Chapter 782 Candy

The United Kingdom during this period was as domineering as the United States in the 21st century. Although the Ottoman Empire hated the United Kingdom because of Britain's position in the Italian-Turkish War and gritted its teeth, the Ottoman Empire still had to rely on the British to mediate when seeking peace.

The British government was also happy to play such a role, and it happened that Winston, Lord of the Admiralty, presided over the peace talks.

The purpose of the Ottoman Empire is very simple, to end the Italian-Turkish war as quickly as possible. For this reason, they did not hesitate to give up Tripoli and Cyrenaica. The Ottoman Empire has only one request, which is that Italy should return to the territory occupied during the Italian-Turkish war, including Rhode Island. of the Dodecanese.

Italy has also been overwhelmed. The cost of the war far exceeds the capacity of the Italian government. If it were not for the fire in the backyard of the Ottoman Empire, the Italian government would not last long.

However, Italy is indeed full of rotten teeth but has a good appetite. Although the Ottoman Empire has made huge concessions, Italy is still unrelenting. It not only requires the Ottoman Empire to completely withdraw from Tripoli and Cyrenaica, but also refuses to return the Dodecanese Islands.

The Twelve Islands are not twelve islands. In fact, they are twelve larger islands and more than 150 small islands. Although the total area of ​​the Twelve Islands is not large, the geographical location is very important. Both Italy and the Ottoman Empire have Reasons not to give up.

Rock No matter how Winston mediates the conflict between Italy and the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman Empire is now a wooden ship that found a big hole in the bottom of the ship after going out to sea. Although many people tried to save it, everyone can see the broken ship About to sink.

What Rock cares about is how much inheritance he can get from the Ottoman Empire.

This description may not be appropriate, but it is very appropriate. In the past, Rock was far away in southern Africa, and he could not reach the peninsula. Now most of the peninsula is the sphere of influence of the umbrella company, but only a little bit of the essence is occupied by the Ottoman Empire. Even the British It was all out of strategic considerations that troops were sent to occupy the Aden protectorate and support the Muscat Sultanate in the northeast corner of the peninsula.

In other words, the sphere of influence of the Umbrella Company is the desert area in the traditional sense, that is, the Umbrella Company discovered oil in Port Elizabeth. Now the peninsula has gradually attracted attention, but the area of ​​concern is also the coast of the Persian Gulf, and the vast inland In the desert area, it is still free.

Because the Umbrella Company sent troops to East India, there were less than [-] mercenaries left on the peninsula. The overall expansion was seriously affected. With the declaration of independence in East India, most of the mercenaries stayed in East India and only a small number of mercenaries returned. In Port Elizabeth, Rock increased troops to the peninsula many times within a year, and finally maintained the peninsula's strength at more than [-].

"1 people is not enough, we need to continue to increase the number of troops, at least 2 people must be guaranteed." Rock still thinks it is not enough, completely ignoring the entire peninsula except for the umbrella, the combined strength of Britain, the Ottoman Empire and other forces is not enough. to ten thousand.

It is indeed less than [-]. Don’t think that the situation in the whole world is similar to that of the Qing Dynasty just because Rock immigrates at every turn. In fact, although the proportion of the population of the Qing Dynasty is declining, it still accounts for a quarter of the world’s total population. One, so it is measured in units of [-] at every turn, and it is really only the Chinese who can afford it.

If this is the case, then the Indians can afford it too, but it is a pity that the Indians are not up to date and were conquered by the British early. They can only live by the face of the British, so the Indians are counted in the total population of the British.

"If there are 2 people, our expenditure will at least triple—" Sam, who has left the umbrella to work in the Nyasaland Agricultural Company, is worried. It does not mean that the cost will double when the number of people doubles. The cost is in a geometric progression. Going up, now the peninsula's expenses have given Sam a bit of a headache.

Compared with professional soldiers in southern Africa, the cost of mercenaries in umbrella companies is higher. The average annual salary of a professional soldier is almost 120 rand, and the salary of a mercenary plus overseas subsidies can reach 150 rand. Leaving aside the other expenses, the salaries alone cost 300 million for [-] mercenaries. Not to mention personal expenses, even the colonial governments of Tanganyika in Southwest Africa couldn't afford it.

Strictly speaking, Umbrella Company and Adan Company are subsidiaries of Nyasaland Agricultural Company. Looking at the income alone, both Umbrella Company and Adan Company are seriously unable to make ends meet, with a monthly loss of 30 million yuan. Calculated on an annual basis, Exactly the salary of [-] mercenaries.

"Spend what you need." Rock is not talking nonsense. Now it seems that Umbrella Company and Adan Company are indeed losing money, but if spending several million a year can be exchanged for the control of the peninsula, Rock can really wake up from a dream. .

