Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 783 Don't bite the hook

Chapter 783 Don't bite the hook

Before Roque had time to send more troops to the peninsula, Turkey and the Ottoman Empire signed the "Treaty of Cairo" in Cairo, Egypt.

The Italians won big, not only with Tripoli and Cyrenaica, but with a little gimmick over the Dodecanese.

After Winston's mediation, the Italians expressed their willingness to return the Dodecanese Islands to the Ottoman Empire, but there was no limit on the specific time, which left hidden dangers for the Italians. People are so shameless, it's useless to write black and white on paper.

In fact, even if you think about the Ottoman Empire, you don’t have time to worry about it. The Balkan Alliance has officially declared its independence. In the event of a headwind.

Winston did not return to London directly, but went directly to southern Africa by boat and disembarked from Port Edward.

Rock did not go to pick him up, and Winston was not in a hurry to go to Pretoria. It was not until August [-] that Winston traveled leisurely along Nyasaland Rhodesia to Pretoria.

The current Winston is no longer the high-spirited and personable young man he was back then, but a middle-aged man with obvious bags under his eyes and fat body, and his hair is starting to bald.

"God, Winston, what have you experienced in the past few years?" Rock was really surprised. It was said that Slavic women had slim waists and graceful figures when they were young, and they quickly became big mothers after giving birth, and British men were not far behind.

"God knows, it seems that the passage of time is particularly obvious on me." Winston looked at Rock with all kinds of envy and hatred.

Although Rock is also over the age, his appearance is almost the same as when Winston first met Rock.

"It must be because of the hard work." Henry and Winston are also old friends, and Winston will come to southern Africa rarely, so Henry will definitely accompany him.

At the same time, Stoudemire and Sidney Milner were also accompanying him. Stoudemire and Winston were partners, and Sidney Milner represented Adelaide. After all, Winston was the British Navy Secretary. I can't even ask.

The welcome banquet was not held in the hotel, but at Rock's house. Winston did not come to southern Africa in an official name this time, but came for vacation.

"You're right. The people I deal with every day are a group of old men. I think I will age prematurely." Winston laughed at himself. Officials in the UK, especially senior officials, are indeed older. 60 is normal.

The average age of senior officials in southern Africa is much younger. Prime Minister Adelaide is less than 60 years old, Rock Henry Owen and Sidney Milner are all in their 30s, and Louis Botha is less than 50 years old and feels like he is about to retire up.

"What's the result of the negotiation?" Rock didn't make up his mind, and was concerned about the just-concluded negotiations. The specific content of the "Cairo Treaty" was not announced to the outside world.

Italy did not announce the content of the "Treaty of Cairo" because it was ready to breach the contract, and the Ottoman Empire did not announce the "Treaty of Cairo" because the content was too harsh. The Ottoman Empire really could not afford to lose face.

"What else can it do? The Ottoman Empire is eager to withdraw, and the Italians take advantage of the fire to loot. The Balkan Peninsula has become a powder keg. Sooner or later, the whole world will be detonated." Winston never expected that he would make a prophecy, and his political sensitivity is indeed full marks.

"The Ottoman Empire is over." Rock knew the future of the Ottoman Empire, and the current struggle was just lingering.

"Leaving aside the Ottoman Empire, the Umbrella Company has invaded the coast of the Arabian Sea in the peninsula. Did you know about this?" Winston came to southern Africa not only for a vacation, but also to warn Rock to restrain himself.

"I know that the Umbrella Company is trying to set up supply points along the oil transportation line. Anyway, it is a desert wasteland without an owner." Rock understated that the actual situation is definitely not the case. The interior of the peninsula is indeed a desert area, and the coastal area is quite good. .

"How can there be no owner? The Umbrella Company has had many conflicts with the Muscat Sultanate. The Muscat Sultanate has always exercised restraint, and the Umbrella Company should also exercise restraint." Winston is also very helpless. Southern Africa is now It can be regarded as a vassal state of the United Kingdom, and the Muscat Sultanate is also a vassal state of the United Kingdom. When the two younger brothers fight, it is difficult for the British government to balance a bowl of water.

"The Muscat Sultanate deserves it!" Rock said directly, and there was nothing wrong with saying it in front of Winston.

Rock and Winston have always maintained a good relationship. Winston can climb so fast, of course, family background is very important, and it is also inseparable from the investment income in southern Africa.

It is really an investment, all accounts are very clear, and you are not afraid of being audited by the State Administration of Taxation. This is much cleaner than those shady political donations.

Roque deserves what he said, the Muscat Sultanate supported Anglo-American oil companies in oil exploration along the coast of the Persian Gulf.

Probably King Faisal of the Muscat Sultanate felt that the Muscat Sultanate was also a British protectorate, so it was qualified to share the oil revenues along the Persian Gulf with the umbrella company.

