Chapter 625 Upstart

Theoretically, the combat readiness warehouse should be built in the hinterland of southern Africa, that is, the two states of Orange and Transvaal. Placed in Rhodesia.

Rhodesia is actually considered a hinterland, with a vast territory and sparsely populated areas, most of whom are of British and Chinese descent. There is not much noise, and there are not many mineral resources underground. It is also located next to Nyasaland, where it is used to set up a warehouse for combat readiness. It is indeed very suitable.

Of course, the war readiness warehouse stores not only oil, food, medicine, weapons and ammunition, machinery and equipment, and even various production and living materials, all belong to the category of strategic reserves.

The most important thing must be oil. After all, among all the strategic reserves, only oil cannot be produced in southern Africa, and all must be imported from outside. So once a war breaks out, if southern Africa is blocked, there will not be enough oil reserves. Southern Africa will be completely passive.

Ade also knew the importance of this issue, so even though Roque's motives were not pure, Ade agreed to Roque's request.

Of course, Ade also has difficulties: "The federal government's fiscal deficit is constantly expanding, so now the federal government can't give you much support. Go to Director Capet and see if Director Capet can get you from the Rand Bank. money."

Sure, Rock is the boss of Rand Bank, and Ada is the executive director of Rand Bank. If Rock needs money, Ada will of course give as much as he wants.

Although the new tax law has been implemented, but because of the increasing expenditure of the federal government, the financial situation of the federal government has not only not improved, but has continued to deteriorate.

Since the beginning of this year, the federal government has borrowed 400 million rand from the Rand Bank to meet expenses. The establishment of a war warehouse is a huge expense, so it has to find the Rand Bank to continue to borrow money.

"It only takes 100 million rand to set up a combat readiness warehouse. I have reduced expenses as much as possible. The scale of oil storage is enough to meet the federal demand for a period of one year. If the demand increases in the future, the scale of the warehouse can continue to expand—" Rock now It will also be considered for the federal government, and it can save some points.

In southern Africa, cost control is actually very flexible.

Compared with the cheap oil, the main cost of building a combat readiness warehouse is actually construction materials and labor costs. In terms of construction materials, southern Africa is completely self-sufficient, and the construction of a combat readiness warehouse does not need to import marble from Southwest Africa. State, not just the Rand Gold Mine. Most of the mineral resources are controlled by the Johannesburg Mining Union. Rock can purchase construction materials locally from southern Africa, which can save more than half of the funds.

Then there is the labor cost. For the construction workers in southern Africa, the salary of white people is definitely the highest, but the number of white people is the least. More construction workers are Chinese with lower wages, but high work efficiency and good skills. .

In addition to these two groups, there is actually another option, that is, Africans who do not have a sense of existence in southern Africa.

Technically, the Africans may be a bit weaker, but the advantage lies in the low cost and large quantity. These two advantages can completely make up for other shortcomings.

Affected by Rock, the number of Africans in the three states of Nyasaland, Rhodesia, and Transvaal is very small. The "few" here refers to the small number of Africans who settled in these three states. There are not many Africans working in these three states. More than 20 Africans work in the mines in the Transvaal.

Rock wants to keep costs down, and of course he still needs to use a large number of Africans. For this reason, Christian has already contacted Robert in Madagascar, hoping that Robert can provide Nyasaland with more labor.

This labor is definitely not free, but it is not too expensive. Rock will definitely not come forward for this kind of thing. Nyasaland used to get nearly free labor through the Kingdom of Mozambique and Fort Honor. Christian No matter where Zhazha and Mumu got them, as long as they were sent to Nyasaland, Christian would pay them in one lump sum.

It is also because of the increasing demand for labor in southern Africa that Africans in several areas around Nyasaland are out of luck, especially Tanganyika and the Congo Free State.

Zhazha and Mumu are indeed powerful. They don't have any psychological burden on this kind of thing. The brutality of the white colonists is certainly one of the reasons for the chaos in the African continent, and the mutual attacks between African natives are also an important reason.

Moreover, compared with the white colonists, the wars between the African natives are more brutal and bloody. In order to get more labor, the whites will spare the Africans who put down their arms. The wars between the African natives are often defeated. All the males in the tribe will be slaughtered, and what Zhazha and Mumu have to do now is to send those natives who should have been slaughtered to Nyasaland.

