Chapter 772

The task of the Colonial Pioneering Corps was very heavy. They had to clean up the ruins burned by the rebels, and then rebuild a castle-style barracks on the ruins. This barracks will later become the resident of the Rhodesian Northern Division.

In addition to the military camp, they will also build a railway about 120 kilometers long to connect Bukavu and Nyasaland. In addition, they will expand the pier to facilitate the thousand-ton water police of Nyasaland. A police boat docks.

These works have to be completed before November. Every year from November to May of the next year is the rainy season in the Congo Free State. Once the rainy season comes, the difficulty of construction will increase exponentially.

The colonization team that came to Bukavu consisted of 500 people. The person in charge was an African named Howard. Howard was Yaya’s confidant and trusted by Yaya. It was Howard’s responsibility to become a real Nyasalandian. ideal.

"I don't care what you do or what price you pay. All the work must be completed before November, otherwise we will all be in trouble. Mr. Yaya doesn't like people who can't finish the work." Emphasis was placed on the meeting.

"Mr. Howard, the construction materials have not been delivered yet, and we have no construction machinery. It is very difficult to complete these tasks in six months." An older captain looked distressed

Nyasaland's colonial development team basically has about 1000 to 500 people. Every 100 people is a team, and the captain and vice-captain are responsible for management. Each team is divided into ten groups, and a team leader is in charge of supervision. If a certain group fails to complete the workload of the day, the group leader must accept the punishment on behalf of the whole group. If the whole team fails to complete the task, it is the responsibility of the captain and vice-captain.

"If it's an easy job, it won't be our turn. Only when we finish the difficult job can we show our value, so please squeeze those bastards as much as you can. If you can't complete the task on time, I will also be punished." Mr. Yaya’s punishment, and you all know very well that I will double the punishment.” As long as Howard ends up, the colonial pioneer group is squeezed out layer by layer, so Nyasaland’s infrastructure construction can be so fast.

Since Rock took over Nyasaland, in the past ten years, the colonial pioneers have built nearly 8000 kilometers of railways, [-] kilometers of roads, erected more than a thousand bridges, and built hundreds of towns.

In the process, countless members of the colonial pioneering group died unexpectedly, which is a black history that Nyasaland cannot avoid.

"Can you increase the manpower?" The captains knew that the time could not be extended, so they could only increase the manpower.

"No, only us." Howard was also helpless.

"Aren't the 26th and 55th regiments in Xuanwu City?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. We all came to Bukavu. Do you think the 26th and 55th regiments can still stay in Xuanwu City?" Howard didn't know how many colonization groups there were in Nyasaland, just from the serial number Look, there are already three digits appearing.

The next morning, as soon as it was dawn, the captains shouted all the workers to start working. Breakfast was potatoes and salted fish. There was no limit to this meal. Feed in minutes, then split up and start construction.

"Mr. Sheriff, we guarantee that we can complete the task within six months." Howard has to report the work progress to Feng Xun every day. In this sense, Feng Xun is the supervisor of the entire colonial pioneering group.

"It doesn't matter even if you can't finish it, you don't need to explain to me anyway." Feng Xun is not in a hurry, Howard's boss is Yaya, Yaya's boss is Christian, and there is a bigger boss above Christian, the official freshman The level crushes people to death.

"Mr. Sheriff, don't worry, these ruins will be cleaned up today, and then the materials can be admitted." Howard's purpose is to urge materials. Building a castle requires stones, building a railway requires steel rails and sleepers, and expanding the wharf requires steel bars and cement. , and now there is nothing in Bukavu.

"Materials will be delivered in the afternoon." Feng Xun's words finally made Howard heave a sigh of relief. Recently, construction materials are very tight. The train that Fawalt came over delivered the reinforced concrete one by one. Where did it go.

"By the way, you get a group of people out and get the land by the lake." Feng Xun has other requirements. The land by the lake is reserved for those refugees, and it is still a forest. If you want to clear it out , a team must work at least ten days.

In the tropical rainforest area, there are trees over a hundred years old everywhere, and the colonial pioneers did not have chainsaws or bulldozers. It is indeed a bit slow to rely entirely on manpower.

Fortunately, the price of workers is really cheap, less than one rand per person per month. If you hire Chinese at this price, you can't hire them at all.

"Our manpower is already very tight—" Howard was embarrassed, but he didn't dare to directly refuse Feng Xun's request.

