Chapter 701 Fifty Kilometers

After the outbreak of the World War in another time and space, Germany's "Zeppelin" shined in the early stage of the war. From January 1915, 1, the "Zeppelin" bombed the British mainland, because the "Zeppelin" at that time "They are all dispatched at night, and the performance of the aircraft is still very simple, basically no night combat capability, so the UK lacks effective countermeasures against the "Zeppelin airship".

Now the Nyasaland Air Force has begun to explore night operations and has accumulated some experience. In a few years, with more and more experience, night operations will no longer be a blind spot for the Nyasaland Air Force.

So in this time and space, if the German General Staff still has high hopes for the airship force, then it is estimated that the German General Staff will be disappointed.

In fact, Germany has also noticed the actual performance of "Strong Wind" in North African operations, and has begun research on aircraft.

However, Germany started late, and it may be difficult to catch up with Nyasaland's progress.

Of course, this must be another situation in Roque's mouth.

"Once Germany starts research on aircraft, relying on Germany's scientific research capabilities, it can reach a considerable height in a short period of time. Therefore, to suppress German aircraft, the Ministry of War needs to invest more funds instead of Don’t worry about it now.” Rock is still sure of Germany’s strength, no matter what the Germans’ technology is, if they dare to challenge Britain under the current situation, at least the Germans’ courage is commendable.

If Roque is William II, I am afraid that Roque would not dare to bet on the country's fortunes to challenge Britain's supremacy. Looking at the current United States, although the total national economic output value of the United States has surpassed that of the United Kingdom, the United States is still honestly looking for opportunities , dare not directly challenge Germany like this.

"I will try my best to help, but I can't guarantee success." Viscount Gladstone did not dare to promise. His influence on London as a governor is also limited, otherwise he would not be dispatched to southern Africa.

In fact, even if the Ministry of War does not pay, Rock is confident to continue the research.

The current Nyasaran Aviation Group, relying on the sale of "Strong Wind" fighter jets, has made a profit of nearly tens of millions of pounds. Italy and the Ottoman Empire have added two orders, asking for more "Strong Wind", and the order for "Strong Wind" has also been completed. By the end of the year, orders from the United States will not be delivered until next year.

Next, if the "Albatross" performs well in East India, then Nyasaran Aviation Group will get more orders, so Roque doesn't care too much about the cooperation with the Ministry of War, and mainly wants to sell the "Albatross" to the Ministry of War , making money is the serious business.

With the tacit understanding of the cooperation with Viscount Gladstone last time, it is logical to cooperate again. Last time, Roque deposited 20 pounds for Viscount Gladstone. This time, Roque directly doubled the deposit of [-]. Of course it is happier.

Back at Eagle Fort, Rock sent telegrams to Winston and Neville respectively, hoping that Winston and Neville could help with the assist. The Nyasaran Aviation Group must be responsible for the funding.

On July [-]st, the Medan Air Force launched an air strike on Batavia on time.

At least a dozen "Albatross" participated in the bombing on the first day. The Medan Air Force dropped more than three tons of bombs on the barracks on the outskirts of Batavia. At least [-] East Indian servants were killed in the bombing.

If the last bombing of Xianda was not known to the outside world, then the bombing of Batavia this time is equivalent to a live broadcast to the whole world. Many military observers from various European countries visited the site after the bombing. The tragedy of the military camp in the outskirts of Batavia, and then the Nyasaland Aviation Group received multiple inquiry telegrams about the "Albatross".

This time, not only Italy and the Ottoman Empire, but also the United States, France, the Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire of the Triple Emperor Alliance all expressed their desire to buy the "Albatross". The quoted price was [-] pounds each, which was almost three times the price of "Strong Wind".

After all, "Albatross" does not need to install a weapon system, and the training of pilots is relatively easy, so the unit price of "Albatross" is indeed a bit high, but it can save a lot of costs in other aspects, and it is still a good deal.

Viscount Gladstone also learned of the record of the "Albatross" and placed an order for 200 before everyone else. At the same time, he reminded Rock that the "Albatross" and "Strong Wind" must not be sold to Germany and Germany's allies.

According to Roque, the annual output of "Albatross" is only 500. When Nyasaland Aviation Group sells it to the outside world, it will definitely keep a part of it and sell it to the Southern African Ministry of Defense. Therefore, the United Kingdom took 200, and other countries Play slowly.

As for the ban, Viscount Gladstone actually knows that it is of little use. Even if Nyasaland Aviation Group does not sell the plane to Germany, it is not difficult for Germany to know the technical situation of the plane, and it may even know it now, so this ban is even more important. Many are also symbolic.

