Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 742 Probationary Period

Chapter 742 Probationary Period

It is not easy to count how many things the Chinese have invented. The most famous ones must be the Four Great Inventions. Modern civilization is largely based on the Four Great Inventions.

This unpleasantness when ordering food will not affect Louis Botta's good appetite. Compared with Western food, Chinese food is indeed better in taste, richer in variety, complete in color, fragrance, and not too expensive. Louis Botta The dinner with Carlos cost less than one rand, which satisfied Louis Botha.

"In fact, one rand is not cheap. It is almost a month's expenses for ordinary people. Fortunately, it can be reimbursed, otherwise the next half month will be spent." Carlos put the invoice given by the restaurant in his wallet and went back. can be reimbursed afterwards.

"How much is your annual salary now?" Luis Botha remembered that Carlos's daily life was quite frugal.

As Luis Botha's secretary, Carlos definitely belongs to the high-income class in southern Africa, but Carlos does not have the consumption habits common to high-income classes. The clothes he wears are not handmade in high-end tailor shops, but sold in stores. I don't usually go to high-end restaurants, and I don't have a luxury item in my body. The only gold pen and pocket watch have been used for many years.

The pocket watch is still a steel chain, which is only used by the previous generation.

"280 rand—" Carlos said honestly.

"For a lad your age, 280 rand is a good income, so you should pack yourself, go to a tailor's shop to order some decent clothes, the leather shoes should not have wrinkles, and you use gold pens Why don’t you buy yourself a gold watch.” Luis Botha really couldn’t understand Carlos’s view on consumption.

Or as Roque said well, in order to develop the economy, we must encourage the rich to consume.

"My gold pen was rewarded by the professor, because I helped the professor complete a project. As for the clothes, I think it's not bad, and I didn't wear overalls to work—" Carlos drank some wine during the meal just now, so this Dare to boldly defend for a while.

"Are you married?" Louis Botha took the initiative to care.

"No, when I was at Nyasaland University, I once had a crush on a female classmate. After graduation, that female classmate went to Rand Bank, and we may not meet each other in the future." Carlos is a little sad, and sometimes it will be a lifetime when he turns around.

"Where's the Rand Bank?" Louis Botha asked on a whim.

"It's Little Rock—" Carlos didn't know what to say.

"Go, take me to have a look, let me see how you look." Louis Botha was very excited.

"Let's not give it up, Minister—" Carlos hesitated.

"Boy, don't blame me for not reminding you. If you don't go tonight, you will definitely regret it in the future." Louis Botha didn't force it. If Carlos insisted on not going, then the so-called goodwill probably wouldn't be much.

"Then—well, do I need a change of clothes—" Carlos was at a loss.

Luis Botha looked Carlos up and down with contemptuous eyes, and only then remembered that it might be too late to make clothes.

Then simply go back to the hotel and ask the lobby manager to take Carlos to Itno to buy clothes as quickly as possible, and then ask the lobby manager to call a car.

This time we will bring guards, and we should be more careful at night than during the day.

As a result, after the car was called, it was found that it was unnecessary. Rand Bank's headquarters in Nyasaland was also in Cecil Rhodes Square, just a few steps away.

The guards knew that Carlos was going to meet his classmates, and they were very enthusiastic. A guard who looked like a veteran in love even went to buy a bunch of flowers for Carlos, which made Carlos even more nervous.

"Don't be shy, just go in and find her, tell her you like her, and then leave everything to God." The idea of ​​​​a veteran in love sounds unreliable.

"There's no need to be so troublesome, Carlos, listen to me, go in and tell her that you are now the minister's secretary, and then invite her to dinner, trust me, you can take her back to the hotel directly after dinner." Someone else Even less reliable.

"What nonsense, if that girl is so flirtatious, Carlos wouldn't be able to see her, I think Carlos, you should go buy a car and invite your girl for a ride—" This idea is good, but in Nia Saran needs a driver's license to drive.

"Shut up, Carlos, believe in yourself, you can—" Luis Botha didn't look like a minister at the moment, cheering with the other guards.

"I—" Walking to the door, Carlos was still retreating.

As a result, the doorman at the lazy bank was very attentive. When he saw Carlos from a distance, he offered to open the door for him. Then he looked at the flowers in Carlos' hands, and he smiled.

"Thank you—" Carlos was so nervous that he couldn't speak. When Luis Botha passed by the doorman, he just threw a gold coin over.

The doorman smiled in surprise, and the movement of picking up the gold coins was very elegant. It looked like he had been trained.

