Chapter 789 Victims

More and more people realize that the arms race will end in a world war of unprecedented scale, but only Rock knows how much the world war will affect the future world.

Leaving aside the messy Balkan Peninsula after the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, the Middle East Peninsula was also a mess after the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. Clashes even broke out between the rebel forces led by Hussein ibn Ali and the French forces entrusted by the League of Nations to take over the Mediterranean coast.

McMahon wrote to Hussein ibn Ali because the British and French allied forces were held by Germany in Europe and could not escape, so there was not enough power in the Middle East to attack the Ottoman Empire.

Now there are mercenaries from the Umbrella Company in the peninsula. Compared with Hussein ibn Ali, although Umbrella is a private enterprise, it is a British enterprise with pure blood. Therefore, after the outbreak of the World War, McMahon will definitely not look far away , when the time comes, the umbrella company can justifiably occupy the entire peninsula.

It even invaded the hinterland of the Ottoman Empire, that is, the Asia Minor peninsula that the Russians coveted.

You can see the importance of the Asia Minor Peninsula by looking at the map. Constantinople next to the Bosporus Strait guards the mouth of the Black Sea and cannot control the Bosphorus Strait. Russia’s Black Sea Fleet is just in name. Like the Mongolian Navy, it only exists as a fleet.

During the 1676 years from 1878 to 202, a war broke out between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire in an average of about 20 years. Up to now, it has been fought ten times and it is still tied. The First World War will break out. No. 11 times.

In Rock's plan, the best time for Southern Africa to annex the peninsula is after the outbreak of World War I.

However, there will definitely be some deviations in the implementation of the plan. Under the influence of Roque, the military officers in southern Africa are extremely aggressive. Dunn has been working with Roque all the year round and is a leader.

Despite Li De's restraint, since August, the desert bandits supported by the umbrella company began to cross the Shams Mountain frequently and marched towards the hinterland of the Muscat Sultanate.

Mount Shams is part of the Hajar Mountains, the natural barrier of Muscat. The interior of the mountains is an endless desert. The coastal areas have a warm and humid climate, which is completely different from the arid and desolate inland deserts.

In the past, desert bandits never set foot in the Hajar Mountains, so the coastal area including the Hajar Mountains has become a paradise for Muscat people to live in. Under the repeated attacks of desert bandits, the inland area of ​​the peninsula has become a boundless place with thousands of miles of red cliffs. In the crowded area, the surrounding area of ​​Muscat is full of people, as distinct as the Chu River and Han border.

In mid-August, a group of mercenaries organized by the Anglo-American Mining Company launched an attack on a patrol team of the Umbrella Company near the Hajar Mountains. The Sultanate of Muscat launched a retaliatory attack.

"You promised me the day before yesterday that you would guarantee the independence of the Muscat Sultanate, but now the mercenaries of the umbrella company have appeared in Seeb, which is less than [-] kilometers away from Muscat. How do you explain it now?" Wen Si When Dun knew the situation, he was furious. When he was in charge of the negotiations in Cairo some time ago, Taimur, the son of the current Sultan Faisal, had just visited Winston. Winston also emphasized the support of the British government for the Muscat Sultanate. .

In 1888, Faisal took over as Sudan with the support of the United Kingdom. The Muscat Sultanate and the British government signed multiple unequal treaties, thus fully subject to the United Kingdom. In recent years, Faisal’s health has been very bad. Muir is also the prince of the Muscat Sultanate, and it is estimated that he must have the support of the British government to take over as the Sultan.

The situation in the Muscat Sultanate is very complicated. There are serious ethnic and religious problems, and there are serious internal divisions. If you only look at historical records, no one would have thought that the Said Dynasty, which once spanned the Asian and African continents, and the capital Mas Carter is actually just a small medieval town with a population of less than 5000 people.

In fact, it is a tribe with a larger scale and a relatively strict hierarchy.

That is to say, Britain does not have enough population, so it has to rely on local people to maintain its rule.

