Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 740 Achievement Display

Chapter 740 Achievement Display

Language can best reflect the social influence of a nation. English is popular all over the world, which is inseparable from the strength of Britain. Spanish also used to cover a wide range, but now its influence is gradually shrinking with the sinking of the Armada.

The same is true for Chinese. When the Chinese did not have the right to speak, no one cared about Chinese. Now the influence of the Chinese in southern Africa is gradually expanding. Although Chinese is not the official language of southern Africa, many white people have begun to learn Chinese actively, especially in the For Nyasaland, it is almost impossible for her not to speak Chinese.

This was especially evident in Luis Botha's next itinerary. In Nyasaland, even white people communicated with other people in Chinese, even if some white people were not proficient in Chinese, even sometimes Communication between whites and whites.

This situation made Louis Botha secretly startled. Losing to the British was not terrible. Although the country established by the Boers was annexed, the Boers still maintained cultural independence and were not assimilated by the British.

The situation is a bit dangerous now, at least in Louis Botha’s view, the white people in Nyasaland are gradually being assimilated by the Chinese. Seeing Stoudemire’s complacency in speaking Chinese, Louis Botha couldn’t help complaining, Stoudemire didn't seem to care about it at all, but enjoyed it instead.

"Worried? Why are you worried? Louis, don't say you don't understand. Without Rock's help, there is no doubt whether the South African company will still exist. Rhodesia will disappear sooner or later, either by being annexed by Southern Africa or by The Africans overthrew it, will tradition still matter by then?” Stoudemire really didn’t care, for those who are obstinate and stubborn will be eliminated by the world sooner or later, and the Boers are now on the verge of being eliminated.

"Why can't we develop together—" Louis Botha wasn't stubborn, just really unwilling.

"No one prevents you from developing Orange, and Orange and Nyasaland have equal opportunities—" Roque knew what Louis Botha wanted to say, and raised his hand to prevent Louis Botha from interjecting: " Don't worry about the damn gold mine anymore. When the war just ended, Orange had compensation and assistance from London. It was distributed to each Orangeman on average, which was almost a hundred pounds. It's a pity that you didn't use this money Money to develop the economy, but because the money comes too easily, it is increasingly dependent on London's aid. A large part of the reason why London agreed to the autonomy of southern Africa so readily is because more and more money is needed to aid you Boers. It seems endless."

Rock's words were a bit harsh, and Louis Botha's face was ugly, he was stunned for a while, put down the knife and fork and left the table directly.

Watching Louis Botha leave in a daze, Stoudemire did not keep him: "It's too cruel——"

"I don't think so." Rock also felt ruthless, but he didn't say no. If it were Jan Smuts, Rock would ignore him, and Louis Botha could still save him.

It is estimated that Louis Botha did not sleep well at night, and stayed in the hotel to rest due to physical discomfort the next day. No activities were arranged, and breakfast and lunch were delivered directly to the room.

In the middle of the afternoon, Luis Botha went out, this time without guards, only with Carlos.

"Let's go for a walk and see the real Little Rock." Louis Botha was very thoughtful, and he brought Carlos with him because Carlos is Chinese. It's really inconvenient to go out in Little Rock without knowing Chinese.

"Okay——" Carlos was very responsible, his armpits were bulging, and he was clearly carrying a gun.

"Put it back and don't make trouble." Louis Botha disagreed.

"No, Nyasaland can't help but shoot. Minister, I'm from Nyasaland." Carlos insisted. Only then did Luis Botha remember that Carlos graduated from Nyasaland University.

As soon as they walked to the hotel lobby, Luis Botha and Carlos hadn't breathed the free air when the lobby manager came over immediately.

"Minister, do you want to call a car for you—"

Louis Botha was not surprised. In Nyasaland, it was basically impossible to completely get rid of Rock's control.

"No, let's go for a walk, we won't go too far—" Carlos was not surprised, Minister Luis Botta is dignified, in case of an accident in Little Rock, Nania Saran's face will be all the same from top to bottom nice.

Walking out of the hotel gate, Cecil Rhodes Plaza is directly opposite.

"There used to be a statue of Mr. Cecil Rhodes here. I heard that it was smashed by a drunk driving officer of the Ministry of Defense some time ago. As a result, Nyasaland introduced the strictest traffic law in the world. "Carlos still knows Little Rock very well, and he probably came here a lot when he was in school.

There are indeed a lot of cars in Little Rock, the streets are wide, and the sanitation is also in good condition. This fully reflects that the management level of the Nyasaland State Government and the Little Rock City Government is still very good. Louis Botha thinks that it should organize People from the Orange State Government and Bloemfontein City Government also came to visit and study.