As the largest bank in southern Africa, Rand Bank's buildings must be all kinds of tall and tall, and the height of the lobby must be more than 15 meters. Standing in the lobby, people subconsciously feel that they are very small, and then feel awe spontaneously

Carlos froze in place as soon as he entered the door, staring at a girl in the middle of the hall who had already covered her mouth in surprise.

The girl was wearing a common bank clerk uniform, white shirt, black vest, pencil pants, round-toed leather shoes, and her ponytail was neatly combed without any mess.

Carlos calmed down at this moment, came to the girl with flowers in his hands, and handed them over with a smile: "Kate, long time no see—"

The girl's tears finally flowed down at this time, but she didn't catch them. She covered her mouth with one hand and put her hands behind her back, her eyes were smiling like crescent moons.

"Sir, do you need my help?" A male staff member came over to ask right away. Although his words were very polite, he looked at Carlos with a bit of a fierce look.

Immediately, there was a neat and meaningful "oh—" at the door.

Also oh so tactful.

"Sorry, sir, please don't disturb our normal work. If you are not handling business, please wait outside the door." The corner of the evil-eyed man's mouth was twitching, and it wasn't revenge for killing his father. As for——

This is really uncertain, for some people who feel good about themselves, this is actually similar to the hatred of taking their wives.

"David, please don't do this, Carlos is my friend." Kate finally recovered, and stopped in front of Carlos with an unhappy expression.

"Kate, don't be fooled by this kind of person, hehe, the logo on the sleeves is not cut, I'm afraid people don't know you're wearing Itno?" The vicious-eyed man's condescending attitude is obvious.

"David, your behavior is very rude now." Kate didn't respond at all. It's none of your business what people wear, and they didn't wear yours.

"I'm worried about you Kate—" the evil-eyed man said affectionately.

"Thank you, but there's no need to—" Kate's attitude was very clear, and she didn't give the evil-eyed man any chance at all.

"Hey, come here and do me a favor, I have to handle business—" A guard next to Louis Botha came over and wanted to call the evil-eyed man away.

Carlos immediately sent a grateful look.

"Sorry, I'm serving this gentleman, please find another staff member, or wait a moment." David was still sensible, and he was not overwhelmed by jealousy.

However, the guards around Luis Botha are not easy to fool. Unlike Carlos, who is a serious university graduate, the guards around Luis Botha have been on the battlefield, and they are really killed from the mountains of corpses. The ability to turn faces is much greater than Carlos.

"I don't want to say it a second time, you better come here and lick my ass now, or I'll make you look good--" The guard immediately turned his face, soldiers can't write manuscripts, and swearing can make money .

The evil-eyed man didn't talk nonsense, and directly raised his hand to call for the guards.

"You'd better not ask for trouble." Carlos gloated. After spending a long time with these gangsters, good boys will learn to be bad.

Sure enough, as soon as Carlos finished speaking, Kate turned her head to look at Carlos in disbelief, the little stars in her eyes were obvious.

"Shut up, it's all because of you—" the evil-eyed man tore off his disguise.

"Insulting customers, David, you're in trouble—" Kate meant a lot, and it's terrible for a woman to remember hatred.

"It was he who insulted me first—" the evil-eyed man defended.

"I scolded you, not him." The guard who watched the excitement seriously corrected him.

David stopped talking nonsense and raised his hand again to call the security guard.

The security guard did not move, standing next to the lobby manager of the bank who was smiling professionally at Luis Botha.

That's right, employees in the service industry should have the ability to remember people's faces. If they accidentally offend someone who shouldn't be offended, the consequences will be very serious.

David is not stupid to be able to work at Rand Bank, he was a little hesitant immediately.

"Call, hurry up and call someone to arrest me. Shouldn't you show your heroism at this time? Otherwise, how can you protect your girlfriend—" The guard laughed loudly, not even noticing Kate's face.

"Can you please tell this gentleman that I am not David's girlfriend—" Kate is not stupid, it would be too slow to understand the relationship between Carlos and the faultfinder at this time.

Of course, this sentence should also be said to Carlos.

"Sorry Mark, can you give me some private space—" Carlos felt embarrassed at this moment, and the flowers hadn't been delivered yet.

"Wow wow wow, I just helped you solve a big problem, this will kick me away, beautiful girl, be careful of this man opposite you, you see how ruthless he is." When Mark left, he didn't forget to bring his The evil-eyed man laughed loudly and patted the evil-eyed man on the shoulder.

The evil-eyed man was trembling like a quail right now, and he didn't dare to resist at all.

"That David came from the Indian branch to receive training, and he is still in the probationary period, and he will probably go back in a few days—" Kate's words completely reassured Carlos.

(End of this chapter)

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