Chapter 770 Columns

The reason why German newspapers criticized Southern Africa for sending troops to Lake Kivu was because the arrival of the northern Rhodesian division directly caused Tanganyika to lose control of Lake Kivu.

According to international practice, the sovereignty of Lake Kivu, located on the border between the Congo Free State and Tanganyika, is half of the two families. Tanganyika has no advantage in southern Africa, and it is extremely strong in the Congo Free State. Previously, the entire Lake Kivu is under the actual control of Tanganyika.

After the Rhodesian Northern Division occupied Bukavu, the Nyasaland water police entered Lake Kivu to patrol. This was also to ensure the safety of Bukavu, but objectively caused Tanganyika to lose control of Lake Kivu , This is really not the Nyasaland water police deliberately looking for trouble.

"No matter how good your reasons are, the fact is that southern Africa has occupied Bukavu. How are you going to explain it to Joseph Queller?" Ade had a headache. Most of the colonial government of the Congo Free State would not care about the white people in the Congo Free State. On the contrary, they will be very concerned about the fact of invasion in southern Africa.

Countries in this era are like this. European countries are preparing for a world war. When it comes to personal sacrifices, few politicians really care. If the Belgians really cared about the Congo Free State, the rebellion would not happen for such a long time. The army could not be formed smoothly.

"Why explain? If Mr. Quiller wants to go back to Bukavu, then give it to them." Rock didn't think it was serious, and it wasn't the Rhodesian Northern Division that drove away the white colonists in Bukavu and forcibly occupied it. Bukavu, but Bukavu recaptured from the rebels, Joseph Queller had no reason to blame Roque.

"To them?" Ade was obviously surprised, he didn't expect that the fat that Rock had swallowed into his mouth could still be spit out.

"Well, here they are, as long as they send people over, the Rhodesian Northern Division will hand over Bukavu to the Congo Free State." Rock was serious. This is really not an occupation, but an ordinary peacekeeping mission.

"You can do it!" Ade is also capitalized. In the current situation in the Congo Free State, no Belgian is willing to die.

But what Ade did not expect was that Joseph Queller did not protest to southern Africa, but was unable to continue working due to physical reasons, and submitted his resignation to the Belgian government.

Instead, it was Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith who took the initiative to inquire about the matter and asked Southern Africa to exercise restraint and not to intervene in the rebellion in the Congo Free State.

The attitude behind this request is worth pondering. In the current situation of the Congo Free State, if there is no external force involved, the Belgians will definitely lose control of the Congo Free State, and the Congo Free State will become a real piece of fat.

It is more than 200 million square kilometers, and most of them are tropical rainforest areas with rich products. It is completely different from the desert areas in North Africa. For the countries and regions around southern Africa, it is indeed a mouth-watering piece of fat.

The surrounding area here does not include Portuguese West Africa. Even if the Congo Free State is fat, the Portuguese will not be able to do so. After the rebellion broke out in the Congo Free State, the Portuguese deployed all the troops they had in the country. In the border area between Portuguese West Africa and Congo Free State, lest the rebellion in Congo Free State spread to Portuguese West Africa.

Of course, as far as the Portuguese troops in Portuguese West Africa are concerned, they cannot effectively cover the long border between Portuguese West Africa and the Congo Free State. The rebels may be useful for other forces.

Ha ha--

In this way, Britain, France and Germany are the only ones who are qualified to get involved in the Congo Free State. However, Britain, France and Germany are now focusing on the local arms race. They are not in the mood to pay attention to the colonies in southern Africa, and have no energy to consider the expansion of the colonies, so I don't know which one will be cheaper in the end, and the Belgians are definitely not included here. The Belgians have already been eliminated.

As Roque expected, although Belgium lost actual control over the Congo Free State, it still insisted on having sovereignty over the Congo Free State. Since the rebellion, King Leopold II of Belgium and the Chief Minister Frans Schorath emphasized Belgium's sovereignty over the Congo Free State successively at the "Inter-Parliamentary Union for the Promotion of International Arbitration" and resolutely opposed any state power's involvement in the Congo Free State for any reason and the occupation of Bukavu in southern Africa Described by Leopold II as unacceptable aggression.

The "Inter-Parliamentary Union for the Promotion of International Arbitration" was established in 1889 to encourage governments to resolve international disputes by peaceful means.

