Chapter 787 Slander

In order to pursue survivability, battleships must have thicker and thicker armor. The steel plate of the main armor belt of the battlecruiser Tiger is not the thickest, but the thickest is the conning tower, which is ten inches thick and 254 mm thick.

Compared with the stupid and indestructible battleships, the aircraft carrier built by Edward Dockyard is like a younger brother who is opportunistic and cut corners, which makes Winston furious.

"Battleships are like medieval heavy armored knights. They are meant to charge forward, so the thicker the armor, the better. Aircraft carriers are like traditional British longbowmen. Their main function is to strike from a distance, and they don't fight the enemy hand-to-hand at all. , why do you need such a thick armor?" Rock plausibly said that different positions have different standards.

Winston was so depressed. Rock used the longbowman as an analogy, and Winston, an Englishman, was not easy to refute.

In the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France from the fifteenth to the sixteenth century, longbowmen have always been the traditional superior arms of Britain. The range of British longbowmen can reach 300 meters. At the limit distance of 300 meters, the cones used by longbowmen Shaped arrows can penetrate ordinary mail.

At that time, the British longbowmen were really invincible. In the Battle of Crecy in 1346, 1542 British troops with longbowmen as the core fought against 15000 French troops with heavy cavalry as the core. It is unbelievable that the French army lost about 200 people including [-] lords and knights, and the British army suffered only more than [-] casualties.

If you only look at the exchange ratio, it is estimated that many people will think that this is the massacre of the cold weapon army by the modern army.

"These steel plates are the upper deck of the aircraft carrier, and other materials are laid on the steel plates, so they must be thinner. The steel plates of the main armor belt are still relatively thick. Even though they are not as good as battleships, they are still comparable to ordinary cruisers." Rock The next explanation finally made Winston feel better.

However, if Winston knew that the upper deck was only covered with a layer of planks that could be replaced quickly, Winston would probably be even more devastated.

Traditional wooden materials have almost disappeared on modern warships. The main reason is that wooden materials are too easy to catch fire. The same is true for decks. For anti-corrosion, they will be repeatedly oiled, and they almost catch fire.

"Where's your improved naval aircraft?" Winston cared about all naval equipment, and just adding the word Winston felt like a chicken blood.

"It's not here, it's in Xuanwu City." Rock refused to let him see. The secret of the Navy's strong wind lies in the foldable wings. Folds up and unfolds when in use.

The technical content is actually not very high, and the main thing is to change thinking. The machine gun produced by Nyasaland can be switched between light and heavy machine guns at will after the barrel and bracket are replaced, and the same is true for aircraft.

Even the aircraft carrier in front of me is the same. The aircraft carrier built by Edward Shipyard can be turned into a supply ship, a medical ship, a transport ship, or even an ocean liner with a little modification. This is the role of the platform.

Because the aircraft carrier has not yet been built, Rock and Winston did not board the ship, but a lot of problems can be seen from a look at the scene. Although Winston is not a naval expert, there are many naval experts in the entourage. Ston's thoughts became more.

"Even if it's a joint production, we still have to buy three or five ships, right?" Rock was dissatisfied, and Winston's overreaching was unacceptable.

"One for 168 million, you want me to buy three or five? No money!" Winston said simply.

"For the aircraft carrier, more than 4000 engineers in Nyasaland have worked hard for a year and a half. Now you are going to take away the design drawings in one sentence. Do you think our engineers in Nyasaland are slaves of your Navy Department? ?” Rock didn’t do it either, Nyasaland indeed has more than 1 engineers, but it’s the total number of engineers in all light and heavy weapons, engines, aircraft, and automobiles, not just the Edward Shipyard.

Moreover, the threshold for engineers in Nyasaland is lower than that of British engineers, and the technicians in charge of production in the factory are also engineers, which is different from the situation in the UK.

Compared with Rock, who values ​​industrial development, Winston is a standard aristocrat who is superior and does not eat the fireworks of the world. Therefore, Winston does not have much reaction to the number of "more than 4000", but the Ministry of the Navy is responsible for technical aspects. Supervisor Cody Lawrence twitched his eyebrows.

"What do you want? Just say it." Winston was not confused by Rock's performance, and there was nothing that could not be discussed.

"You have to understand our difficulties in Nyasaland. The steam turbines used by the aircraft carrier are still purchased locally. The Ordnance Industry Group can only produce artillery with a maximum caliber of [-] inches. Your Navy Ministry would rather buy rifles from India than from us. Yasaran bought it, isn’t Nyasaland part of the British Empire——” Rock has many demands, and it’s impossible not to pay. Even if the technology of the aircraft carrier is not given, it must be made up from other sources.