Unexpectedly, the Umbrella Company did not show affection at all, not to mention the attack on the oil exploration team of Anglo-American Petroleum Company, and frequently invaded the control area of ​​the Muscat Sultanate. Now the control area of ​​the Muscat Sultanate on the coast of the Arabian Sea has been Occupied by the Umbrella Corporation, the actual control area of ​​the Muscat Sultanate is only a mountainous area of ​​less than [-] square kilometers around Muscat, so Faisal had to ask the UK for help, hoping that the UK can help the Muscat Sultanate uphold justice.

"When I was in Cairo, Colonel McMahon also said that there is a problem with the direction of the umbrella company. You should infiltrate into the richer Mesopotamia instead of Muscat, which is worthless." Winston didn't want to It is not in Britain's interest to see the emergence of a strong and unified power on the peninsula.

But this kind of thing can’t be said directly. The relationship between Rock and Winston is here, and southern Africa is part of the Commonwealth. Based on Winston’s understanding of Rock, it is impossible to limit the expansion of the umbrella company. Just divert the trouble to the east and let Rock go to toss the Ottoman Empire, which is full of holes.

This is normal practice in the UK.

As for Colonel McMahon, the dedication of the Umbrella Company has always been very useful, otherwise McMahon would not have said so. The problem of direction does not limit the expansion of the Umbrella Company.

Mesopotamia is the former ancient country of Babylon, the future Iraq, and now part of the Ottoman Empire.

After World War I, Iraq, like Palestine, was a British Mandate.

If it was Roque, it would definitely take the opportunity to annex Iraq at this time, but Britain did not do so. Instead, it established the Kingdom of Iraq in 1921 and gave Iraq complete independence in 1932.

Here we can see how much Britain attaches importance to the peninsula.

"In what name? To protect the British immigrants in Mesopotamia?" Rock laughed dumbly, and McMahon was also whimsical. Leaving aside the authenticity of the infamous McMahon Line, McMahon made his own claim during World War I Wrote a letter to Sharif Hussein, in which McMahon promised independence for the Arabs within the Ottoman Empire after victory if the Arabs rebel against the Turks with arms.

This mainly refers to Palestine, Iraq, and Syria, so strictly speaking, McMahon is the father of this bunch of countries.

As for the protection of diaspora, this is also the usual method of the British government. During the Second Boer War, Britain launched a war against the Transvaal Republic and the Orange Free State under the banner of protecting diaspora.

"There are indeed many British immigrants in the Mesopotamia." Winston emphasized that this is correct. William Knox Darcy, who founded the Persian Petroleum Company, was a British.

The Persian Petroleum Company in another time and space was the predecessor of British Petroleum Company, but in this time and space, the Persian Petroleum Company was on the verge of bankruptcy because its oil wells were frequently attacked by desert bandits, and they could not even pay for drilling new wells.

Before Rock answered the call, Phyllis came over to inform: "Gentlemen, dinner is ready—"

Phyllis is very enthusiastic as the hostess, and Rock rarely entertains guests at home.

Then let's move to the restaurant together. Phyllis arranged a Chinese-style dinner. Winston just sat down and wanted to continue the topic just now.

"Can we talk about something else? The topic of you two soldiers can wait until after dinner." Xiao Si suggested that Rock is the Minister of Defense in Southern Africa, and Winston is the Secretary of the Navy of the United Kingdom. It is indeed a common language.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry—" Winston realized that he seemed to have neglected Henry Sr. and Sidney Milner.

Henry didn't care, he wasn't interested in the peninsula either. In fact, among the few people present, Henry was the only one who had served in the army. Unfortunately, he was kicked out of the army by Hopkins and went to the Cape Town Police Station.

"This is not a purely military topic. Port Elizabeth is becoming more and more important to southern Africa and even the United Kingdom. We must ensure the safety of Port Elizabeth." Sidney Milner rose to a political level as soon as he opened his mouth. It is indeed very important.

The United Kingdom is able to handle the Balkan issue with ease, because the oil in Port Elizabeth gradually reduces Britain's dependence on Romanian oil. Compared with Romanian oil, the oil in Port Elizabeth is cheaper and of better quality, so the British government will default to the umbrella company in the peninsula. expansion.

"In any case, Roque, you must ensure the independence of the Muscat Sultanate, and you can't go too far." Winston didn't want to limit the umbrella. As for the Muscat Sultanate, Winston didn't care.

In 1891, King Faisal of the Muscat Sultanate assured the British that he, his successors and descendants would not sell, mortgage, or transfer the Muscat Sultanate and its any part of its possessions.

This is the benefit of Southern Africa remaining within the Commonwealth.

(End of this chapter)

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