Chapter 758

The lottery designed by Rock is an instant lottery, which is limited by the technical level at this time. Although the super lottery in the United States is more attractive, it is impossible to realize it now, and the instant lottery can only be used.

In fact, the profitability of instant lottery tickets is also good. The maximum prize money for five-cent lottery tickets is [-] rand, which is equivalent to the annual income of [-] middle-class families. Rock knows how much lottery tickets can earn, and Ade But I don't know, so I was a little hesitant when I knew this number.

"Since it is an overnight success, there must be a real possibility of overnight enrichment, so as to attract more people to buy. We have to study the psychology of customers. This is a long-term sales behavior. It is not just to get a ticket and leave. Time goes by. Longer, the wider the coverage, the more people can be attracted to participate." Rock knew how crazy those people who bought lottery tickets were, one hundred and two hundred was not attractive enough, and the higher the bonus, the better.

"Lock, have you considered the impact?" Ade doesn't like the idea of ​​getting rich overnight, and the lottery does have a certain negative effect.

"Think about it. We banned spinach in southern Africa, but we haven't really banned it. There are so many underground spinach everywhere that the police station can't catch it. If this is the case, let's let the federal government take over. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I will lose money." Rock is also very helpless, if possible, Rock is not willing to use the lottery to make money, but what if he doesn't?Insufficient funds of other departments can reduce expenditure and increase revenue, but the Ministry of Defense cannot.

The army has developed to the present, and it has become a highly specialized industry. The previous idea of ​​mobilization orders and temporary recruitment of civilians to fight is no longer acceptable. The armies of various countries have begun to transform into professional ones. With the continuous upgrading of weapons, soldiers It is no longer a job that can be done by just recruiting individuals. It requires long-term high-intensity professional training, and the troops recruited temporarily are all cannon fodder. There are only so few people in southern Africa, and they really can't afford it.

For southern Africa, the established navy and the soon-to-be-established air force are high-tech arms. The army needs training, not to mention, whether it is building warships or aircraft, a large number of skilled workers are needed, so even if the factory has no orders You can't stop working, once you stop working, it will be too late to resume work.

So Luo Keming knew the side effects of the lottery, but still had no choice.

"Okay, let's try it first." Ade gave in, the side effects of the lottery will appear later, and now the federal government's financial crisis is urgent.

Then try it first, Roque will definitely not let the Ministry of Defense come forward, but give this job to Christian, and he will not try in Pretoria, but choose Cape Town.

Christian is still very reliable. He has set up a professional team to sell lottery tickets. The sales work must not be completed overnight. At least one month in advance must be promoted, so that it can be a hit.

Rock No matter how Christian operates, this matter is actually not that difficult, the key is credibility, as long as the credibility is guaranteed, the lottery has a strong ability to attract money.

Looking back, the focus of Roque's work is still the Ministry of Defense. This year, the Ministry of Defense has recruited more than 30 graduates from the Army Academy, plus more than 20 graduates from Nyasaland University. Roque is preparing to phase out all colonial-era The remaining old soldiers were all replaced by young people.

"Lord, this is too radical." Derek Dodd was a little worried. Rejuvenation is a good thing, but too hasty, and good things can turn into bad things.

"I'm talking step by step." Rock also knew that there should be no rush, and he didn't say that he would drive people away immediately. It also takes a process for young people to get familiar with the work. In addition to the newly established Navy Department, the Ministry of Defense now has seven divisions. , with nearly 300 staff members, it is impossible to replace them all at once.

"Lord, the news just came that a rebellion broke out in the Congo Free State—" Before Derek Dodd could speak, Angie came in to report.

The Congo Free State has always been unstable. In addition to Yaya’s subordinates making waves, the resistance of the local Yakoma and Tatera people has become more and more intense. Parts of the border with Nyasaland have long been semi-independent. The Belgian government was unable to suppress the state, and the large companies that contracted the land hired troops from Europe to barely maintain the local plantations.

Just three days ago, the Tatera people in the eastern part of the Congo Free State rebelled again. Unlike the sporadic rebellions before, this time the rebellion was huge. In just three days, nearly [-] Tatera people joined the rebels , because the area where the rebellion broke out is located on the border of the Congo Free State and Nyasaland, the rebellion has actually affected Nyasaland.

"Send a telegram to the Congo Free State and ask if they can maintain the situation. If not, we can help." Rock is enthusiastic, and this kind of excitement is worth joining.

"My lord, the Prime Minister's phone number—" Barton also hurried over.

Adelaide is also for the rebellion in the Congo Free State.