Rock didn't speak, and directly handed Winston the report that Reed had given Rock.

"It's Anglo-American Petroleum Corporation again. Why can't you open the coast of the Persian Gulf? Anglo-American Petroleum Corporation is also a British company, and you can cooperate with each other." Winston is not naive. Of course, there are prerequisites for cooperation, such as charging a part of the fee. Or simply take a stake in Anglo-American Petroleum Corporation, which is also a common way of capital operation.

"The Nyasaland Military Industry Group and the Royal Artillery Factory are also British companies, so why didn't the Royal Artillery Factory share the naval gun technology with us?" Rock would not cooperate with Anglo-American Petroleum Corporation.

The premise of cooperation is unknown risks. Oil drilling is very risky. It is normal to find no oil after drilling a well, so it is necessary to work together to share risks.

But this risk does not exist here in Rock. The Persian Gulf coast has the most abundant oil reserves in the world, so rich that oil can be found by drilling a well. Rock is not short of economic strength and human resources. Anglo American Petroleum Co.

The world's dependence on oil is not high now, and it is only in southern Africa that oil is regarded as a strategic resource storage. Britain, France, Germany and the United States have not yet realized the importance of oil to the future world, so Rock will never allow any other company to set foot in it. persian gulf.

Even British companies can't do it. If Britain realizes the size of the oil reserves along the Persian Gulf coast, it will be as difficult as ever for southern Africa to monopolize the peninsula.

"It's two different things, and we're talking about it now—" Winston was slightly proud, this was another one of Winston's achievements.

The transfer of naval gun technology is one of the conditions for Rock to sell the aircraft carrier to the British Admiralty. This transfer is definitely not free, but the price will not be high. Rock's way is still very wild. If the Royal Artillery Factory does not cooperate , Narok directly looked for other ways, and the United Kingdom is not the only one in the world that has artillery technology.

The largest caliber artillery that the Nyasaland Military Industry Group can produce now is ten inches, which is 254mm in conversion.

The most advanced artillery technology in the United Kingdom has reached 15 inches, which is 381 mm in conversion. This is also the most advanced artillery technology in the world and will be applied to the latest Queen Elizabeth-class battleship.

This kind of artillery is now highly confidential. In order to prevent the leakage of secrets, it is referred to as "14-inch" artillery in the UK. In order to catch up with the progress, the trial production and manufacture of the artillery are carried out at the same time.

This shows how much pressure the arms race has put on Britain.

If possible, Roque would of course want a 13.5-inch gun, but this possibility is unlikely, so Roque would prefer to get the [-]-inch gun technology, which is the model installed on the Tiger battlecruiser.

It is precisely because Britain has 15-inch caliber artillery that this "transfer" can be negotiated, otherwise it is impossible to even think about it.

"Winston, in the past, the empire was understaffed in the peninsula and had to rely on the residents of the peninsula to maintain its rule. Now that there are enough British people in the peninsula, why should they protect the Muscat Sultanate?" Rock fanned the flames. While supporting the Muscat Sultanate, it is also supporting the Aden Protectorate, and it is completely different from the Persians who were ruled by the Ottoman Empire.

Britain’s rule of the peninsula is the same as its checks and balances on the European continent. It neither wants to see France alone, nor allows Germany to catch up. 100 years ago, Britain’s Prussia joined forces to form an anti-French alliance, which shattered Napoleon’s unification of Europe. Ambition, now Britain and France are joining forces to contain Germany, and the balance of this hand is indeed perfect.

"If you don't support the Muscat Sultanate, do you support your umbrella company? Your territory is in Nyasaland." Winston didn't like Rock's behavior of reaching out everywhere. After all, southern Africa and the United Kingdom have separated.

"Don't be like this, you help me, let's share the benefits." Rock was simple and rude, and when the reason didn't make sense, he would simply throw money at it.

"How to share?" Winston's eyes lit up immediately.

"Adan Company, I'll give you [-]% of the profit." Rock felt that [-]% was enough, but he didn't expect Winston to look down on him.

