Chapter 633 The Mule

At the same time as the construction of the camp, the training work is also carried out.

Because of the confrontational nature of this exercise, a lot of training subjects under extreme conditions have been added. Compared with the previous training items, the difficulty has increased greatly.

In fact, the training of Rhodesian Northern Division was very strict in the past. Professional soldiers and conscripts are still different after all. Conscripts can run 20 kilometers is the limit. Professional soldiers are fully armed and carry more than 50 kilograms. Armed cross-country for [-] kilometers is commonplace.

Now the difficulty has further increased. The same 20 kg load, the same 50 km armed cross-country, civil engineering work must be carried out immediately after arriving at the destination, and then live ammunition shooting is required. All requirements are as close to actual combat as possible.

As a result, the results on the first day were terrible. In the previous training, the shooting results of the officers and soldiers of the Rhodesian Northern Division were generally above good, and 60.00% of the officers and soldiers could achieve excellent. As a result, after the first day of training, all the officers and men who reached the passing level Very few.

"It's a shame. Such a result is a shame for our Rhodesian Northern Division! If war breaks out, we will use this performance to fight our enemy? I am afraid that we will be exhausted before the enemy reaches the battlefield, you guys How do you usually train?" Martin was furious at a routine meeting after learning the training results.

The heads of the various regiments looked at each other, no one dared to speak, and it could be seen that everyone's expressions were a little bit aggrieved.

It is true that the training requirements this time are too strict. Just taking out the training items of armed off-road, civil engineering, and live ammunition shooting, the officers and soldiers of the Northern Division of Rhodesia can all get excellent.

However, it is difficult to adapt to all these. After all, it is only the first day of training. It is understandable that the results are not good. If time passes, the officers of the Northern Division of Rhodesia are also confident that they will be excellent.

Of course, this is only for the Northern Division of Rhodesia. Relatively speaking, the daily training of the European army in the same period is still at the level of formation and queue. In order to save money, it is not necessary to engage in live ammunition shooting once a week, with a load of 20 kg. 50 kilometers of armed cross-country is commonplace in the Northern Division of Rhodesia. If you let those European troops try it, let alone excellent results, it does not require time. Thank God if they can complete it.

"Gentlemen, cheer up, you must know the significance of this exercise. This is the first military exercise after the establishment of our Southern African Federal Government. It is a comprehensive test of all our armed forces in Southern Africa. Our Ministry of Defense It spends the most money among all the departments of the federal government. The Prime Minister and all the ministers are paying attention to this exercise. The Lord will come to the Okavango Swamp in a few days. Like us, we will live and eat in the military camp, so we must keep our spirits up. Come on, our Rhodesian Northern Division will never allow failure!" Chief of Staff Isiah Ulysses cheered on, the Rhodesian Northern Division was the earliest among the four integrated divisions in southern Africa, with the most advanced equipment. The troops with the highest level of education, Ad and Roque, both have great expectations for the Rhodesian Northern Division. It can be said that the Rhodesian Northern Division is the trump card of southern Africa, so high requirements are inevitable.

"One month, I will only give you one month. Within one month, the performance of all troops must reach an excellent level. We are professional soldiers, not a motley army composed of conscripts. Show the mental outlook and quality level that professional soldiers should have. , If anyone thinks that I am strict, you can apply for transfer, and I will approve it now." Martin was murderous, and at this time he didn't mind learning from the past and avoiding the future.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!" The voices of the military chiefs of each regiment became louder and louder.

After the meeting ended and the military chiefs of each regiment left one after another, Isiah Ulysses questioned in a low voice.

"Aren't our requirements too strict? As far as our current training level is concerned, even in Europe it can be regarded as harsh. No European army can achieve our level of training. If the French in the Franco-Prussian War If anyone has a force like ours, then the final result will definitely not be the defeat of France." Isiah Ulysses and Martin are also old friends, and even if they have doubts, they will cooperate with Martin in regular meetings.

"Hehe, Isaiah, when our army just started to carry 20 kilograms for 50 kilometers of armed cross-country, many people also said that this task was impossible to complete. You know the result-our civil engineering, tunnel operations, Many people also think that it is not necessary at all, that is the task of the auxiliary troops, and you have seen it - as well as our shooting training, the European army is still shooting chest targets, we have started shooting head targets, 60.00% of officers and soldiers have excellent grades , This is the result of hard training, so I think that the current training level of the troops is far from reaching the limit, and there is still room for improvement.” Martin has high requirements and takes the initiative to put more burden on himself.

Rock had already reminded Martin that after this exercise, Minister Hopkins would be promoted to marshal, and then gradually retreat to the second line.

At that time, the minister will definitely belong to Rock, and Martin's status will also rise. Therefore, Martin is in urgent need of various achievements. In a short time, there will be no war in southern Africa. This exercise will become Martin's best stage.

