Chapter 634 Mercenaries

You can’t do cross-country with 20kg and 50 kilometers of armed forces every day, it will be exhausting, and doing it once a week is the limit. In the past, the Northern Rhodesia Division only did it once a month, and it didn’t run the whole distance, but required the troops to advance within a day. 50 kilometers.

The requirements of the Ministry of National Defense are stricter this time. The troops are fully armed and advance [-] kilometers in one day, and then they will go into battle immediately. This puts higher demands on the troops. When Hopkins saw the exercise plan, he raised objections. Think the Force simply can't be done.

In fact, the training tasks that the colonial servants could not complete in the past do not mean that no one could complete them. The miracle of a certain army marching 140 kilometers in one day and one night was almost like a myth to many people.

At least for Hopkins.

Not so for Rock. Rock knows where the limit of the troops is, and 20 kilometers of cross-country with a load of 50 kilograms is not the limit. The limit is like toothpaste, and there will always be a squeeze.

A week later, Rock came to the Okavango swamp.

Came to the Okavango swamp with Rock, and a regiment of mercenaries drawn by the umbrella company.

"Don't underestimate these 2000 mercenaries. They all have actual combat experience. They have participated in large corps operations in Europe, and have worked in the umbrella company for more than a year. They are very skilled in teamwork. In the future, we may establish more than The mercenary-based combat force undertakes some combat tasks that the regular army is not suitable for. In this exercise, the 2000 people from the umbrella company will also participate as a force. Be careful and don't lose to them." Rock told Martin in advance Sound the alarm, if the regular army in southern Africa loses to the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company, Roque will lose his face.

"Don't worry, my lord. Many of our troops have also participated in actual combat. In terms of combat experience, they are not inferior to the Umbrella Company." Martin is confident that although the Umbrella Company is large in scale, it still has a gap compared with the regular army.

The current umbrella company has branches in more than ten countries. The total number of mercenaries hired by the company exceeds [-], which can also be said to be powerful.

However, compared with the regular army, the Umbrella Company still has shortcomings. The mercenaries of the Umbrella Company do have advantages in cooperating with small-scale troops. Than, the gap is not 01:30 points.

The Northern Division of Rhodesia has now started the training of infantry and artillery coordination and infantry and tank coordination. The Umbrella Company is limited by its strength and has not dabbled in these aspects. Martin's confidence lies here.

"Okay, wait and see tomorrow's training results." Rock is not in a hurry, the reality will give Martin and other senior officers a tree, let them know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

The next day, it was the confrontation exercise between the Rhodesian Northern Division and the Umbrella Company.

The Umbrella Company has nearly 2000 troops in combat, and the Rhodesian Northern Division has mobilized a regiment. In terms of strength, both sides are similar. The Rhodesian Northern Division is in advance. A defensive position is set up on a height of 300 meters, and the mercenaries of the umbrella company are responsible for the attack.

"You guys just conducted a long-distance training yesterday. How was the result?" Rock stayed in Martin's headquarters, and went to the front line to test the pre-war preparations of the Northern Rhodesian Division.

"Compared with the last time, our troops have improved a lot. The last time our troops were not familiar with the new training procedures, the results were not satisfactory. This time it is much better. Our troops will carry out civil engineering work immediately after completing the rapid march, and then conduct Live ammunition shooting, more than half of the officers and soldiers have passed the grades, give us some time, I am confident to return to normal levels.” Martin has confidence in the troops, the basic quality of the officers and soldiers of the Northern Division of Rhodesia is still very good, after all, professional soldiers and conscripts Not the same, the basic quality is not up to standard, and there is no qualification to join the Northern Division of Rhodesia at all.

The headquarters of Rhodesian Northern Division, even if it is only temporary, has all kinds of facilities. The headquarters is divided into several different areas according to different responsibilities. The staff department, information department, logistics department, and liaison department each perform their duties. An independent battalion was provided by the headquarters to provide security. The entire battalion has more than 1000 troops. It may be difficult for the umbrella company to carry out the beheading operation.

"Don't blame me for being too strict. You should know that the arms race between China and Germany has reached a fever pitch. Maybe in the next few years, a war of unprecedented scale will break out. Southern Africa is still in the Commonwealth of Nations. It will definitely happen by then. Will be involved in the war, if the mainland asks us to send troops to support, Rhodesian Northern Division is the first choice, you have to be prepared—” Rock said frankly, the expressions of Martin and Isiah Ulysses immediately changed Get serious.

In Africa, with the level of training and equipment of the Rhodesian Northern Division, it must be invincible.

