Chapter 609

Before the passage of the "New Tax Law", Nyasaland paid taxes to the federal government, which totaled only 70 pounds.

This is seriously inconsistent with the economic level of Nyasaland, which is behind Bechuanaland. After the establishment of the federal government, the tax paid to the federal government is still 50. The economic size of Nyasaland is definitely beyond Bechuanaland A large part of the state, if it is based on the level of Bechuanaland, the tax paid must be at least doubled to match the economic scale of Nyasaland.

One thing that is certain is that Ada, as the director of the General Administration of Taxation, will definitely take care of Nyasaland, so Stoudemire will drag Roque. As long as Nyasaland pays taxes in full, the South African company will not cheat .

"Of course Nyasaland will. Nyasaland has always supported the work of the federal government." Roque's righteous words must be different in actual implementation.

"Come on, I don't know you yet. If you say that, Rhodesia also supports the work of the federal government." Stoudemire dismissed it, and everyone would say good things.

"Nyasaland and Rhodesia, have the largest private entities in southern Africa, so you know, a lot of people are watching you, if Nyasaland and Rhodesia do not pay enough taxes, then the new tax law It cannot be implemented smoothly—” Ada emphasized the importance of Nyasaland and Rhodesia, and of course there was comfort afterwards: “But you can also rest assured that the State Administration of Taxation will definitely not let you suffer, regardless of Nyasaland and Rhodesia No matter how much tax West Asia pays, I guarantee that the tax money will be used for Nyasaland and Rhodesia, and will never be used for Orange."

Ada is very aware of how much Roque and Stoudemire hate Boers. The "New Tax Law" also has clear regulations on tax refunds. What Ada wants is the role model of Nyasaland and Rhodesia. As long as Nyasaland and Rhodes West Asia agrees to implement the "New Tax Law", so no one in several other states dares to take the initiative to oppose it.

Hearing Ada's promise, Rock and Stoudemire looked at each other.

From Roque's standpoint, I should indeed support Ada's work, but Ada's promise is also time-sensitive. Now that Ada is the head of the General Administration of Taxation, she can take care of Nyasaland and Rhodesia. What if the director of the bureau changes in the future?

No matter how the director is changed, if Nyasaland and Rhodesia agree to implement the "New Tax Law" now, there will be no room for regret in the future.

From this point of view, Ade is still very good at employing people. In the whole of southern Africa, Ada is probably the only one who can convince Rock and Stoudemire.

"Help—" Ada looked at Roque with expectant eyes.

Rock really rarely saw this kind of expression on Ada's face, so he almost agreed to Ada's request under impulse.

Fortunately, Stoudemire is still sensible.Speak before Rock: "Ada, it's not that we don't support your work. Every word we say today may affect millions of pounds in taxes in the future, so we must be cautious, and you I know what the tax increase means to an export-oriented enterprise like us. We are now shipping canned food to Europe, and we can only earn one or two pennies per can. Even if the tax increase is only [-]%, it means that the product A huge drop in margins, and if we maintain margins, it affects the competitiveness of our products, which in turn affects workers’ incomes—”

Stoudemire is not complaining, what he said is actually the truth. Southern African products have just opened up sales in Europe. At this time, people are still very sensitive to prices. If taxes affect the competitiveness of southern African products in Europe, then yes It's hard to say whether it's a blessing or a curse.

"For export-oriented enterprises, the "New Tax Law" has a tax refund policy, and this part of the additional fee will be returned to the enterprise intact, so it will not have much impact on the enterprise." Ada is also a businessman, of course. Knowing the role of cost on competitiveness, the "New Tax Law" has tax refund clauses, which essentially encourage companies to sell their products abroad.

If you really have the ability, go to make money from foreigners.

Even if it is a country within the Commonwealth of Nations.

It seemed that Stoudemire didn't understand the "New Tax Law" at all. After listening to Ada's introduction, Stoudemire immediately became interested in the "New Tax Law".

"The "New Tax Law" is essentially a supplement to the federal government's fiscal deficit. In the past, there were no perfect laws in southern Africa, and the states were independent, and the tax system was not perfect. Now the federal government has lost financial subsidies from London, and everything depends on the federal government. Self-sufficiency, if you don't even support the "New Tax Law", then I think the Prime Minister will be very disappointed." Ada started to play the emotional card again, but this set is still effective for Rock, but not for Stoudemire. No.

Unlike Rock's original intention of supporting the autonomy of southern Africa, Stoudemire's biggest purpose in supporting the autonomy of southern Africa is to get rid of London's grip, so Stoudemire doesn't care about the financial situation of the federal government, let alone Adelaide's feelings.