This original intention is unreliable at first glance. It is impossible for the United Nations in the 21st century to even think about the "Inter-Parliamentary Union for the Promotion of International Arbitration". Great powers in the world such as Britain, France, Germany and the United States would not care about this organization, but Belgium and Portugal These countries see the Inter-Parliamentary Union for International Arbitration as a savior.

From here you can see the influence of this organization.

However, to Leopold II's disappointment, Southern Africa is not yet a member of the "Inter-Parliamentary Union for the Promotion of International Arbitration". The "Inter-Parliamentary Union for the Promotion of International Arbitration" officially defines the aggression in Southern Africa It's a pity that few people in southern Africa know about this organization, and newspapers won't report on such things.

Newspapers in southern Africa have recently focused on the rebellion in the Congo Free State and what happened to whites in the Congo Free State.

These reports are still very marketable. Comparing the tragic situation of the white people in the Congo Free State and looking at the lives of the white people in southern Africa, a sense of happiness will immediately arise.

When the rebellion broke out in the Congo Free State, some editors shouted in the newspaper that the federal government should send troops to attack the rebels in the Congo Free State.

This kind of request will definitely not be responded to. After all, the federal government of Southern Africa has no right to start a war at all. This matter is not very honorable and damages the image of the federal government, so it cannot respond.

But the people don't care about this. People only see the federal government watching the ongoing humanitarian tragedy in the Congo Free State, and some people have a very fierce attitude.

"It's a bit too much, let Palmer restrain himself—" Rock directly expressed his dissatisfaction when he saw Owen.

Palmer is a columnist for the southern African edition of The Times, a member of the Liberal Party, and an old friend of Irving. Palmer's column in The Times was set up at Owen's request.

From these relationships, we can see Owen’s purpose for this column. Compared with Roque, Owen, the Liberal Party and Philip really need a position of public opinion. Roque doesn’t need to ask. Palmer published it in the Times The articles published in the "Newspaper" must have been inspired by Owen, and there is no need to ask for the purpose. You can tell from the direction of public opinion that Ade is at the center of the public opinion storm.

From an emotional point of view, Roque has no objection whether Adelaide or Philip is the prime minister. Anyway, whether Adelaide or Philip is in power, Roque's interests can be guaranteed.

What makes Roque dissatisfied is Owen's approach. It is normal to use newspapers to launch public opinion attacks on competitors, but it cannot exceed the bottom line. Southern Africa has no right to start a war. gram bottom line.

Now Roque can understand why state leaders seem to be ignorant of the sufferings of the people at the grassroots level in many cases. But come here, if you really want to do everything yourself, it will exhaust the leader to death.

Specifically in southern Africa, the "Times" is full of firepower on Adelaide. Rock will not go to Palmer, but to Owen. Owen is the instigator of this matter, and Palmer is just a tool.

"Locke, this is part of the campaign." Owen couldn't stop now.

This is why Roque dislikes democratic elections in southern Africa. Next year's elections will start to be tossed this year, and southern Africa will still be held every five years. In preparing for the next election, how can we have the energy to develop the economy and people's livelihood.

"Owen, I know that the election is very important to you, but the bottom line is still there. The current public opinion situation will force the prime minister to make some irrational decisions, and it will hurt southern Africa at that time." Rock really didn't want to watch When Philip and Ade are fighting to the death, if possible, Roque would like Philip and Ade to wrestle directly. Whoever wins will be the prime minister, and the other will be the speaker of the parliament. That would be great.

"Locke, you have underestimated our Prime Minister. Even if the kind of thing you said really happened, isn't that what we want." Owen is now a qualified politician. To be honest, Rock doesn't like this kind of Owen.

"Whatever you want, Sidney also asked me for a column, you'd better be careful." Although Rock said he was not inclined, in fact he was still inclined.

Ade's official life was not a waste of time. As the prime minister, Ade was surrounded by countless think tanks, and people like Roque were not counted.

Since Owen knows to use newspapers to launch public opinion attacks on Adelaide, Adelaide will not ignore the role of newspapers, and Adelaide will not come forward in this kind of matter. It is very appropriate for Sidney Milner to come forward.

"Hey, hey, Locke, you have to figure out where you stand." Owen emphasized that one swipe is not close to four fingers.

"What do you want me to stand for? Everyone in southern Africa knows that Henry and I were selected by the prime minister alone. Without the prime minister's handpicking, Henry and I would have no chance to go to Johannesburg, and we would not have everything we have now." Rock was also very helpless, Both he and Henry were imprinted with Ade's brand early on, so at most Rock would not help each other.

Even if this may end up offending both parties.

(End of this chapter)

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