Chapter 743

Rand Bank's branches around the world will transfer employees with better performance to Nyasaland for three to six months of training every year. will increase significantly.

The evil-eyed man is from the Indian branch. If there is no such incident, the evil-eyed man can at least be a manager assistant or something after returning to India.

It's probably a bit difficult now. If he is returned early, he might not be expelled, but that's how it will be in this life.

Carlos didn't care about the future of the evil-eyed man. He only had Kate's happy smile in his eyes, and he didn't notice when Louis Botha left.

"Is that Minister Louis Botha just now?" Kate dared to ask after Louis Botha left. In southern Africa, Louis Botha is still very well-known. Don't make this mistake.

"Yes, the minister is very good—" Carlos was overjoyed like a silly boy.

"That's a good person in front of you. This is the commander of the Boer coalition army. Will he kill people at any time, and shoot him directly--" Kate was very curious, although working at the Rand Bank will also come into contact with a lot of people because of work. Big man, but this is the first time at the level of Luis Botha.

"How is it possible, the minister is very kind to the people around him. A colleague made a mistake a few days ago, and the minister just sent him back to Orange. Today, the minister just found out that you work here, so he encouraged me to come to you—" Carlos is a real fool.

"Oh—you come only when the minister tells you to—" Kate said meaningfully.

"No, I want to come." Carlos rang the alarm.

"Kate, why don't you introduce me?" The elegant and dignified lobby manager in uniform came over to say hello.

"Hello, my name is Carlos, and I'm Kate's classmate." Carlos is much more normal when facing other people.

"Hi Carlos, my name is Martha, please be nice to us Kate, otherwise I will definitely make you look good." Martha didn't look outside, and the directness was simply surprising: "Kate, why didn't you take this gentleman to the reception room to sit down?" Sit down, young secretary of Minister Luis Botha, take advantage of your chance—"

It's really inappropriate to just stand in the lobby and chat, so go to the reception room, which is the kind of reception room that is specially designed for VIP customers and has a certain degree of privacy.

"Senior Martha is a year older than us, and her fiancé is the secretary of Governor Anton. She is very nice." Kate is not embarrassed. Louis Botha's secretary is indeed entitled to VIP treatment at Rand Bank.

"I'm not afraid, Minister Botha is also the governor." Carlos cheered himself up.

Kate’s eyes were obviously disgusted, Orange State and Nyasaland State are not comparable; “Our classmates who work in Little Rock have a club, Senior Martha is the president of the club, and there will be a party tomorrow. take you there."

Only then did Carlos understand why Martha was so confident just now.

This kind of relationship with classmates is very special. Graduates from Nyasaland University are very sought-after now. After graduation, they will either work in government departments or enter major companies and be trained as key employees. Over time, this force will be very strong. horrifying.

Those who can graduate from Nyasaland University are not stupid, of course they will make better use of this relationship, so various small groups have gradually formed.

"Is it appropriate?" Carlos hesitated a little. Graduates of Nyasaland University who work in the federal government also gather regularly. For these graduates, they actually have a sense of identity with this kind of gathering. The levels of education and work are similar, and they are more enthusiastic than departmental gatherings.

"Of course it's not appropriate. At the very least, cut off the labels on the clothes." Kate also has the potential of a housewife, and she showed her true colors after only a few minutes of meeting.

Louis Botha was indeed a good leader, and he really had nothing to say to Carlos. Before Carlos attended the party the next day, Louis Botha offered to prepare gifts for Carlos, including several bottles of champagne from France.

The price of these champagnes is not cheap. Since 1882, wine merchants in the Champagne region of France have organized associations to protect the name "champagne". Name, and determine the scope of the Champagne region in legal form, so as to protect the reputation of "Champagne" to the greatest extent.

Nyasaland’s champagne is imported from France, or the whole world’s champagne is imported from France except fake and shoddy, the price is quite expensive, and it can be opened in places like the Rhodesia Hotel in southern Africa supply.

The champagne was taken from the hotel, and of course Louis Botha didn't need to pay for it, otherwise Louis Botha probably wouldn't be willing.

The meeting place was a small bar next to Sunset Boulevard. These college students who had just graduated were actually very energetic. They hadn't taken up leadership positions yet, but their positions were very important, so they booked out the bar directly.