"That's enough Locke. Now even without the cooperation of Edward Dockyard, the Royal Navy Dockyard can produce aircraft carriers." Winston was triumphant. Aircraft carriers in this period really didn't have many technical difficulties. They didn't even have a catapult. The full-load displacement of the battlecruiser is already [-] tons, and it is indeed no problem for the Royal Navy Dockyard to build an aircraft carrier.

As soon as Winston finished speaking, Cody Lawrence's eyes were about to move, obviously full of confidence, and he was looking forward to the collapse of Winston and Rock's talk.

"Don't force me to talk about the ugly Winston. I don't doubt the ability of the Royal Navy Dockyard, but the Edward Dockyard has to survive. Your Admiralty will not buy it, and some people are willing to buy it." Rock didn't care about Winston's threat, don't Seeing that Rock is chanting Long Live the Queen all day—no, long live the King now, if the Admiralty really dares to harm the interests of southern Africa, then Rock will immediately turn around and find cooperation with the Germans.

Of course, Rock will definitely not openly cooperate with the Germans, but it can still be achieved through some "secret channels" that everyone knows. Southern Africa can pass the railway through Southwest Africa to Walvis Bay. What else can we do? Arrived.

"What do you mean?" Winston's face immediately turned ugly and frightening. Rock's words were indeed outrageous.

"That's what you think it means!" Rock pointed tit for tat. Southern Africa is no longer the southern Africa that is bullied and has no ability to resist.

"Hey, I said—" Stoudemire, who was accompanying him, saw that the atmosphere was not right, and probably wanted to ease the atmosphere, but after seeing Winston and Rock's nose-to-nose, he sighed and found a corner to start drawing boringly. circle.

The atmosphere is indeed full of gunpowder.

Both Winston and Roque have a large number of entourages. When the two of them get along well, everyone can say hello to me, hello to everyone, and the atmosphere is extremely harmonious.

Now there was a serious rift between Winston and Roark, and the antagonism soon spread.

Zach and Angel Barton on Rock's side stood behind Rock and stared at him. Winston's entourage also stared at Rock with dissatisfaction, but Cody Lawrence was full of embarrassment. Winston probably wanted to throw Rock away. Go it alone, and have a lot to do with Cody Lawrence.

"Locke, you can take what the British Empire gave you at any time." Winston resolutely refused to back down. There was no sympathy for national interests. One of twenty dukes this fact.

"So the Admiralty can unscrupulously damage Nyasaland's interests? Do you have shares in the Royal Navy Dockyard or what?" Rock deliberately avoided sensitive topics. George V could indeed easily take back Rock's title, but It is no longer possible to repatriate all the Chinese in southern Africa back to the Qing Dynasty in southern Africa.

To put it bluntly, if the British government really dares to tear itself apart, Rock will immediately unite with the Africans to drive all the British out of southern Africa. With the current industrial strength of southern Africa, another Boer War can be fought. It is impossible for Britain to blockade Nyasaland, Rhodesia, Transvaal, and Bechuana like it did during the Second Boer War.

What's more, the United Kingdom is still facing a strong challenge from Germany in Europe. Compared with southern Africa, Germany is Britain's confidant, just like the Ottoman Empire would rather give up Tripoli and Cyrenaica for the Balkan Peninsula. Once the southern African rebellion, This scenario is likely to play out again in the UK.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could I have shares in the Royal Naval Dockyard?" Winston grew up in the environment of the Marlborough family since he was a child. He also tried his best to fight for the interests of the Admiralty, but Rock refused to give up an inch, and Winston naturally wanted to find a step.

What's more, Rock took the initiative to bring the steps to Winston.

The British colonial policy has also been adjusted. Since the American War of Independence, the British policy on the colonies has begun to change. If all subsequent Canada, Australia, South Africa want to be self-governing, the British government will gradually loosen its control over these areas.

After the second Boer War, the British policy began to change again. It paid [-] million military expenses for the two Boer countries, which made the British government overwhelmed. Therefore, Britain will not easily launch a foreign war now, unless it is Germany To challenge Britain's global hegemony.

"Then why do you think so? If you want benefits, Edward Shipyard can also give it to you. How much do you want? Make a price!" Rock has already clarified the bottom line, and now he will lead the topic to "rebates". Ston, even Winston's entourage began to blush.

The public relations expenses of big companies are all over the place. Winston must take the big head, but Cody Lawrence and the others must also be able to drink the soup.

"Shut up, you bastard, don't slander my reputation." Winston's reaction now was much more intense than before.

(End of this chapter)

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