"One percent? Are you sending beggars?" Winston didn't know how much one percent of Adan Company was, and he had hardly even heard of the name Adan Company before.

"If you don't work and only get money, what else do you want?" Rock despises people who ask for money, it's really heartless.

"Then you go find someone else to cooperate—" Winston is not angry. Rock wants to cooperate with Winston, and he values ​​the resources in Winston's hands. Now Winston is the British Secretary of the Navy. After the World War He would also serve successively as Secretary of Munitions, Secretary of War, Secretary of the Air Force, Secretary of Colonial Affairs, and Secretary of the Exchequer, which Winston knew nothing about.

If you have a good relationship with such a person, you won't suffer no matter what.

"Well, let's get to know Adan Company first." Rock was not in a hurry, and let Winston understand what [-]% of Adan Company meant.

The current Adan Company owns more than half of the southern coast of the Persian Gulf and the Adan Islands in the center of the Pacific Ocean. In East India, the Adan Company has plantations with an area of ​​more than 100 million hectares. These plantations are planted in southern Africa and the United Kingdom. of natural rubber and sucrose.

In Madagascar, Adan Company has twelve mines and a large number of plantations, and nearly [-] workers work for Adan Company.

In the Congo Free State, Adan Company took over all the mines under the name of the Upper Katanga Mining Joint Company, as well as a large number of plantations in the southeast of the Congo Free State, because the Congo Free State is still in war, these mines and plantations Work has not resumed yet, but the war will end sooner or later, and these mines and plantations will be revived.

When Adan Company was established, it was Roque's private enterprise. Now that Adan Company's business scope is getting wider and wider, Roque also needs to use profits to attract more people to the big ship of Adan Company, so that it can be better. expansion.

Of course, the shares that Roque gave to Winston are the kind that only take dividends and do nothing. For the same reason, Neville will also become a shareholder of Adan Company in the future. With the help of Neville and Winston, Roque I believe that a clown like Anglo-American Petroleum Company cannot shake the interests of Adan Company and the umbrella in the peninsula.

"One million hectares, why don't you just buy the entire East India." Winston did not expect that the Adan Company would be so powerful. The plantations in India caught Winston's attention even more.

There is no way around this. Although oil has been discovered in Port Elizabeth, no one except Rock knows how much oil there is in Port Elizabeth. Port Elizabeth is not the only place in the world that produces oil, and even Romania is not the most important oil producing area in the world. Baku and Poland are the top two oil producing regions, both of which are now located in the Russian Empire.

"Is it big?" Rock really didn't think 100 million hectares was that big.

Only then did Winston recall that Nyasaland used to have an area of ​​more than 20 square kilometers, and it is still expanding, so 100 million hectares is really not that big, and it is only [-] square kilometers in conversion.

"How much oil is there underground in Muscat?" Winston thought that Rock's main target was the Muscat Sultanate.

"Not much——" Rock didn't know the specific data. There should be, but not many. After all, in Rock's memory, the Muscat Sultanate was not famous for its oil.

"Then why do you keep aiming at the Muscat Sultanate?" Winston really couldn't understand it. The Muscat Sultanate is still worth a little in the coastal area, and the inland is barren mountains and deserts. According to British standards for colonies , don’t even want it for free.

Land is the most common resource for the United Kingdom, and the various data will no longer be listed one by one. It is replaced by Rock, who doesn't care about land.

It’s useless to care about it. Look at Canada now, not counting Labrador and Newfoundland. With an area of ​​950 million square kilometers, the sense of existence is not even as good as that of the Congo Free State. Less than one person, this is the real sparsely populated land.

"Winston, make it clear that I am not targeting the Muscat Sultanate, but that the Muscat Sultanate has been infringing on the interests of the umbrella company. This kind of convenience, the British and American oil companies have no chance to land on the peninsula, and the Muscat Sultanate is still obsessed with it. I guess they will not cry without seeing the coffin." Umbrella companies are the victims.

(End of this chapter)

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