Chapter 788

As the Minister of the Navy, Winston will not say whether there is a kickback for the order to the Royal Navy Dockyard. There must be a transfer of benefits. Some things cannot be said too clearly, otherwise it will hurt feelings.

If Southern Africa wants to win orders from the United Kingdom, some unspoken rules must be followed. Viscount Gladstone has now received nearly one million pounds from the arms purchase contract in Southern Africa. If there is no conflict of interest behind it, Roque will definitely not believe it.

At this time, political wisdom is reflected. The relationship between Winston and Rock is so good, and the relationship between Southern Africa and the British government is like this. It is definitely wrong to hide it, but it is impossible to tell Rock completely. The technical content of the aircraft carrier is indeed not high, and the armor is not as good as that of a cruiser, let alone a battleship, but the most valuable thing about an aircraft carrier is the combat concept, which is incomparable to both a cruiser and a battleship.

Back at the hotel at night, Winston was furious, blaming Rock for not giving Winston enough face during the day.

At this time, there were only Rock and Winston, so Rock was more presumptuous, pointing to the core of the problem.

"Ten percent, if the Admiralty orders the aircraft carrier from Edward's Shipyard, you will have a ten percent profit." Those high-profile words were all about the scene, and Rock directly spent money.

"The cost of an aircraft carrier is at most 30—" Winston was demanding. Winston didn't know how much the cost of an aircraft carrier was, but someone in Winston's entourage, Li, knew.

"20.00%!" Rock said no nonsense.

"Locke, even though I am the Secretary of the Navy, I am not in charge of the military purchase contract." Winston was still deciding.

"25!" Rock drew the line before Winston increased the price. If there was more, the profits of Edward Shipyard would not be guaranteed.

"Deal!" Winston finally let go. The British Royal Navy Dockyard built 45 warships last year. It is actually not too difficult to add one or two aircraft carriers.

Winston did order two ships, not because Roque gave enough rebates, but at most it was an objective factor, and the main reason was the specific needs of the British Navy.

Winston not only bought a ship, but also hoped to hire skilled pilots from Nyasaland. Rock also had no obstacles in this regard.

One thing to note is that there are now more than fifty flying clubs in Nyasaland. Pilots with good skills must have been picked up in advance by the newly established Southern African Air Force. The remaining pilots are still technically deficient. Some even Fly only gliders.

Winston didn't know the specifics, and even if he knew, he probably didn't care. Anyway, Winston was not allowed to pay for the aircraft carrier. The power of the Secretary of the Navy is indeed greatly limited by the Congress, but he was already a member of Congress. Winston was at home.

While Rock and Winston were bargaining, a new round of conflict broke out between the Umbrella Company and the Muscat Sultanate in the Persian Gulf six thousand kilometers away.

Entering August, the Muscat Sultanate is still pinning its hopes on the British government, hoping that the British government can restrain the expansion of umbrella companies.

In this way, the British government is very embarrassed. The Muscat Sultanate is a British protectorate, and southern Africa is also part of the British Empire. It is really difficult to tell who is right and who is wrong.

"There is nothing to say. From the moment the Muscat Sultanate decided to cooperate with Anglo-American Petroleum Corporation, they are our enemies." Tang En was firm and insisted on attacking Muscat. The full annexation of the Sultanate is in the interests of the umbrella companies.

In the current peninsula, apart from the territory of the Ottoman Empire, only the Umbrella Company, the Muscat Sultanate and the Aden Protectorate are left. The Umbrella Company is a British company, and the Muscat Sultanate is a British company. The Protectorate of Aden and the Protectorate of Aden were also established with the support of the United Kingdom, so Tang En has high requirements. His current goal is to annex the Sultanate of Muscat and the Protectorate of Aden. After the solution, he will cross the Persian Gulf and surrender to the Ottoman Empire. Hinterland penetration.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Ottoman Empire is at the end of its rope. At this time, sending charcoal in the middle of nowhere can save them from life. They simply made troubles. Forget about the Balkan Peninsula and leave it to the Balkan Union to slowly toss. The coast of the Persian Gulf has been regarded by Tang En as the private land of southern Africa , If it weren't for Rock's repeated orders, the umbrella company has already begun to infiltrate across the strait, as well as the Nile Delta that controls the Suez Canal.

The Nile Delta is Egypt. Because of the Suez Canal, the UK directly has troops stationed in Egypt, but this does not limit the expansion of the umbrella company.

Just last month, a unit of the Umbrella Company successfully arrived at the Mediterranean coast. Although they gave up under pressure three days later, it fully demonstrated the strong position of the Umbrella Company in the peninsula.

"Tang En, I know you want to make contributions, but you can't do it now." Li De is more sensible. The nominal territory of the umbrella company is the small area around Port Elizabeth. The south coast of the Persian Gulf was gradually controlled later. Now The expansion of the umbrella company is the default of the British government, but the umbrella company still needs an opportunity to legally occupy these lands.

"The Ottoman Empire has already lost the Italian-Turkish war, and now is our best chance." Dunn emphasized that the Ottoman Empire is now a big piece of fat, and everyone wants to take a bite.

"Not yet, we need more patience." Li De also knows that the umbrella company has this ability, but it still needs to be restrained, and it cannot be achieved overnight.

Nominally, Umbrella Company and Adan Company do not belong to each other.

In fact, the actions of the Umbrella Company require the strong support of the Adan Company, including those desert bandits on the peninsula, which are actually providing logistical support by the Adan Company.

Otherwise, the desert bandits on the peninsula may not be able to persist for a week. This is the tragedy of the single colonial economy. The more advanced the weapons and equipment, the more they need to rely on logistics. When Rock wanted to set up an arsenal, he wanted to subvert the Portuguese East Africa. Banner bought machines from the Royal Small Arms Company, the nomads of the peninsula were worthless, and were ignored by the Ottoman Empire and the British before, and they are still the same now.

"Okay, okay, Li De, have you heard that sentence, you are a scholar who is useless." The relationship between Tang En and Li De is actually very good, but if there is a problem with the direction of attack, someone must take the initiative Cooperate.

"Stop talking nonsense. Your lord is not asking us to annex the entire peninsula, but to gradually establish a dominant position." Li De also had a headache. With the development of southern Africa, many military officers in southern Africa have gradually developed a superior thinking. This is a new idea. colonialism.

Rock doesn't mind, and even deliberately cultivates this kind of colonial thinking. The world war is a new round of feast for the division of the world, and southern Africa must not be absent.

(End of this chapter)

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