Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 626 Insufficient Greed

Chapter 626 Insufficient Greed

Oliver really didn't transfer assets. He was not capable enough, but he was stubborn and refused to listen to other people's advice, so he caused heavy losses to the company.

But in Oliver's view, the investment error was not due to a problem of ability, but because of the greed of the Afrikaners, so the investment in Lorenzo Marquez was lost.

What I want to explain here is that most of Oliver's investment in Lorenzo Marquez was bought by Stoudemire at a low price, and it has nothing to do with Rock.

"No offense, but a mistake is a mistake, we are a mining company, not a plantation company, so our profits should be invested in more mines, not in farms overseas - especially in Portugal People’s farm, do you think the Portuguese can protect your investment? They can’t even protect their own property.” Robert himself is from Afrikaans, has Rock’s support, and controls the company’s security department. Not afraid of Oliver.

Even though there was a large-scale personnel change in the company due to the death of Jean Casimir Perrier, Robert's status was not affected in any way.

"If it wasn't for Southern Africa's instigation, Lorenzo Marquez would never have had a civil war." Oliver seemed to be defending himself, but he didn't grasp the point.

"No if!" Robert's words silenced Oliver.

"Okay, let's go back to the original question, if the contract with the umbrella company is terminated, what kind of impact will it have on us?" Elvis must be more inclined to Oliver.

But at the same time, I dare not offend Rock. The Umbrella Company has thousands of mercenaries in Madagascar. Not only the Casimir Perrier Company, but many industrial and mining companies employ mercenaries from the Umbrella Company, so they offend Rock. The consequences could be serious.

But the 14 pounds per year really made Elvis feel distressed. Why would such a lot of money be used for nothing?

350 million francs is not a small figure. The French Impressionist painter Manet's "Luncheon on the Grass" was only sold for 3000 francs the year before last.

"If the contract with the umbrella company is terminated, it means that our mine will lose the protection of professional mercenaries—"

"Our company now has 150 mercenaries, and the annual cost is less than 600 million francs. The umbrella company only sends less than 350 people to our company, but we have to pay the umbrella company [-] million a year. Can't we use this A sum of money to expand the scale of our own mercenaries?" Robert was interrupted rudely by Oliver as soon as he spoke.

"The combat effectiveness of mercenaries is not determined by the number of people—" Robert was used to Oliver's rudeness, and he was still slow and calm.

"This is simply absurd!" Oliver was still clamoring. Oliver really didn't understand the mercenary industry.

The crux of the matter is that Oliver thinks he understands, which is the most absurd.

"Shut up!" Elvis couldn't stand Oliver's arrogance either.

"If the protection of the umbrella company is lost, then I don't think the existing security personnel can guarantee the smooth operation of the mine. On the contrary, it is precisely because of the existence of the umbrella company that our security personnel can work honestly. The deterrence of the company will bring us irreparable losses." Robert is firm, and the local security personnel hired by Casimir Perrier are all Malagasy. Without the deterrence of the umbrella company, these The Malagasy people may be the first to rebel, and the Perrier family will suffer the most at that time. Although Roque's interests will inevitably be lost, the shares in Casimir Perrier are only owned by Roque. An insignificant portion of assets.

For the Perrier family, the Casimir Perrier company is the lifeblood.

"Will your lord be angry if we cancel the contract with Umbrella?" Casimir Perrier's financial director, Elvis' youngest son Ellis interjected.

In name, Ellis is also a top student in mathematics at the University of Paris. In fact, this guy is also an idiot. The Umbrella Company is Rock's industry. If Casimir Perrier cancels the contract with the Umbrella Company, what will Rock do? will not be mad?

Use your toes to think about questions that you all know the answer to.

"It is unrealistic to terminate the contract, but the total amount of the contract must be reduced. 350 million francs per year is too much. We spend almost [-] francs on average for each mercenary. This is not in line with Casimir Perrier. The interests of the company." Elvis still did not dare to break with Roque, but this decision was also a test of Roque's bottom line, if Roque didn't care, then Elvis would take further actions next.

Six thousand francs sounds like a lot, but in fact it is not much. The exchange rate between the British pound and the French franc is almost 1:25, and six thousand francs is only 240 pounds.

