Government Taxation Administration, and Stoudemire is quite optimistic. After all, the relationship between Stoudemire and Rock is here. take care of.

However, the development of the matter obviously caught Stoudemire off guard. The richest person in southern Africa is not Roque, but the South African company that owns the entire Rhodesia. All the privileges have been cancelled, but through the Rhodesian state government, Stoudemire still maintains a strong influence in Rhodesia, so Ida cut Stoudemire the first time, hoping that Stoudemire will set an example and support the work of the General Administration of Taxation.

"Impossible! It's just wishful thinking. I have to pay a lot of taxes, and I will never pay what I shouldn't. The current business situation of the South African company is very difficult, and it is losing money every month. There is really no need. ability to support the State Administration of Taxation." Stoudemire directly rejected Ada's request in front of Rock.

On the surface, the South African company, as well as Roque's enterprises in Nyasaland, must be good citizens who abide by the law and pay taxes, without any tax evasion.

In fact, it cannot be said that businessmen are naturally resistant to taxation. No one is willing to pay the hard-earned money to the vampires of the tax bureau. Although tax evasion is not possible, legal tax avoidance is inevitable. Sometimes it is unavoidable to use some unconventional means, not only in southern Africa, but also in the whole world.

However, these so-called legal tax avoidance behaviors can be deceived by others, but certainly not by Ada.

Ada is also a businessman and the executive director of the Rand Bank. Many transactions between Rock and Stoudemire are conducted through the Rand Bank, so Ada has a clear understanding of this situation.

Ada is not asking Stoudemire to pay taxes in full, but just to make up the part that should be paid. As for Stoudemire's legal tax avoidance behavior, Ada will turn a blind eye and close his eyes, as if he didn't see it.

There is no way to see it, Roque did the same!

"Cecil, calm down—" Rock took the initiative to ease the atmosphere. After all, we are good friends, and we can't be unhappy because of this incident.

Stoudemire looked at Ada, who was smiling sweetly, and then at Roque, who had a helpless face, and suddenly smiled freely: "Okay, no problem, of course I will support the work of the State Administration of Taxation, how about it, Nia If companies in Saran can pay their taxes in full, then of course South African companies can too.”

These words were so cruel that Roque immediately changed his face, and if he wanted to die, stay away and don't pull me.

(End of this chapter)

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