Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 759 The consequences are serious

Chapter 759 The consequences are serious

There is no country in the world where the royal family and the government can live in harmony. The same is true for the British royal family and the British government. The two not only disrupted each other, but also broke out in war, which eventually led to the public execution of Charles I.

Charles I was the only king of England to be executed publicly, and the first king in European history to be executed publicly.

Rock No matter how difficult the days of the Belgian government are, for southern Africa, the more chaotic the Congo Free State is, the better. It is best for Belgium to withdraw from the Congo Free State, and then Rock can take advantage of it.

Looking back, Rock still called Yaya over and asked carefully whether this matter had something to do with Yaya.

"I didn't do it——" Yaya's eyes stared like copper bells, and if her cheeks were puffed up, she would look like a goldfish.

"I know, what I want to know is if it has anything to do with you?" Rock knew Yaya well, and even the Belgians wouldn't believe it if he said it had nothing to do with it.

"It can't be said that there is nothing at all. Three months ago, Banda sent me a batch of gold, hoping that I could help buy some weapons, so I gave him some shotguns and grenades—oh, Banda still has a few Someone may have worked for me before, but I don’t remember very clearly, Lord, you also know that I have a lot of subordinates, and it’s impossible to remember every one of them.” Yaya’s expression was still very sincere when she spoke, and Rock opened his eyes. , if it doesn't matter, what does it matter?

Banda was the leader of this rebellion. His father was a tribal chief who was killed because he resisted the Belgian colonial invasion. Then the Belgians supported Banda as a chief and became a puppet of the Belgians, thereby conquering the Cuango River Basin.

It's really hard for Rock to understand the thinking of the Belgians. After killing Banda's father, he still wants his son to cooperate. I really don't know whether the Belgians are naive or stupid. If it was Rock——

It can't be replaced by Roque. Roque was born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze. He will definitely not be able to do such a dehumanizing thing. See how the Americans deal with the Indians.

"Where did you get the grenade?" Rock didn't care about the relationship between Banda and Yaya, but he was more concerned about where Yaya got the contraband.

The unstoppable guns in southern Africa are pistols and shotguns. Powerful weapons such as grenades and rifles are contraband, and open sales are not allowed in southern Africa.

"I bought it from Mumu—" Yaya can still use her brain, it's amazing, the charm of gold is really unparalleled.

Yaya's public identity is now the owner of the mine. In the northwestern border area of ​​Rhodesia and Nyasaland, there is the largest copper mine that has been discovered in the world. The high grade is rare in the world. Rock and Stoudemire jointly established the North Sea United Mining Company, Yaya is the general manager of the company.

If the mining industry is not necessary, Rock will definitely not come forward. Novels dare not write about the darkness of this industry. It is most suitable for Yaya to come forward. Yaya is responsible for all the dirty work.

As the owner of the mine, Yaya has more than 3 absentees and a security team of 2000. These miners and security personnel are all made up of Africans. The salary of the security personnel is about [-] rand per year. Miners only have a poor ten rand, and they are often deducted by unscrupulous supervisors.

"Be careful, don't get caught by the Belgians." Roque reminded Yaya, as long as she is not caught on the spot, she can deny it in every possible way afterwards.

"I know, I'm very careful, the handle of the shotgun is engraved with the German army's mark——" Yaya actually knew that the trouble was coming, and there was a future.

This method is still a bit clumsy, but there are indeed many conflicts between the Germans and the Belgians. The Germans had impure motives for taking in the Tatera people in the past, but in recent years, the Congo Free State and Tanganyika have both faced problems in southern Africa. Only then did the Germans and Belgians calm down a bit.

Rock didn't comment, and decided to ask Martin to ask later. It seems that Nyasaland has given too much aid to Honor Hold. Since Africans are so rich, they can exchange gold for weapons in the future.

"My lord—" Angie pushed the door open with a look of grief and indignation.

"What's the matter?" Rock could hold his breath, but his lungs exploded immediately after reading the telegram.

Just last night, a grocery store in Antwerp was robbed and the family of the Chinese owner was killed. The murderer left a message at the scene, declaring that it was to retaliate against the subversion of the Congo Free State in southern Africa.

