Chapter 741

Rock's preference for antique relics is well known, not only from the Qing Dynasty, but also from other countries. Antiques in prosperous times and gold in troubled times. In the current situation in Europe, smart people know that there will be a war on an unprecedented scale, so In recent years, the antique market has been sluggish, which has brought great convenience to Rock's collection.

The Nyasaland State Museum covers an area of ​​170 acres, which is nearly three times larger than that of the Louvre in France. The number of cultural relics in its collection is comparable to that of the Louvre, and there is still a lot of room for development.

Compared with the library, Louis Botha was obviously not very interested in the museum, so he stopped in front of the door and continued walking.

It's understandable when you think about it, the stomach is still not full, and the spiritual pursuit has to wait.

After passing the museum is the business district. Here is the largest department store and supermarket in Nyasaland, or the entire southern Africa. The customer groups of the two do not conflict. The department store is for the rich, and the supermarket is for the rich. That's right, ordinary citizens, Carlos actually has a supermarket membership card.

The membership system is not the first of its kind in supermarkets. Many merchants in the UK have implemented membership systems to cultivate loyal customers. The same goes for supermarkets. There are also supermarkets in Pretoria. Carlos’ membership card can also be used in Pretoria.

Luis Botha didn't go in, but came to the cafe across the street, ordered a cup of coffee with Carlos, and watched the flow of people coming and going in the supermarket and department store for an entire afternoon.

The business is really good. Although the supermarket is open to ordinary citizens, rich people who drive private cars also go to the supermarket to consume. When they come out, they are also full of smiles, and there is no discomfort.

In Louis Botha's impression, the department store is a department store that only rich people can afford. There are also ordinary citizens who take the bus to go shopping. The security guards and doormen at the entrance of the mall also greet them with smiles, and no bloody incidents have occurred.

In Bloemfontein, such scenes are rarely seen.

In Louis Botha's impression, people in Bloemfontein are full of bitterness and hatred, and they walk in anger every day, as if someone owed him several hundred rands. If you look at a stranger in Bloemfontein If the person exceeds two seconds, it may cause a fight.

The people of Nyasaland seem to be very happy. The smiles on their faces are definitely from the heart. Ordinary people don’t mind giving their smiles to strangers. At the table next to Luis Botha and Carlos is a The lady reading the book, when the lady noticed that Louis Botha seemed to be observing her, the lady was not angry, but first gave Louis Botha a smile, and then raised a glass to Louis Botha.

This feeling really made Louis Botha very comfortable.

Although this lady was not beautiful, she was well dressed and had a gentle and refined temperament, as gentle and introverted as the shimmering Niassa Lake. Louis Botha fell in love with the city of Little Rock almost instantly.

"Need a refill? It's free—" The chubby coffee shop owner came all the way with a coffee pot and refilled everyone's cups, especially for the lady. regulars.

When it was Carlos' turn, Carlos also said thank you with peace of mind, and then explained: "There is a sign at the door. In order to celebrate the establishment of the East India Coalition Government, the coffee in the last month will be refilled for free."

After speaking, Carlos realized that Louis Botha was a Boer, so the expression on his face was very embarrassing.

East India is an important producer of coffee, and the coffee produced by the Kingdom of Aceh is very popular in southern Africa. Of course, the Kingdom of Aceh is now a history, just like the Dutch colonial government.

Louis Botha didn't speak. Nyasaland's immigrant ship was doomed when it was seized in Medan. Even the Germans in Tanganyika and Southwest Africa were no match for Rock. There is no way to resist disruption by umbrella companies.

"Carlos, tell me what you think about Nyasaland—" Louis Botha doesn't care about East India. It's all God's will.

"It's hard to describe in one or two sentences. Nyasaland is very contradictory. Sometimes he is like a violent boxer who will resolutely fight back when he is provoked. Sometimes he is a gentle hostess who will take good care of everyone in the family. Members, in Nyasaland, whites and Chinese can sit in the same coffee shop without a problem, which is hard to see in other parts of the world, not in Transvaal, Pretoria and Johannesburg There are too few Chinese in big cities—" Carlos was a little confused by the question, and he couldn't grasp the point without preparing in advance.

"I'm actually very curious about how Locke can improve the overall quality of Nyasaland people while developing the economy. The US economy is also good now, but Americans are not popular all over the world. They always quarrel. Noisy, attracting attention everywhere, for fear that others will not know that they are rich now—" Louis Botha was also puzzled.

