Chapter 771

In fact, it is impossible to offend both sides. Ade and Philip are not so shallow. The strength of Roque himself and the Chinese represented by Roque are forces that cannot be ignored, so it is important for Philip and Ade that Roque remains neutral. is the most ideal state.

Rock doesn't care about the election, but Rock's attention is still focused on the Congo Free State.

The current Congo Free State has opened its arms to southern Africa. While the Rhodesian Northern Division occupied Bukavu, Nyasaland’s colonial pioneers also crossed the border and marched towards the hinterland of the Congo Free State.

Most of the members of these colonial pioneering groups are Africans. In terms of skin color, they are no different from Africans in the Congo Free State. However, the members of these colonial pioneering groups have long accepted the militarized management of the colonial pioneering groups, and they can still be seen at a glance The difference with the Africans in the Congo Free State.

The main thing is temperament, the tall and straight from the inside out, and the kind of loose and loose, it seems that there is a world of difference.

What's more, the colonial pioneering group had uniform clothing. Because of the heavy labor, the clothes might be worn out, but everyone had shoes to wear, and the clothes were clean and even had traces of mending. Africans are so different.

Generally speaking, Africans don’t have any clothes, not to mention shoes. Many people just cover their crotch with cloth strips. Most of them can't be washed, and if they are torn, they definitely can't be sewn.

Not to mention hygiene, Africans are similar to whites in that they have heavier body odor, but whites can use perfume to cover it up, Africans definitely don't have this condition, not to mention perfume, they rarely even take a bath.

The hygienic habits of the members of the colonial pioneer group are still very good. No matter how late they work every day, they must take a shower before going to bed.

This kind of habit will definitely be ridiculed among other Africans, but in the colonial pioneer group, after everyone developed good hygiene habits, they became public enemies if they did not pay attention to hygiene, so in the Luxi River next to Bukavu Here, every evening, there are a large number of members of the colonial pioneers taking a bath, which is simply a spectacle among Africans.

"This is simply amazing. I thought Africans would never take a bath in their lifetime. These people take a bath more diligently than many whites. Are they trying to wash off their skin color?" Luisa made no secret of her hatred for Africans I don't care, even if the Africans of these colonial pioneers have nothing to do with the rebellion in the Congo Free State.

"Luisa, calm down, they are here to help you rebuild your homeland." Feng Xun is now the person in charge of Bukavu, which is not unaccustomed to Feng Xun, just manage Bukavu as a refugee camp.

"Can we let them go? We don't want to see these people now, and I won't live in the houses they built." Luisa has ambitions. It is not difficult for these women to live in Bukavu. The key is to rely on men thinking to change.

With the in-depth contact with the Nyasaland people, Luisa really envied the Nyasaland women.

In Nyasaland, women can go to school, work, and even have the right to vote next year. Most families in Nyasaland are dominated by men and women. Half-naive is not a joke, most men are competent Women are equally competent for jobs, and even women account for the vast majority in many fields, such as medical care and education.

Luisa has never been to Nyasaland University, but according to Feng Xun's description, the proportion of girls in Nyasaland University is similar to that of boys, and most of the students in some colleges are women.

After working, women get the same salary as men when the work intensity is similar. This is impossible in Europe. In many factories in Europe, women do the same work as men, but the salary is lower than that of men. Men are much lower.

From the contact with Feng Xun, Louisa can also clearly feel Feng Xun's respect for Louisa. This kind of respect is not felt by most white men.

Among the vast majority of white men that Luisa came into contact with, what Luisa felt the most was the greedy desire of Hong Guoguo. This feeling made Luisa very uncomfortable, but Luisa could not escape it before.

Now Luisa knows that there are more choices in her life.

"No, building houses is your own business. Their task is to build roads and railways, strengthen river channels, build a dam on the shore of Lake Kivu, and lay electric and telephone lines in the future. Our city building standards in Nyasaland It’s different from your Congo Free State.” Feng Xun was extremely proud. Southern Africa has first-class urban planning in Africa, and Nyasaland has the strongest construction capacity in Southern Africa. In terms of infrastructure, Nyasaland The city is second to none in this era.

"How much do wires and telephone lines cost?" Luisa felt heavy. In Luisa's concept, there is no free lunch in the world. The more Nyasaland invests in Bukavu, the more money Nyasaland will invest in Bukavu. Lan demanded higher returns.