But when it comes to Europe, it may not be necessary to face the regular army of those old capitalist countries.

Africa was a colony of European capitalist countries hundreds of years ago. European countries' armed forces are deeply rooted. Although southern Africa has won many victories in conflicts with neighboring countries, it is not confident to participate in wars between European countries in Europe. It is also understandable.

"Don't worry too much. Even if the Rhodesian Northern Division goes to Europe, we are not going to be cannon fodder, but to be the savior. The crux of the problem is whether we can do what the savior should do when we come to Europe as the savior. .” Rock now has a preliminary plan, but he can’t tell it all.

If World War I broke out, Britain would certainly have asked Southern Africa to go to war.

At that time, if Southern Africa shows too strong combat effectiveness during the attack on Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, then the British government will definitely further require Southern Africa to send troops to fight in Europe.

Roque will definitely not refuse, but the timing of sending troops is worth considering. If it is the early stage of the war, the southern African troops going to Europe will not play their due role, so it should be when both sides are exhausted. Southern Africa sent another force to change the situation in the European battlefield with a thunderous force.

Roque now has a preliminary plan. If the British government asks southern Africa to participate in the war, Roque will send a force composed of ground troops and air power to Europe to participate in the war.

The Rhodesian Northern Division is definitely indispensable. The [-]st Cavalry Division, the [-]rd Cape Division, and the [-]th Natal Division depend on the situation and decide whether to go to Europe.

Air power must also be indispensable. In the previous tour performances, the aircraft and pilots in southern Africa showed excellent capabilities and qualities. Even if Rock wants to cherish himself, the British government will especially emphasize it.

Rock, of course, will not forget the armored units. The "Light Cavalry" tank of the Nyasaland Arsenal has now been successfully developed. At that time, Rock will also send armored troops to Europe to participate in the war. I believe that the "Rangers" and "Light Cavalry" in southern Africa ", will definitely give the Germans a huge "surprise".

Hopefully in the future Germany won't hate Southern Africa too much.

"We will go all out to defeat all the enemies in front of us, and show the spirit of our southern Africa!" Martin is full of fighting spirit. Southern Africa was once a British colony. If we can really rule Europe as a savior——

It can only be said that Roque's words are too provocative.

"If we participate in the war in Europe, then our strength is too small—" Isiah Ulysses has doubts. Compared with the strength of millions of soldiers in European countries, this number of people in southern Africa is indeed Not enough to watch.

Isiah Ulysses seems to have overlooked one thing, the combat power is not directly related to the number of people, the standing troops of European countries actually don’t have many people, that is, France is obsessed with revenge, so the number of standing troops is a bit large, The arms race in both Britain and Germany is now in the naval sphere, and the Army isn't doing much.

When the war breaks out, Britain and Germany will definitely issue mobilization orders. By then, millions of troops will be ready soon, but their combat effectiveness will be a problem.

It is no less difficult to expect those farmers who have not received any military training to become qualified soldiers within three to five months than Nyasaland to train pilots.

Therefore, there is a reason why both sides in the First World War frequently used crowd tactics. It was not that the generals were unaware of the disadvantages of crowd tactics. This was clearly demonstrated in the Russo-Japanese War. It was because the troops did not implement advanced tactics. ability, that's why they had to adopt crowd tactics.

As far as the current situation is concerned, if professional soldiers from southern Africa appear on the European battlefield, then because of the size of the troops in southern Africa, not to mention changing the overall situation of the war, it is still very possible to form an advantage in local battlefields, whether it is German troops, It is still the Ottoman army, and under the premise of similar numbers, it cannot compete with the troops in southern Africa.

"Don't worry about the strength of the troops. We have implemented compulsory military service now. We can send 20 or even [-] troops to Europe to participate in the war. However, the Rhodesian Northern Division and the Cavalry First Division can really play a central role. The main force like the division." Of course, Rock is not pedantic, if the British government asks the southern African troops to participate in the war, then the military expenses will definitely be borne by the British government, and Rock has no reason to send only the main force.

According to the current situation, for every 1 main troops sent, there must be at least 1 auxiliary troops. The troops in southern Africa are so highly mechanized that they need more auxiliary troops, so by then 20 to [-] Not much really.

At this moment, fierce gunfire suddenly came from outside the camp.

"The mercenaries of the Umbrella Company broke through our first line of defense—" a disgraced staff officer came to report.

"Bastard!" Martin raged.

Rock was not surprised at all.

 Part of the data in the previous chapter has been modified——



(End of this chapter)

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