And you can get paid, so this industry has been run by Zha Zha and Mu Mu as a business.

The brutal oppression of the white colonists, coupled with the crazy plunder of Zha Zha and Mu Mu, in recent times, Zha Zha and Mu Mu sent fewer and fewer people, so Christian had to turn his attention to Madagascar.

Compared with the African continent that is constantly at war, Madagascar outside the isolated African continent is still stable. After the death of Queen La Navalona, ​​Madagascar gradually became a French colony, but the Malagasy did not surrender. They have been fighting. Therefore, the power of the French can only exist in the coastal areas of Madagascar, and the French are also powerless in the central mountain range of Madagascar.

Robert is Austin Burns in disguise.

Now there are more than 3000 mercenaries under Robert. Some of these mercenaries belong to the umbrella company, and others are employees of Casimir Perrier.

With the help of mercenaries, Jean Casimir Perrier's mining company has developed rapidly in recent years and has become the largest enterprise in Madagascar, and the Perrier family has also made a lot of profits.

However, the current Perrier family has nothing to do with Jean Casimir Perrier. In March of the previous year, Jean Casimir Perrier died in France. At that time, Rock was busy with the dispute with Tanganyika. Did not travel to France to attend Jean Casimir Perrier's funeral.

After the death of Jean Casimir Perrier, his younger brother Elvis Casimir Perrier became chairman of the Perrier company, and Robert's work began to be restricted.

Joining forces with Roque was a decision made by Jean Casimir Perrier. At that time, the Casimir Perrier company was struggling in Madagascar, and it had become unsustainable, so Jean Casimir Perrier Perrier would rather give Rock a part of the shares, but also ask Rock to send mercenaries to Madagascar for support.

Compared with that time, the current Casimir Perrier company has grown stronger, and Elvis's thinking has also begun to change.

It seems that even without the mercenaries of the umbrella company, the interests of the Casimir Perrier company will not be affected.

"We now have our own security department. The number of mercenaries has exceeded 350. It can be said that we are fully able to protect the interests of Casimir Perrier. Therefore, the umbrella company is no longer necessary for us. If the With the contract with the umbrella company, we can save [-] million francs a year, which is enough for us to double the current security department.” The current general manager of Casimir Perrier is Elvis’ eldest son Oliver.

"Is that so?" Elvis didn't make a decision right away, but asked for Robert's opinion.

"It looks like it is, but the actual situation is not the case. Our own security department, most of the members are Malagasy. We can't give them full trust. 350 million francs sounds like a lot, but it is only 14 pounds. , if 14 pounds can be exchanged for the protection of the umbrella company, I think this deal is worth it.” Robert definitely disagrees, as the deputy general manager of Casimir Perrier, Robert knows the specifics of the company better than Oliver Happening.

Oliver became the general manager of Perrier after the death of Jean Casimir Perrier. The former general manager Ray Gus was transferred to the central highlands of Madagascar to develop a new mine, and then Ray Gus became Simply resign directly.

The central highlands of Madagascar are still a restricted area for the French. The French power only exists in the coastal areas. Letting Ray Gus go to the central highlands to develop mines is tantamount to letting Ray Gus die.

"That's all? The profit of our entire company last year was only 14 pounds!" If possible, Oliver also wanted to drive away Robert, so that Casimir Perrier Company would completely belong to the Perrier family.

In the agreement between Roque and Jean Casimir Perrier, Roque holds half of the shares of Casimir Perrier, and Robert is Roque's spokesperson in Casimir Perrier, so As long as the company's shares do not change, Robert's position is as stable as Mount Tai.

"If it weren't for investment mistakes, our profit last year would have been more than 14 pounds—" Robert hit the nail on the head.

In previous years, at Oliver's insistence, Casimir Perrier invested in a large number of farms in Lorenzo Marques.

As a result, the civil war broke out in Lorenzo Marques last year, and Oliver’s investment suffered heavy losses. At this time, Oliver made a wrong decision to sell a large amount of assets in Lorenzo Marques, so the profits of Casimir Perrier’s company In only 14.

"Are you blaming me?" Oliver blushed. He was able to serve as the general manager not because of his ability, but because he had a father who was the chairman.

This kind of person is the same as the nouveau riche of the poor, the most taboo is other people's doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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