Not far from the Rhodesia Hotel, Louis Botha found a neatly dressed white man who obviously didn't look like a cleaning staff cleaning.

Many cleaning staff in Nyasaland are Africans. Louis Botha knows this. These Africans are not Nyasaland people, but employees of various levels of government in Nyasaland. Work, cannot buy assets in Nyasaland, even family members are not in Nyasaland, but in their hometown.

"It is estimated that he violated the law, but the crime is not serious, so he has to complete the social service within a certain period of time. This guy is miserable, but he deserves it. If it is the first time he makes a mistake, then the payment should be able to replace the social service— —" Carlos didn't need Luis Botha to ask, he took the initiative to explain in detail, and even teased him when passing by: "Hey, buddy, what did you do wrong?"

The cleaning guy with a flushed face and lowered head immediately looked up at Carlos with vicious eyes.

Carlos was not afraid, and looked at the "cleaner" cheerfully. There was a patrol not far away. If the "cleaner" dared to do something, Carlos could perform infinite defense.

"Don't bother me so much, stay away from me!" Sure enough, the cleaning staff didn't do anything, and continued to work muttering.

Carlos makes faces at Luis Botha.

Louis Botha's mood somehow improved.

A few steps forward, there are many people queuing up on the side of the road, and it is a newly opened ice cream shop that is doing promotion.

"Five cents, it's still a bit expensive—" Louis Botha was surprised again. Bloemfontein also has an ice cream shop, and an ice cream only costs two cents.

"Our ice cream is the best. We use honey, milk and pearl powder. The raw materials are the freshest. This is the secret ice cream recipe from the Qing Dynasty. Don't doubt that ice cream was invented by the Chinese 700 years ago." The salesperson who attracts customers is very enthusiastic.

"Really?" Louis Botha now kind of believes in the 5000-year history of Chinese civilization.

"Of course, you will know once you taste it. For only five cents, you can enjoy the secret court recipe from the Qing Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, only the king and queen can enjoy the delicacies made with this secret recipe—" the salesperson worked hard Very much, most of it is mostly bragging.

"Sorry—" Luis Botha lost interest and refused directly, and the salesperson didn't bother, and continued to sell to the next potential customer.

After walking a certain distance, Louis Botha sighed: "It's hard to say whether it is a secret recipe of the palace. It is true that Nyasaland people are rich, otherwise they would not sell so expensive."

"I'm ashamed, I didn't know that ice cream was invented by the Chinese." Carlos couldn't see any shame on his face, he was very proud.

Luis Botha didn't take over, and further on was the Nyasaland State Library.

The cultural atmosphere here is obviously very strong. In front of the state library is a step with a width of more than 50 meters. The steps look like more than 20 steps. There are many people sitting on it reading books. There are people of all ages, and many people are still there. While reading and taking notes, passers-by subconsciously slow down when passing by.

"Actually, there is a reading room in the library, but it's hard to get a seat in the reading room, so many people read it here." Carlos' lingering fear fully shows the scarcity of the library's space.

"Then why not expand? Nyasaland is not short of money." Louis Botha's resentment was great, and two or three sentences could always be related to money.

"It has been expanding all the time. At the beginning, the reading room could only accommodate one or two hundred people. Later, it was expanded to more than 200 people, and then it was more than 600 people." Carlos was also very helpless. The speed of expansion could not keep up with the growing spirit of the people. need.

Louis Botha has nothing to say. As the governor of Orange State, Louis Botha has never experienced such happiness troubles.

Next to the State Library is the State Museum. When Luis Botha and Carlos passed by, many children were entering the museum in an orderly manner under the leadership of their teachers. They seemed to be students of a certain elementary school.

"All museums in Nyasaland are open to students free of charge. The State Museum often holds special exhibitions that children are interested in, and also specially provides professional guides for children. What is held today is-wow, Mogao Art Exhibition ——” Carlos would also like to see it if he is not with Luis Botha.

In 1900, the Chief Secretary of Shanyou in the Qing Dynasty discovered the Buddhist scripture cave that shocked the world. Soon after, explorers from Britain, France, Japan, Russia and other countries came one after another. The identities of these explorers were not fixed. Sometimes they were explorers. Sometimes they are travelers, sometimes they are colonists, and sometimes they are simply robbers, and then a large number of cultural relics from the scripture caves are scattered overseas.

For a long time, Rock has been working hard to collect cultural relics from the Qing Dynasty. I don’t know how many have been collected over the years. This exhibition is needless to say, it is another display of results.

 The epidemic is fierce. Brothers, remember to wear masks, wash your hands frequently, and ventilate the room frequently. Don’t go to crowded places. Eat at home if you can——



(End of this chapter)

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