In addition to directly purchasing the "Albatross", the Ministry of War finally decided to cooperate with the Nyasaran Aviation Group to jointly develop a four-engine bomber with a longer range and a larger ammunition load.

Taking into account Nyasaland's technical reserves, the Ministry of War is mainly responsible for financial support, and sent technicians and pilots to southern Africa for training.

Pilot training is one of the conditions for the cooperation between the Ministry of War and Nyasaland Aviation Group. The UK has purchased the "Strong Wind" fighter jets from southern Africa for more than a year, and Nyasaland Aviation Group has delivered all of the orders. Progress has been slow.

At present, there are less than 100 qualified fighter pilots in the United Kingdom, which is not even as good as Italy and the Ottoman Empire. The War Department has finally realized the unique advantages of southern Africa in training pilots, and its trust in southern Africa is gradually increasing.

Rock still didn't tell the truth to Viscount Gladstone. There are nearly a thousand qualified pilots in southern Africa, and thousands more are receiving training in aviation academies and various clubs. Over time, these people will have the opportunity to become qualified pilots. In terms of the reserve of pilots, Southern Africa has a very large advantage.

On July [-]th, good news finally came from Southwest Africa. Herbert Clark Hoover's lobbying was very effective. The Governor's Office of Southwest Africa has agreed to build a railway from Walvis Bay to Georgetown in Southwest Africa. This railway The length in Southwest Africa is expected to exceed [-] kilometers. Once it is repaired, Walvis Bay will be connected with Bechuanaland.

The railway in Southwest Africa was funded and built by the Atlantic Company. Once completed, the Atlantic Company will obtain the exclusive right to operate the railway for 30 years to recover the cost. The Governor's Palace paid $150 million for the purchase of the land along the railroad.

Atlantic Corporation is an American company. According to the custom of the United States, the land along the railway is also expropriated to build a railway. Usually, it is ten kilometers on both sides of the railway. Atlantic Corporation has the exclusive right to operate within this range. In other words, it is the Atlantic The company paid US$150 million to purchase nearly 1 square kilometers of land in Southwest Africa.

Both the Governor's Office of Southwest Africa and the Atlantic Company think that this transaction is very cost-effective.

Rock is definitely more cost-effective.

With the railway, raw materials from southern Africa can be transported to Walvis Bay by rail at the fastest speed, and then processed in Walvis Bay before being sent to Europe for sale. No amount of money can buy it.

As for whether the army from southern Africa can enter Southwest Africa as quickly as possible along the railway after the outbreak of the war, this question is not important. Even if there is no railway, the colonial servant army in Southwest Africa cannot compete with the professional soldiers in southern Africa. This is the consensus of all.

"The Air Force of Medan launched a second air raid on the Batavia Naval Port. The Samson was sunk, the Edgar was stranded, and the Dutch Far East Fleet was finished." Martin was actually very sorry. The war in India has nothing to do with Martin.

In fact, before this air strike, the Far East Fleet had already huddled in the Batavia military port and dared not leave the port.

However, this cannot guarantee the safety of the Far East Fleet. Aircraft, a new type of weapon, has once again changed the shape of the battlefield. Batavia has no anti-aircraft weapons at all, and can only mount heavy machine guns on wooden platforms to try to defend against "albatross" attacks.

It has to be said that the Dutch are really too slack in terms of military affairs. Even heavy machine guns are rare in East India. Weapons such as heavy machine guns are already a waste for the natives of East India. The East Indian colonial government was not prepared for the war at all.

The colonial government of East India put together six heavy machine guns, which were Batavia's only air defense force.

These temporarily erected heavy machine guns were placed on the forts outside the port of Batavia, and they were completely lost in the first wave of air strikes. The Medan Air Force did not receive any resistance at all, and easily flew over to detonate the bombs. Throw it down, and then return slowly, with enough time to take pictures to confirm the result.

From the outbreak of the war to the present, only two "Albatross" have malfunctioned during the execution of the mission. One "Albatross" made a forced landing, and the other "Albatross" crashed, but the pilot still managed to parachute. The results of the Indian servant army were actually zero.

Even Rock didn't expect this result.

"I'm going to land next, where did I say last time? Serang, right? How far is it from Batavia?" Rock really doesn't care much about East India. It's normal if he wins, but he doesn't I just saw the hell.

Martin still knew the map very well, and he reported the number casually: "About fifty kilometers!"

It is indeed very close.

(End of this chapter)

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