Feng Xun is a real Nyasalandian, and he is also a sheriff. This status is unattainable for Africans like Howard and the others.

As I said earlier, Howard's dream is to become a real Nyasalandian. This dream seems illusory now, and even if he becomes a real Nyasalandian, it will be difficult for Howard to work in the police station.

Nyasaland's police department is notoriously xenophobic, with few white officers.

"New people will come in this afternoon." Even if Feng Xun helps Luisa, it will definitely not affect the work of the colonization team.

"That would be great—" Howard was excited.

As a result, when the people arrived in the afternoon, Howard was surprised to find that a group of Indians came. Although the number of people was about 500, Howard had a very bad feeling in his heart.

In the past, there were also Indian workers in the colonial pioneering group, but none of those Indian workers could persist for more than two years. Later, the Indian workers were gradually cleared out of the colonial pioneering group.

"Damn it, there were still 500 people on board the ship from Port Edward, why are there only 480 now?" Feng Xun couldn't be more correct. In Nyasaland, it is a serious dereliction of duty for workers to escape and must be reported.

"There were indeed 500 people when we got on the boat, and it was like seeing a ghost along the way. First, some people fell into the water, then fell off the bed, broke their necks and died, and some were bitten to death by poisonous snakes. Some were dragged away by the crocodile, and the rest wanted to escape and were shot dead on the spot." The bearded captain also looked like he saw a ghost, probably this was the most bizarre voyage in his life.

"You killed fourteen?" Feng Xun couldn't believe it. Since he wanted to escape so much, why did he accept the employment of the Colonial Exploration Group.

"No, only one was killed, and fourteen fell into the water." The bearded captain collapsed, and no one would believe this kind of thing.

Feng Xun obviously didn't believe it. Louisa probably wouldn't believe such a clumsy lie.

"Tom, come here, and tell the sheriff, how many people fell into the water?" The bearded sheriff didn't talk nonsense, and called a sailor over.

"It is indeed fourteen, Mr. Sheriff—ah, no, now it is fifteen—" The expression on the sailor's face was wonderful. Twice, the result was directly bounced into the river by the springboard.

"Look, these Indians are so memoryless. What can I say, they are really on the road to death." The bearded captain picked up a pen to change the record.

"No, no, we'll pick him up—" Feng Xun refused, joking, it's a pity that he finally got him to Bukavu, and he died for nothing without doing any work.

"Then I wish you success in your work, Sheriff—" the bearded captain saluted Feng Xun.

Feng Xun was in a hurry and didn't care about returning the gift. He had indeed fished out the person over there, and in just a dozen seconds, the person had already started to roll his eyes.

This kind of situation does not require a doctor to take action. The crew on the ship have received first-aid training in this area, but artificial respiration is fine. A sailor who is as muscular as Popeye punched the guy who rolled his eyes twice in the stomach. , The guy who failed to die immediately started choking on water.

"Howard, a total of 480 people, sign up." Feng Xun raised his hand and called Howard over, and then couldn't help worrying: "These people may be difficult to manage—"

"It doesn't matter Sergeant, no matter how hard-to-manage guys come to me, I will guarantee that they will work honestly." Howard is confident that now the Colonial Pioneering Group has sorted out a set of effective management methods, whether they are Africans or Indians, as long as they are in the colonial pioneer group, they can only work honestly, and it is impossible to be lazy.

That night, the Colonial Exploration Team regrouped, still with a hundred people as a team. All these Indians were disrupted and distributed equally to each team. There were about two or three people in each team. The main monitoring object during this time.

"Enjoy your dinner. This is probably your last warm dinner. When you wake up tomorrow morning, you will be greeted with a new life—" Howard ran around the camp with a whip in his hand, but did not People ignore him, these new Indian workers are like starving ghosts, African workers almost vomit from eating potatoes and salted fish, but these Indian workers are like they have never seen it before.

"Are you all starving ghosts reincarnated?" Howard didn't get the response he wanted, so he picked up an Indian worker.

"I don't know if I starved to death in my previous life, but I know that if I stayed in India, I would definitely starve to death." The Indian worker's mouth was full of food, and his English pronunciation was not standard enough. Howard could actually hear Knowing is also miraculous.

"Death of starvation? It's already 1911. Will people still starve to death in India?" Howard obviously didn't know the situation in India. Let alone 1911, people in India will still starve to death in 2011.

(End of this chapter)

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