Rock was not surprised that this kind of thing happened in Europe. There were the concentration camps during the Boer War before, and the massacres during World War II later, and the genocide of Indians by the United States earlier. These three countries are precisely the strongest The three big countries were all founded by white people, and they are still very representative.

"Yaya, increase the aid to the Congo Free State and send more people there." Roque never suffers. Since the Belgians have said so and done so, Roque will not stop doing one thing.

The innocent Chinese boss's family couldn't die in vain, and Rock went directly to Ade.

After reading the telegram, Ade's face was serious, and he leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. Based on Ade's understanding of Rock, the Belgian must be unlucky this time.

"What are you going to do?" The only thing Ade is not sure about is how far Rock will go.

"Can you call Mr. Joseph Queller over here? I have something to say to him." Rock wanted to question Joseph Queller.

"What are you going to do?" Ade thought that Rock was going to declare war on Joseph Queller in person.

Rock is speechless. The Minister of Defense does not have the right to declare war. The Prime Minister Adelaide does not have the right to declare war. The right to wage war in southern Africa is controlled by London. Whoever London wants to fight, Southern Africa has to fight, and whenever it wants to fight When do you have to fight.

Joseph Queller didn't know what happened yet, and even if he knew, Joseph Queller wouldn't take it to heart.

For some big people, the life and death of small people is not worthy of attention. European Chinese are on the margins of society, and their status is lower than that of Jews, who are still white after all.

I'm afraid Joseph Queller would never have imagined how much Rock would do for an ordinary Chinese family.

"I'm sorry—" Joseph Queller put down the light telegram in his hand, and his tone of apology was perfunctory.

"I'm sorry and it's over?" Rock was not surprised, and he didn't care if the victim was white or African.

Joseph Queller spread out his hands and said that was it.

"Mr. Quiller, I must declare to you that you and I have a different understanding of life. To you, the owner of a grocery store is not worth mentioning. No, the family of the owner of the grocery store is not worth mentioning. But to me, even the dog owned by the owner of the grocery store is very precious, I don’t know if you have noticed, the youngest daughter of the owner of the grocery store is only four years old, how do you have the heart to do it?” Rock was not excited, eyes Didn't even watch Joseph Queller.

"Minister Locke, it's not me, it's the irritated people. You should know by now how angry our people are?" Joseph Queller hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Who was provoked? The Taitera people who were rebelled? What does that have to do with the Chinese shopkeepers?" Rock was not in a hurry, and there was no reason to blame him. This sentence can actually be used on both sides.

Joseph Quiller was speechless, he really didn't think of this question, even if it was revenge, it was based on the rebellion in the Congo Free State in southern Africa, but none of this has been confirmed, just speculation can deprive others statement?

Simply ridiculous.

"So, do you believe that I created the rebellion in the Congo Free State?" Rock was extremely calm at this time.

Joseph Queller suddenly felt as if danger was approaching.

"How are you going to deal with this matter?" Rock asked, and we will talk about other things later, and seek justice for the owner's family first.

"The Antwerp police will investigate." Joseph Queller's perfunctory attitude was still obvious.

"That is to say, the Antwerp police will investigate, but there is no guarantee that the murderer will be caught. Is that what you mean?" Rock pressed on step by step, not to talk about the scene, what Rock wanted was real action.

"Minister Locke, the police in southern Africa are not able to catch the murderer every time." Joseph Queller still did not respond positively.

"Okay, I understand what you mean—" Rock gave up the negotiation. In fact, even if Joseph Quiller gave a positive response, it would be useless. The dead cannot be resurrected. The only thing Rock can do is to let the dead The dead are more valuable.

"Lord Nyasaland, wait--" Joseph Quiller was in a state of confusion. He had a premonition that a huge danger was approaching, but he didn't know how to get rid of it.

"Mr. Quiller, I'm sorry for your attitude. The Antwerp people did succeed in letting me know what the angry Belgians would do, but don't be complacent for too long, they will regret it soon." Rock is really not a threat , but the fact that it is about to happen.

"Wait, Locke—" Ade called to Locke with a complicated expression.