"My lord is too strict with the army. Many officers and soldiers were injured in today's training, and the temporary hospital is overcrowded. I will go and have a look later." Isiah Ulysses is not sure about northern Rhodesia. The limit of the division officers and soldiers, their bodies seem to have infinite energy, and they will never be tired.

"Wait for me, let's go together—" Martin was also concerned about the situation of the wounded soldiers. Although this time it was just acting, there were also casualty indicators.

There are indeed a lot of wounded soldiers in the temporary hospital. Many of them suffered from heatstroke and sprained their feet, and some were bitten by poisonous snakes. Fortunately, they were treated in a timely manner. After being treated by doctors, their lives were not in danger.

The Rhodesian Northern Division usually pays attention to the popularization of first aid knowledge for officers and soldiers. Every soldier knows what to do after being bitten by a poisonous snake. There are 30 doctors and more than [-] nurses in the temporary hospital. The medical strength is comparable to a small family. The hospital was headed by Dr. Paul Fox, who had just returned to southern Africa with the flight team.

"Basically there is no major problem. A soldier of the Nyasaland Commando Group was broken by a log yesterday and has been sent back to Milna. The other sick and wounded can continue to participate in the exercise after a few days of treatment. Our soldiers They are all excellent, if the soldier who was bitten by a poisonous snake today hadn’t been dealt with in time by his comrades, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be able to make it back to the hospital.” Paul Fox’s white coat was clean and tidy, and he really didn’t look stressed.

This exercise is also a rare opportunity for the medical force of Rhodesia Northern Division. Of the [-] doctors in the temporary hospital, [-] are interns who have not yet obtained medical qualifications, so even if there are more wounded Paul Fox is not afraid either, just in time for on-site teaching.

While Isiah Ulysses nodded repeatedly, Martin felt a little regretful.

Too much scientific and technological progress is not good. If it was in ancient times, maybe Martin could be in the same robe with Zi and show his love for soldiers like a son. Now it is impossible. If there were enough doctors in Wu Qi's army at that time, probably Will not suck poisonous sores by mouth.

However, the process that should be followed can still be followed. The temporary hospital is composed of more than a dozen tents. Most of the wounded have left the temporary hospital after receiving treatment. There are still more than a dozen soldiers staying in the temporary hospital for observation. Martin and Isai A. Ulysses followed Paul Fox around.

Most of the soldiers were Chinese, and a few Gurkha soldiers were conspicuous. Martin casually stopped beside a Gurkha soldier who was resting on a camp bed.

"General!" The second lieutenant who was dozing beside the soldier's bed immediately got up and saluted.

"What's wrong with him?" Martin said pleasantly.

"Report to the general. Ram sprained his ankle during today's training. He was hospitalized for observation because the condition was serious. I am Kaili Zhang, the second lieutenant and platoon leader of Company K of the Beihai Honor Regiment." The second lieutenant spoke loudly, and Ram on the camp bed Face dumbfounded.

"General, Ram just joined the army at the beginning of the year, and he is still not proficient in Chinese—" Carey Zhang explained in a low voice with shame on his face. The language training of the Gurkha soldiers in the Northern Rhodesian Division is in charge of the language training of.

"English?" Martin switched to English and continued to be pleasant.

"I'm not proficient in English either—" Kaili Zhang was even more ashamed. Learning two languages ​​at the same time is indeed a bit difficult.

"Then how do you usually communicate?" Martin was curious.

"Training is very easy in normal times. Lahm will do what we do. Lahm's training results are still very good. Today, he helped his comrades carry three rifles when they were armed cross-country, so they were exhausted." Carey. Zhang also had no choice. The Rhodesian Northern Division usually had heavy training tasks, so they didn't have much time to teach Ram the language.

Lee Enfield, produced by Nyasaland, weighs 3.9 kilograms. To help his comrades carry three rifles, it is equivalent to 32 kilograms for others, and Ram is [-] kilograms. This load is not much worse than that of a mule.

"There are twelve people in a class, how can I let him carry it alone?" Martin was a little surprised. If three people in a class are exhausted, then the training situation of the troops should be more serious than Martin imagined.

"In the past, during the training, the gunners only carried four ammunition boxes for armed cross-country. This time, the requirements were high. The machine gunners had to carry eight, and the whole class had to help me carry them. As a result—" Kaili Zhang was also depressed. In teacher training, it is only required to carry supplies that can be consumed for two days. This time the standard has been raised to three days, and the supplies must be more.

"I'm sorry—" Ram finally came to his senses, and a simple conversation was still possible.

"No need to apologize, take a good rest—" Martin said kindly, this is not a soldier's problem, and Martin will do a self-criticism later.

(End of this chapter)

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