Chapter 702 Beggars

The "Albatross" air strikes on Batavia really made the Batavians feel the pain of the war.

Before that, although the Medan troops marched forward in Sumatra and the East Indian colonial government retreated steadily, Batavia did not feel the urgency of the war. Many people still believed that the East Indian colonial government could quell the rebellion in Medan Port. , especially after the announcement of the national mobilization in the mainland of the Netherlands, some people in Batavia took the initiative to donate money and materials to the colonial government of East India.

Unexpectedly, the most staunch supporters of the East Indian colonial government were not white immigrants, but those overseas Chinese who were even whiter than whites.

After the outbreak of the war, many whites left the East Indies to return to Europe, or escaped from the war in the nearby Malay Peninsula. The Medan Air Force’s air strikes on Batavia prompted more whites to leave, even those who had confidence in the East Indies , Now it is not sure that the East Indian colonial government will be able to quell the rebellion in Medan Port.

In contrast, very few overseas Chinese left. The reason why the overseas Chinese in the East India have their current status is closely related to the colonial rule of the East Indian colonial government. White people can return to Europe after leaving the East India. There is nowhere to go, so most overseas Chinese still choose to trust the colonial government of East India.

Some people believe it, but naturally some people don't believe it. As the momentum of the Medan army is getting bigger and bigger, more and more "new customers" are going to Medan or Nyasaland to find opportunities.

"How is the Rand Bank in Batavia?" Rock felt incredible about many things in this era. For example, the Medan army has occupied the entire Sumatra Island, but the Rand Bank in Batavia has not been affected. Influenced, it is still in business, which is simply impossible in Roque's view.

"Everything is normal. As long as we don't declare war with the East India, the Rand Bank will not be affected in any way. The East India colonial government has to ensure the safety of the Rand Bank. This is their responsibility." Ada was very proud. At the beginning of the incident, the British Ministry of Colonial Affairs asked the Dutch government to guarantee the safety of British enterprises in the East India, and warned the colonial government of East India that if the British enterprises in the East India were affected, then there might be a Leading to the military intervention of the British government.

The "Sumatra Agreement" signed in 1824 stipulated that Britain and the Netherlands had the right to enter each other's colonies and enjoy the greatest rights.

Rand Bank is registered in southern Africa, a standard British company, and is protected by the British government. Therefore, no matter how close the relationship between Rand Bank and the Umbrella Company and Adan Company is, the East Indian colonial government cannot anger Rand Bank for this.

What's more, after the establishment of the East India Company, the Umbrella Company and the Adan Company have also withdrawn from the East India in name, so the riots in Medan have nothing to do with the Rand Bank.

"What about the business situation?" Rock was not concerned about Rand Bank, but Batavia.

"Very good, Batavia has recently been attacked by the Medan Air Force. People are panicking. More and more people choose to deposit cash in Rand Bank. Several of our partners in East India would like to get one with you For the chance to meet, someone gave me [-] pounds--" Ada was triumphant, this kind of relationship between her and Roque was not on the table in Europe, but it was normal in the Far East.

Now Huang Zhonghan, the richest man in the Far East, is said to have eight wives and concubines and more than 20 children. Compared with him, Rock is a saint.

"Who is so generous?" Rock was curious. In order for Viscount Gladstone to purchase Nyasaland's plane, Rock's first gift to Viscount Gladstone was only [-] pounds.

This gift is worth the money. Nyasaland Aviation Group made a profit of more than 120 million pounds through that transaction, and the key is to get through the relationship with Viscount Gladstone, otherwise this transaction would not have happened.

"Jianyuan Trading Co., Ltd., the largest enterprise in East India, mainly deals in sucrose. The plantations under the name of this company produce one-fifth of the sucrose in East India. At the same time, it also deals in rubber, coffee, tea, pepper, vegetable oil, etc. Wait, there are branches of this company in London—” Ada was not too envious, the scale of Rand Bank is not worse than that of Jianyuan Trading Co., Ltd., not to mention that Nyasaland has a lot of super giants Mac.

If Rock remembers correctly, this Jianyuan Trading Co., Ltd. should be the property of Huang Zhonghan.

In fact, Ada hasn’t finished talking yet. In addition to operating plantations, Jianyuan Trading Co., Ltd. also operates banks, insurance, and long-distance transportation. Zhang Bishi was bright for a while.

Like Huang Zhonghan, Zhang Bishi is another legend. In the 70s, Zhang Bishi reclaimed plantations in East India. In 1878, he founded the Liwang Reclamation Company in Japan. There were 8 rubber plantations alone, employing more than 4 people. It is said that among them In a rubber plantation, his family took a carriage and walked straight for [-] hours to get out of the plantation.