"This is the charm of traditional culture. The United States is a country without history. The first immigrants massacred American Indians for their land, and established the current United States in this way. Therefore, it is difficult to demand the United States with excessively high moral standards—— Nyasaland is different. The white people in Nyasaland are all high-quality talents hired from Europe with high salaries. Their moral standards must be higher than those of thieves and robbers. Then the Chinese have strong self-discipline. When I was a child, my family I am also very poor, but my parents taught me that even being poor can’t harm others. I didn’t know what it was like to be full until I was ten years old. Before me, I had a brother and a sister. They were all because of hunger. Unfortunate death--" Carlos said with red eyes.

Luis Botha was extremely surprised. He never thought that Carlos's background would be like this: "Sorry, I thought you were from a noble family from the Qing Dynasty—"

In Louis Botha's understanding, only those born in aristocratic families can have a good education and excellent qualities such as self-confidence, optimism, tenacity and bravery. Out of tune with high society.

Americans are representatives.

"Mr. Minister, will the aristocratic families of the Qing Dynasty come to southern Africa? When my parents immigrated, their employer, the landlord of our small village, threatened them, saying that the Nyasaland people are all liars and cannot be believed. It was my uncle who gave our family a sum of money, and we knew that he really made a fortune in Johannesburg, and my uncle has a [-]-acre farm in Johannesburg." Carlos took a few deep breaths in a row, and finally calmed down.

"Six hundred acres, that's a lot, a lot of money." Louis Botha also knew how expensive farms in Johannesburg are now.

"My family's farm is near Port Edward. Although it is less than a hundred acres, it is already a large piece of land. There were not so many landowners in our village before." The smile on Carlos' face was infectious, and Louis Botha is also happy for Carlos' family from the bottom of his heart.

Happiness is also contagious.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the lights were turned on in the cafe, but the lights were still a bit dim. At this time, the owner of the cafe came to the lady's table and wanted to add a candle for the lady, so that she could read more conveniently.

The lady had already closed the book and was about to leave: "Thank you for your coffee Ronald, but please don't put too much sugar next time, I didn't dare to say it just now, for fear of hurting your heart—"

"I'm so sorry Sophia, I remember—" The coffee shop owner took the initiative to open the door for Sophia and watched Sophia leave.

"Let's go too, find a place to eat." Louis Botha also got up.

"Thank you for coming, please walk slowly—" The owner of the coffee shop was equally attentive, probably because Carlos gave more tips.

The service industry in Nyasaland does not require tips. In restaurants, bars, and cafes, you can give them as you like. If you don’t want to give them to the waiter, you won’t ask for them.

If it was in Bloemfontein, Louis Botha would not dine casually outside at all, the main reason is the hygiene. Based on Louis Botha's understanding of restaurants, in Bloemfontein, even a restaurant that looks bright and glamorous, The sanitation of the back kitchen is also disturbing.

Regarding the hygienic level of Nyasaland restaurants, although Louis Botha has no specific knowledge, he just has inexplicable confidence. The Nyasaland people who have performed so well in other places believe that the hygienic level of the back kitchen is also very good. People are at ease.

Then it was really a random place to eat. Carlos chose a restaurant with Chinese decoration style. After entering the door, it was indeed run by Chinese.

Regardless of the signboard, in Nyasaland, many restaurants run by white people also use Chinese decoration style.

Although the hygiene of restaurants run by white people can also be reassuring, the level of cooking is hard to describe.

"Come here—" Luis Botha asked Carlos to order without looking at the menu. It must be in Chinese plus English. Luis Botha is in a good mood at the moment, so he won't cause trouble for himself.

"What's the staple food?" Carlos first determined the staple food.

"have what?"

"Let me see, it's not bad, there are a lot of varieties, including noodles, dumplings, rice—"

"What are noodles? Spaghetti?" Louis Botha asked casually.

"No, no, no, noodles were not invented by the Italians, but by the Chinese. In the [-]th century, Marco Polo brought noodles back to Sicily, and then there was pasta." The waiter who ordered the meal probably explained it many times , but it's still tiresome.

"It was invented by the Chinese again. How many things have you invented?" Louis Botha was not surprised. Even if someone told Louis Botha that everything in the world was invented by the Chinese, Louis Botha would not be surprised .

(End of this chapter)

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