"The power line is laid by the power company for free, and the telephone line is the responsibility of the communication company. You must pay for the installation of the phone, but these basic costs are not included." Feng Xun understands the situation. If this is not the case, the remote areas of Nyasaland It is estimated that it will take many years to use electricity.

What I want to explain here is that in most countries at present, electricity and communications are not state-owned enterprises, but private enterprises are operating.

Not only electricity and communications, but also nominal public facilities such as roads, railways, museums and libraries are actually mostly privately operated.

There will be a problem here. For example, in the Congo Free State, big cities such as Boma and Leopoldville, because there are many basic users, power companies and communication companies will take the initiative to lay lines and provide services for customers.

As for those small towns in remote areas, because there are not many users and the cost is high, private companies will certainly not take the initiative to lay lines. As for when those people can use electricity, it can only depend on God's will.

This is the case in Bukavu, whether it was during the reign of Leopold II or the Belgian government, a small town like Bukavu had no electricity at all, and the telephone was even more unnecessary. There was only one radio in the whole of Bukavu , or all the residents around Bukavu raised their own funds and just bought it last year.

Relatively speaking, Nyasaland has a huge advantage in this regard.

Rock knows the role of electricity and communication in economic development, so he really spares no effort in promoting electricity and communication. In Johannesburg, Rock’s first major project was the Crocodile Bay Hydropower Station. Since then, southern Africa has entered the era of electricity .

Compared with Johannesburg, Nyasaland has many rivers and rich water resources, which are more suitable for the construction of hydropower stations of various sizes. In the past ten years, with the economic development of Nyasaland, the construction of hydropower stations has not been enough to meet the actual needs. In Port Edward and Xuanwu City, thermal power stations have already been put into construction, and these investments cannot recover the cost in a short period of time. When Johannesburg started the Crocodile Bay Hydropower Station, countless people flocked to hope for a share. With more and more investment in all aspects, the shareholders of the power company have become fewer and fewer, leaving only Rock and Stoudemire.

The reason why Stoudemire is still willing to continue investing is because, on the one hand, Rhodesia also needs more electricity, and on the other hand, it is also because of Stoudemire's long-term trust in Rock. Regardless of the fact that the power company continues to lose money, when will Rock Having done a loss-making business, those short-sighted shareholders will regret it sooner or later.

Although Luisa is white, Luisa has never used electricity before in the Congo Free State, but in Nyasaland, even the most remote refugee camps have electricity supply, although the daily electricity supply is only a pitiful four hours , but it still made Louisa feel precious.

So Luisa was very excited when she learned that the power company would lay the line for free.

There are some things that can be done but can’t be said. Bukavu is still nominally part of the Congo Free State, but the more Nyasaland invests in Bukavu, the more likely it is that Nyasaland will give up Bukavu in the future. It is getting lower and lower, and even Nyasaland will directly annex Bukavu in the future.

Luisa is not surprised by this result, and is indeed happy to see it.

Don’t think that Louisa is Belgian and will oppose Nyasaland’s annexation of Bukavu. This rebellion will change the minds of many people, especially those who were abandoned by the Belgian government after the rebellion. If possible, Louisa Luisa is now willing to become a southern African citizen and become a southern African who can be effectively protected in the event of a rebellion. For this reason, Luisa would rather give up the privileges she has as a white in the Congo Free State.

Those so-called privileges sound very attractive. In fact, only those who have been to Nyasaland know that the privileges of white people in the Congo Free State are nothing special. In the Congo Free State, white people can only resist like Africans when they are sick. There are no doctors to serve them.

There is no school for their children, and the rich can send their children back to Europe for education, while the children of ordinary white people can only herd sheep. In this way, when the next generation grows up, they will be compared with those who have received education. It is a world of difference, which will affect their whole life afterward.

More importantly, the so-called privileges of the whites in the Congo Free State will seriously affect the relationship between whites and Africans. This rebellion is the result of long-term accumulation of conflicts. Such privileges are really worthless.

While the Colonial Pioneering Group was building roads and bridges, Bukavu, which had been burned by the rebels, was also recovering bit by bit. Of course, the reconstructed Bukavu must be better than the previous Bukavu, Luisa Have confidence in this.

(End of this chapter)

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