After 1893, Zhang Bishi was appointed by the Qing Dynasty as the first consul of Penang Island, and soon he was promoted to the consul general of Singapore. After that, Zhang Bishi was appointed as the Minister of Commerce, and then he was appointed as Toupin Dingdai, Taipusi Zhengqing, Yuehan The general office of the railway has already shifted its business focus to the Qing Dynasty, and its position in the East India was replaced by Huang Zhonghan.

"One hundred thousand pounds just for a meeting, it seems that the picture is not small--" Rock laughed dumbly, and now he remembered to invest, and his reaction was indeed a bit slow.

For the Chinese in East India, whether they are overseas Chinese or newcomers, Rock has no prejudices. After all, they are people under the eaves. In the Dutch colony, there is nothing wrong with obeying the rule of the Dutch.

However, for those overseas Chinese who are marching forward triumphantly, but still express their loyalty to the East Indian colonial government, they must be liquidated after the war. Rock’s request is actually not high. Even if he does not support the Medan army, at least he will not Stab a knife in the back, so maybe you can escape after the battle.

"Actually, they can't be blamed. I can guarantee that before the Medan Air Force bombed Batavia, many Chinese in East India probably didn't know where Southern Africa was, let alone the background of Umbrella Company and Adan Company, so they were cautious. Some of them are also understandable, after all, the Chinese in East India have been massacred by the Dutch and East Indians many times, and these shadows have never dissipated, covering all the Chinese in East India, God knows when they will suffer bad luck." Ada Learn a little more about the history of East India.

Rock is more aware of the current situation of East India, or the future of East India. Thinking of those bloody pictures on the Internet, the little bit of pity in Rock's heart disappeared without a trace.

"See you then, the head of the State Administration of Taxation still has to give face—" Rock teased a little, and Ada's eyes were very seductive.

Thinking about it, Huang Zhonghan has eight wives and more than 20 children. Roque probably can't compare with Huang Zhonghan in terms of the number of wives. The children can work harder, the total number can't catch up, and it's no problem to catch up with the average number. .

The next day, Rock met Chang Zimu from East India at the Nyasaland State Government.

Chang Zimu is the manager of Jianyuan Trading Co., Ltd. When he saw Roque, Chang Zimu first conveyed the apology from Huang Zhonghan: "I am very sorry, my lord. Mr. Huang's situation is special. He and his family have been strictly controlled by the Dutch." Surveillance, I can't come to Nyasaland in person, please forgive me."

This is understandable. If Rock is the governor of East India, he will be vigilant against all Chinese including Huang Zhonghan at this time.

In fact, Roque was already very surprised. According to Roque's understanding of the Dutch, the Dutch should have attacked the Chinese in East India by now.

Perhaps it was because of the rapid progress of the Medan troops that the Dutch colonial government did not have time to attack the Chinese in East India.

However, in Chang Zimu's mouth, this is obviously not the case: "When the Umbrella Corporation just launched an attack on Medan, the Governor's Office had already collected a war tax. After the Medan troops captured Palembang, the Governor's Office raised the tax again. This time, our Jianyuan Trading Co., Ltd. has to pay 3000 million Dutch guilders, which we can't bear—"

Mayao is Huang Zhonghan's position, the highest position in managing overseas Chinese affairs.

As for 3000 million Dutch guilders, this figure is indeed very high, but compared to Jianyuan Trading Co., Ltd., it is not impossible.

It is estimated that Huang Zhonghan's net worth is about [-] million Dutch guilders now.

"Then your purpose?" Rock didn't listen to Chang Zimu's complaints. Everyone knows how tyrannical the Dutch are. say who.

"We Mayao hope to drive away the Dutch and let us Chinese manage the East India. To this end, we Mayao are willing to help out and invest 150 million pounds to purchase weapons and ammunition from the Nyasaland Military Industry Group to support the Medan troops." Chang Zi Mu dare not neglect, Rock's time is very precious, Chang Zimu must hurry up.

Roque is not clear about the exchange rate between the Dutch Guilder and the British Pound, so I have to ask Ada about this question.

Ada didn't speak, but mouthed "twelve".

Rock had a clue in his mind, 150 million pounds, multiplied by twelve would be 800 million, which was still far from the 3000 million the Dutch wanted.

So Rock just smiled.

"This is just the first tranche, and there will be a second tranche and a third tranche after that. Not only conventional weapons and ammunition, but also artillery, aircraft, and cars may be within the scope of purchase in the future." Chang Zimu immediately increased the amount, and the money It's not a problem. If you drive away the Dutch, there will be plenty of money, but if you annoy Rock, then everything will be wiped out.

"Mr. Chang, for a deal of this level, you can go directly to the Nyasaland Military Industry Group—" Rock is not talking nonsense, is this money sent to beggars?

(End of this chapter)

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