The mercenaries stationed overseas by the Umbrella Company receive overseas allowances in addition to their basic salaries. The annual salary has reached about 200 pounds, which means that Rock has shares in Casimir Perrier, so the Umbrella Company It will only charge 240 pounds. Other companies in Madagascar need to hire mercenaries from umbrella companies. The cost per person is at least 300 pounds per year. If the work is dangerous and the working location is relatively remote, it may even reach 500 pounds per year.

"Six thousand francs a year is not much. The salaries of the French staff employed by our company in the past two years have been more than [-] francs. Compared with those ignorant guys, mercenaries are definitely worth the money." Robert actually It is also a long-standing grudge.

After the death of Jean Casimir Perrier, with the addition of the Elvis family, great changes have taken place in the management of Casimir Perrier in the past two years. Elvis and Avery It's not too much, but Oliver used the power of the general manager to send a lot of cronies to Casimir Perrier.

These cronies are actually vampires. They filled their pockets up and down and made the entire Casimir Perrier company a mess. Many old employees in Jean Casimir Perrier's era left one after another because they couldn't bear it.

Although Robert couldn't bear it, but because of his duties, he had to make a deal with Oliver.

"Who doesn't learn to ignore? Say it clearly!" Oliver's frantic look was really ugly.

"Okay, that's it, Robert, find a time to chat with Mr. Jonathan of the Umbrella Company." Elvis made up his mind to gradually get rid of Rock's influence on Casimir Perrier Company.

Jonathan is the same anonymous Captain Jacob.

After arriving in Madagascar, Robert and Captain Mars, whose alias was Todd, joined Casimir Perrier to work, while Jonathan went to Umbrella and is now the head of Umbrella's Madagascar branch.

Back in his office, Robert immediately sent a telegram to Jonathan.

The magic is that the headquarters of the umbrella company in Madagascar is not on the island of Madagascar, but on the island of Mayotte in the Comoros Islands.

Mayotte covers an area of ​​374 square kilometers. In 1843, Mayotte became a French colony. Since then, hundreds of French immigrants have come to Mayotte and become residents of Mayotte.

But a hurricane ten years ago almost destroyed the only port town on Mayotte. After that, the French on the island left one after another, and Mayotte almost became an uninhabited desert island.

Although Mayotte was abandoned, its geographical location is very important, and there is a natural port on the island, so it was purchased by the umbrella company at a price of 15 francs and became the headquarters of the umbrella company in Madagascar.

Mayotte was also the largest overseas asset of Umbrella Corporation before it bought Port Elizabeth. There is now a mercenary training base on the island. The Gurkha mercenaries hired from Nepal in southern Africa must be accepted in Mayotte After a period of training, they will go to southern Africa in batches.

The only port on the island has also been renovated. The 800-meter-long pier can dock 6000-ton giant ships. There are now more than [-] residents on the island, almost all of whom are family members of employees of the umbrella company.

Before Jonathan received the telegram, he sent a telegram to Eagle Fort immediately.

"Hehe, the Perrier family really can't wait—" Roque was really not angry. On the contrary, Roque was a little happy. If the Perrier family has always been knowledgeable, then Rock is really embarrassed to turn his face directly.

Don't worry about it now. Since the Perrier family is trying to reduce Rock's influence in Casimir Perrier Company, Rock doesn't mind taking the power of the Perrier Family from Casimir Perrier Company. Clearing, this is not difficult for Rock, and he doesn't even need to worry about it.

Zach laughed silently with his mouth open, and his black mouth was daunting. Zach was very good at this kind of thing. Everything that Rock was inconvenient to do by himself was handled by Zack.

Soon, according to Casimir Perrier's request, Umbrella and Casimir Perrier re-signed an employment contract.

According to the contract, the Umbrella Company will send 150 mercenaries to Casimir Perrier, and Casimir Perrier will pay the Umbrella Company 150 million francs a year for this.

It seems that Casimir Perrier has indeed spent less money, but the cost is rising. Compared with other companies of Umbrella Corporation in Madagascar, Casimir Perrier has no cost advantage .

The impact also appeared immediately. At the end of May, a riot broke out in a mine of Casimir Perrier in Ankelica, a mountainous area in the northwest of Madagascar. The security guards and miners colluded with each other and killed the mine workers. management personnel, and blow up the entire mine, and then all the miners dispersed.

Only then did Elvis and Oliver realize the importance of the umbrella company.

Too bad it's too late.

(End of this chapter)

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