When Carlos and Kate walked into the bar, there were already many people chatting in the bar. These elites from all walks of life were still well-dressed even when they were relaxing. Although they were in the bar, few people were drinking. Juice and green tea are served in front of them, and beer is served in front of only two or three people.

So when the champagne was served, there was an immediate embarrassment.

"Old rules, drink what you can drink, and replace wine with tea if you can't drink. I suggest the first cup, Carlos who came from afar, but later you have to explain your relationship with Kate—" the host of the club It was Martha's fiancé, Vincent, who was so good at adjusting the atmosphere, he deserved to be a fool.

The originally awkward atmosphere immediately became heated. Those who are qualified to participate in the party are not idiots, and they all know how to deal with this situation. There is no cold room.

The so-called cold room only appears when there is a huge gap in identities and there is no topic to talk about. Carlos is also a student who graduated from Nyasaland University. Although Carlos works next to Luis Botha, this makes Carlos' identity It's a bit embarrassing, but it won't affect the relationship between classmates, not to mention the lubricant Kate.

Kate and their club activities can bring their families

So everyone was full of emotions in an instant, and champagne was really a good thing.

"Thank you." Carlos was very grateful. These ridicules were actually assists.

Kate didn't speak, and thoughtfully prepared milk for Carlos. As a friendly reminder, this stuff is really good for hangover, especially yogurt.

"Carlos, what kind of person is Minister Botha?"

"Carlos, how is it at the Ministry of Agriculture?"

"Carlos, is Orange really so anti-Chinese?"

Everyone is very curious about the newcomer Carlos, and Orange is indeed very strange to the Chinese. For some reason, the Chinese are even a little hostile to Orange.

"Minister Botha is actually a very good person and took good care of me. Of course, some unpleasant people or things are unavoidable. We have to understand that they are a group of frustrated people who are excluded from the mainstream society in southern Africa." Ka Rose's evaluation of Orange is quite fair. Racial discrimination can be found everywhere. People who are not of my race must have different hearts, but it is actually racism.

"Nyasaland University graduates every year, and the number of people who go to work in Orange State is the least. Those Boers not only exclude us Chinese, but even the British—" Some people present understand the situation.

"There is a problem with your position. What does it mean to exclude even the British? The Chinese deserve to be excluded?" Someone immediately refuted.

"Don't find fault, I just want to say that the Boers exclude everyone but the Boers, nothing else."

This kind of club actually has a small circle. During free time, there are obviously more topics between Carlos and Vincent.

"The situation in Orange State is very bad, the financial situation is very serious, and the deficit is increasing every month. The minister really wants to change, but the minister's efforts alone cannot achieve it. Many officials in Orange are fooling around. , Selfishness and corruption are rampant, if we are in Nyasaland, we will go to jail.” Although Carlos works next to Luis Botha, he still considers himself a Nyasalandian from the bottom of his heart.

"Then start with rectifying the bureaucracy. Our lord established Brad a long time ago. Last month, the Commissioner of Port Edward Customs was taken down. I heard that the problem is very serious—" Vincent shared his experience, and Ni Although there are problems with Asalan's official administration, it is already outstanding in this era.

Relatively speaking, the situation in Orange is actually not serious. The situation in the ten southern African states, Cape and Natal is even more serious.

This is not to say that the officials in Orange are fine, but that the economy of Orange State is not good. Even if there is a problem with the officials, the problem will not be serious. Half of the 100 million rand is squandered and wasted to only 50, and 1000 million rand One-tenth of extravagance is 100 million.

"How many members does Brad have?" Carlos is also very curious about Brad. Vincent is Anton's secretary. In Carlos' opinion, he must know Brad's situation.

"Don't ask such questions that shouldn't be asked. Brad's company is indeed affiliated with the state government, but the state government has no jurisdiction over Brad's office, and Brad's office does not need the state government to pay salaries, so the situation I don't know, and even if I know, I can't tell you, what if you are a member of Brad?" Vincent half-jokingly half-seriously, the reason why Brad is mysterious is because there are no members of Brad. everywhere.

"I would like to, but it's a pity that people don't want me—" Carlos is very regretful. The secretary of the minister is not stimulated by secret agents on the front line. Brad's office is the unit that graduates of Nyasaland University most want to go to, but it is a pity that until now None of them were successful.

"If you work hard, you may not have opportunities." Vincent smiled a little strangely.

Carlos seemed to have discovered something.

(End of this chapter)

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