Rock was obedient, but he didn't sit down, and kept the posture of leaving at any time.

Joseph Quiller breathed a sigh of relief, but it was a pity that Rock heard it clearly.

"Lock, don't do anything wrong." Ade reminded very vaguely, not to remind Rock to be calm, but to remind Rock to be careful not to be caught.

"I know, Prime Minister, what I regret most now is that southern Africa is not strong enough. If we are strong enough to be ignored, then this kind of thing will not happen. It doesn't matter. Antwerp is indeed far away from us in southern Africa. , but the Congo Free State is very close." When Rock said the last sentence, he looked at Joseph Queller.

Joseph Queller was dumbfounded, he didn't expect Rock to be so direct.

That night, at least 1000 people crossed the border into the Congo Free State.

These 1000 people are all Africans. Although their clothes are not very neat, even a little ragged, they are well-equipped, and the weapons they use are shotguns and Browning automatic rifles that are most suitable for use in the rainforest.

The Browning automatic rifle is a squad automatic rifle jointly developed by the Nyasaland Military Industry Group and the Herstal National Arsenal. The biggest advantage of this weapon is that infantry can also shoot shoulder-to-shoulder while marching. This is equipped by the southern African army General-purpose machine guns can't do it.

Like the general-purpose machine guns equipped by the southern African army, the Browning automatic rifle has a caliber of 0.303 inches and can use 75 rounds of magazines. There is also a version with a caliber of 7.92 mm and uses [-] rounds of magazines. This is also very specific. .

The automatic rifles used by these Africans are the export versions. In order to limit the firing speed, the firing speed of these export versions is limited to single-shot or three-shot bursts. For Africans, this is not a disadvantage, but an advantage, little blacks It is easy to get bloody when fighting, and the trigger must be emptied before it stops. This kind of rifle with a limited rate of fire is very suitable for Africans.

Retaliation followed one after another. On December 19, a colonial site near Kisangani on the Congo River was breached, and more than 350 whites, including mercenaries, were killed.

On the 21st, a commercial warehouse in the lower reaches of the Kasai River was attacked. The caravan of the Kasai Company was in danger, and the battle was at a stalemate.

In the past, in this situation, the rebels would voluntarily give up and would not entangle for a long time to avoid greater casualties.

But the current rebels are different. The rebels who have been unable to attack for a long time directly set fire to the store and burned all the people in the store to death.

On the 21st, a riot broke out in a plantation on the south bank of the Sankuru River. The plantation owner’s family was brutally murdered and their belongings were robbed. After this incident, everyone in the Congo Free State was in danger. Many plantation owners abandoned their plantations and returned directly to Europe. Kasai also announced on the 24th that it will gradually abandon its business in the Congo Free State.

Starting from December NO.19, Joseph Quiller went to the Ministry of Defense to find Rock every day, but Rock was never there.

Rock really didn't hide from Joseph Quiller anymore. On the night of December 18th, Rock went to Port Edward to attend the delivery ceremony of the second Edward-class cruiser.

The second Edward-class cruiser was named Admiral Hopkins and was also the flagship of the Admiral of the Second Fleet.

The Navy's First Fleet is based in Port Edward, the Second Fleet is based in Cape Town, the Third Fleet was originally planned to be based in Durban, and the Fourth Fleet is based in Walvis Bay.

After Bridges took office, some adjustments were made to Rock's plan. Both the Third Fleet and the Fourth Fleet were cancelled. The Second Fleet's home port in Cape Town was also temporary. Waiting for the third cruiser to enter service, the second The home port of the fleet will be adjusted to Walvis Bay, and the military ports in Cape Town and Durban will also be retained, but only a few destroyers will be placed at most for show.

When changing Rock's plan, Bridges was quite worried. In a sense, this was actually an offense to Rock.

However, Roque didn't mind. Compared with Roque, an amateur, Bridges was an expert. Bridges was also the commander of the navy in southern Africa.

It was not until the 24th that Joseph Quiller saw that Rock was in Port Edward from the newspaper, but Rock had already returned to Pretoria on the 24th. After all, it was Christmas Eve and he wanted to be with his family.

(End of this chapter)

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