Rock is different. Ade is kind to Rock. Without Ade's support, Rock might still be an ordinary patrolman in Cape Town and never get a chance to succeed.

Now that Roque has achieved fame, it is time to repay Adelaide, so even though Ida has not made a real promise to benefit Nyasaland and Rhodesia, Roque still actively chooses to support Adelaide and the federal government: "Honey, I also hope you can understand that Cecil and I do not support the federal government, but are responsible for the employees of South African companies and Nyasaland. You heard what Cecil said just now. Cost control is important to the government. It is still very important for export-oriented enterprises, a [-]% tax increase may not seem like much, but it will have a big impact, so Cecil and I have to be cautious on this issue."

"Of course——I understand——" Ada was obviously very sensitive to Roque's address, and she probably didn't hear what Roque said just now.

"It's good if you understand. To be honest, I'm still planning to seek support from the federal government. You also know that there are excellent fishery resources near Cape Town, but we can't take advantage of them. I was planning to invest in setting up an aquatic product company in Cape Town." processing plant, but was rejected by the Cape State Government for various reasons——" Stoudemire also has a request, and if Ade is willing to come forward to help, then all problems will be solved.

"Hehe, the officials in Cape Town are indeed relatively short-sighted—" Ada has also lived in Cape Town after all, so she knows the situation in Cape Town very well: "Don't worry, I will tell Mr. Milner, please Mister help coordinate—"

The "Milner" Ada was talking about was not Adelaide, but Sidney Milner.

This kind of matter is actually not troublesome. It only needs Sidney Milner, the First Secretary of the Federation, to send a telegram. It is estimated that it can be resolved. There is no need to ask Ade to speak.

"That's fine. As long as Cape State's consent is obtained, I can pay as much tax as you want." Stoudemire also knew that the implementation of the "New Tax Law" was inevitable, and that he could get some benefits.

Rock and Ada just looked at each other and smiled. Rock really doesn't care whether Nyasaland pays 70 or 100 million a year.

Now the Rand Bank has started printing Southern Africa's own currency, the rand.

After a while, the rand will be officially listed, gradually replacing the British pound and becoming the legal tender in southern Africa.

Of course, the British pound will not be abolished as the common currency of the Commonwealth. In the future, southern Africa will probably be a situation where the rand and the British pound coexist.

This is enough. As long as southern Africa is still in the Commonwealth, the pound will not disappear from southern Africa. It will be affected by the flames of war. As long as the federal government does not take the initiative to kill, the rand will remain strong, and the market will make the most correct choice at that time.

At the beginning of December, a rebellion broke out in Portuguese East Africa, which had almost been completely forgotten by Roque.

This time it really had nothing to do with Roque. It was not the Africans who broke out the rebellion, but the whites of Portuguese East Africa.

From this point of view, it seems that "infighting" is more appropriate to describe it.

The cause of the matter is very simple, because Portugal's national strength continues to weaken, so the Portuguese government has increased its exploitation of the colonies to maintain the current situation.

Compared with Portuguese West Africa, although there are only a few enemies around Lorenzo Marquez in Portuguese East Africa, the population of Portuguese East Africa far exceeds that of Portuguese West Africa because of the early development.

In this era, the native government's exploitation of the colonies was very cruel. When Britain squeezed southern Africa, the most commonly used method was the poll tax.

The same is true for Portugal, because the domestic economy in Portugal is going from bad to worse, so the Portuguese government has increased the poll tax to Lorenzo Marquez, requiring each Lorenzo Marquez to pay 150 escudos to support the Portuguese mainland. Financial situation.

150 escudos, roughly equivalent to ten pounds, is a lot of money for ordinary Lorenzo Marquez people, so this decision by the Portuguese government immediately caused turmoil in Lorenzo Marquez Some whites took the initiative to stand up against the poll tax, and some even clamored that Portuguese East Africa should establish an autonomous government similar to that in southern Africa, so that it would be more conducive to the future of Lorenzo Marquez.

As the suzerain of Portuguese East Africa, the Portuguese government will certainly not sit idly by, so at the end of November, Lorenzo Marquez police arrested twelve "Labor Party members". A group of soldiers meet each other.

These two groups are the Royalist Party and the Labor Party. The Royalist Party is willing to cooperate with the Portuguese government in collecting taxes, because they know very well that only when Portugal's national strength is flourishing, Lorenzo Marquez will not be reduced to a colony in southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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