"This year we have to borrow from the Rand Bank again." Sam lamented that Nyasaland Agricultural Company's poor profitability was definitely not because of Sam's incompetence, but because the boss, Rock, was too capable.

Rock's various basic investments in Nyasaland and overseas are basically the ones with slow returns and low returns. If Stoudemire's business philosophy is followed, Adan Company has worked hard from Port Elizabeth The oil dug out has to be sent to Nyasaland thousands of miles away, and the price has to be increased by three to five times. Rock is not, and the profit of Adan Company in selling oil in southern Africa is very low. Basically, it does not make money. Selling oil in Europe can barely subsidize the deficit in southern Africa.

In fact, Stoudemire has also made progress. Under the influence of Rock, Rhodesia is also carrying out large-scale infrastructure construction. Now the economy is getting better and better. If you want to get rich, build roads first. Even the three heads and six arms can't be used.

"Not necessarily." Rock is confident. With the end of the Italian-Turkish war and the time for the year-end inventory, the various products sold by Nyasaland have withstood the test and are well received in Italy and the Ottoman Empire. The border-Italian-Turkish war is not over yet, and new customers have come to our door.

The new client is still the Ottomans, but not the Ottoman government, but the Balkan Union composed of Slavic nations in the Balkan Peninsula.

This Balkan alliance was established to fight against the Ottoman Empire. The reason why the Ottoman Empire would rather give up Tripoli and Cyrenaica than rush to end the Italian-Turkish war was because of the establishment of the Balkan Alliance.

For the Ottoman Empire, the North African province was just a blight, and the Balkan Alliance was a serious problem for the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire's efforts to protect the North African province were mainly because of face. If something went wrong in the Balkans, the Ottoman Empire would be over.

Tripoli and Cyrenaica are the future Libya. The Ottoman Empire didn't know that Libya had oil, otherwise the Ottoman Empire would do its best.

The Balkan Alliance mainly buys Nyasaland’s aircraft, and the Balkan Alliance does not need conventional weapons. Here we can see how attractive the Ottoman Empire is. There are many forces in the Balkan Alliance, and each force has one or several behind it. The country is supporting it, otherwise Rock can take the opportunity to sell some rifles and machine guns.

"Sell [-] this time?" Sam had already sharpened his knife, waiting for the Balkan Alliance to come to his door.

"Otherwise?" Luo Kening refused to lower the price. Don't think that the small countries in the Balkan Peninsula have no money. In fact, they are also very rich. After all, the Balkan Peninsula was also part of the Ottoman Empire.

For the Balkan Union, Roque prepared not only aircraft, but also armored vehicles that had never been sold before.

During the Italian-Turkish War, Italy and the Ottoman Empire also tried to purchase armored vehicles from southern Africa. Of course, Rock would not refuse this request, but was stopped by the British government just when the contract was about to be negotiated.

Italy has not joined the Allied Powers, nor has it joined the Allied Powers. Originally, the Italians probably wanted to sell them for a price. If the price on the other side was high, Italy would join the other side. As a result, the performance of the Italian army during the Italian-Turkish War was shocking. France, which wanted to win over Italy, backed down.

As far as the performance of the Italian army in the Italian-Turkish war is concerned, it is not necessarily a good thing to bring Italy into the Allies. Letting Italy go to the Allies may play a greater role.

The British government also suspended the arms sales contract between Nyasaland and Italy. If Italy really joined the Allied Powers, the various arms sold by Nyasaland to Italy now will become weapons for Italy to attack the Allied Powers in the future.

Roque has no such concerns about the Ottoman Empire. Even if the British stop this time, Roque must firmly support the just war of the people of all ethnic groups in the Balkans against the decadent rule of the Ottoman Empire. The more damage the Balkan Alliance causes to the Ottoman Empire, the better. Let the Ottoman Empire directly GG, so that Rock can fish in troubled waters and reap the greatest benefits.

For Rock, the desert area in the interior of the peninsula and the coast of the Persian Gulf are already in his pocket. The Aden Protectorate on the Arabian coast and the Muscat Sultanate are honestly not very interesting to Rock. What makes Rock never forget is the Mediterranean Sea. The coastal area, that is, the Middle East provinces of the Ottoman Empire.

There is not much oil underground in the Mediterranean coastal areas, but the geographical location is very important. In the 21st century, Syria has been smashed into a pot of porridge.

Syria is now part of the Ottoman Empire. During the First World War, Britain and France both took a fancy to Syria, and the final result of the bargain was given to France.

Now Roque wants to grab the French candy. As soon as the world war breaks out, Roque will immediately tear up the agreement with the Ottoman Empire and send mercenaries from the Umbrella Company to attack the Middle East provinces of the Ottoman Empire.

As for the name, it really doesn't matter, it's just a matter of changing clothes. Umbrella Company already has many veterans from southern Africa, so it doesn't violate the peace at all.

(End of this chapter)

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