When Rock came to Ade's office, Joseph Queller, the Belgian ambassador to southern Africa, was also there. When he saw Rock, Joseph Queller had a look of bitterness and hatred on his face, and his eyes were almost red.

Rock nodded to Joseph Queller as a greeting, and sat directly beside Ade.

"Lock, did you know about the rebellion in the Congo Free State?" Ade was in a good mood at the moment. Although the federal government of Southern Africa was a little poor, there were not so many bad things.

The annual funding for the Ministry of Defense is indeed not in vain.

"Just found out." Rock really just found out.

"Lord Nyasaland, how could you have just found out—" Joseph Queller gritted his teeth, looking at Roque as if he was looking at killing his father and enemy.

"What do you want to say? I planned the riots in the Congo Free State? Please think about it with your brain. If I planned it, the rebels should have hit the west coast." Rock is not polite. These people are persecuted and delusional. disease.

Joseph Queller was speechless. Roque was a well-known habitual offender of subversion, and the effect was also famous. Even the Germans were severely torn off by Roque. If Roque really wanted to attack the Congo Free State, The Belgian really couldn't bear it.

Don't think that the mercenaries of those big companies are as tough as the mercenaries of the umbrella company. In fact, they are all hooligans.

Ad just laughed and said nothing, just sat and watched Joseph Quiller deflate, how can Rock be easy to provoke, talk well, maybe Rock can help——

Impossible, even if Joseph Queller knelt and kowtowed, Rock would not help.

In matters like colonies, if you have the ability to maintain order, you can act like a domineering one. If you can’t keep it, you deserve it. There was Portugal before and Holland after. The world in 1910 is no longer the world in 1909.

"Lord Halewood, Belgium has always maintained a friendly relationship with the British Empire, and the Congo Free State has a good neighborly relationship with Southern Africa—" Joseph Quiller no longer targeted Rock, but cried to Ade, hoping that Southern Africa can lend a helping hand.

At least don't add fuel to the fire.

"Ahem——" Rock really felt his throat itching, and he didn't intend to disrupt the atmosphere.

Joseph Queller didn't think so, he just glared.

"Sorry, my throat is a bit itchy, and I'm allergic to pollen—" Rock was not embarrassed, and on his own territory, Rock could do whatever he wanted.

It is said that it is almost the season of bignonia blooming. Like Johannesburg, Pretoria is full of crape myrtle trees. The flowers are in full bloom every year. It is really beautiful, but people who are allergic to pollen Not very friendly.

"Then I'd better go to the Bigwig Hospital." Ade was serious. The former Minister of Defense had just been discharged from the hospital, and the current Minister must not have any health problems.

"Oh, it's okay, I can still hold on." Rock also talked to Adela in a serious manner, as for Joseph Quiller's mood.

who cares!

"Lord——" Joseph Queller was already on the verge of breaking out. Even if Belgium's national strength was weak, Joseph Queller was still an envoy of a country. Rock and Ade's performance was indeed not very respectful.

"I'm sorry Joseph, you continue." Ade put on a serious posture of listening.

Joseph Queller didn't know how to proceed.

The most realistic option is to ask for help from southern Africa to maintain order in the Congo Free State.

But if you can’t say this kind of words, there are many rebellions in the colonies of your own country, and you are unable to suppress them. Instead, you have to beg for help from other countries, and it is still a weasel-style country.

"Mr. Quiller, if I were you, I would go back to prepare for war now. It would be great if I could suppress those rebels. If not, then it's better to give up directly, so as not to bleed in vain." Rock was still making sarcastic remarks. It's settled, the kind that has nowhere to complain.

"We will never give up. Even if Belgium fights to the last man, we will not give up even an inch of our territory." Joseph Queller was very stubborn.

Rock didn't talk nonsense, and directly gave Joseph Queller a thumbs up, hoping that Joseph Queller would do what he said.

Such ruthless words are actually meaningless. Belgium is not like Switzerland. In the face of war, all the people can really be soldiers. Before Leopold II was in trouble at home and abroad, the Belgian government took the opportunity to withdraw from Leopold II. Taking away the management rights of the Congo Free State, the Belgian government has finally tasted the bitter fruit. Without diamonds, don't take on porcelain work.

Speaking of which, the Belgian government was also put together by Leopold II. Although Leopold II had surrendered the management rights of the Congo Free State in name, before handing over the management rights, Leopold II would Almost the entire Congo Free State has been contracted out to a few big companies, and the Belgian government gets nothing but poor taxes.

It is also amazing that the royal family and the government of a country can intrigue to such an extent.

(End of this chapter)

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