Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 833 They Are All "Poor" Forced

Chapter 833 They Are All "Poor" Forced

In fact, there are really not so many conspiracies. Franklin doesn’t understand the situation in southern Africa. , Most people believe in being kind to others, and fully display the unique generosity, kindness, and gentleness of the Chinese. Dalton just had dinner with Franklin, and didn't ask for more.

"Try this. This is the antelope leg that is abundant in southern Africa. It is delicate, smooth and nutritious. Please forgive my lack of adjectives. I can't describe how delicious the antelope leg is. You just need to know that even if the prime minister comes to Niassa Lan, our lord must have antelope legs when entertaining the prime minister." Dalton was indeed very enthusiastic and offered to serve Franklin, which made Franklin even more uneasy.

However, the antelope leg is really delicious. The chef from Rhodesia's northern division is absolutely top-notch. The golden-yellow barbecue is full of oily fat, which looks very appetizing, and it is mixed with many kinds of spices. The exotic style really made Franklin full of praise.

Spices are still very expensive these days. For ordinary barbecue, it has a rich taste if you can sprinkle a little salt, and the taste of camel meat is really incomparable with antelope meat.

Moreover, fat is a symbol of abundance in this era. People don't care whether fat will increase fat. This concept was actually proposed by Abu. Abu also won the Nobel Prize for this concept.

"Try our wines produced in southern Africa. The French limit the brand of champagne to a fixed area in order to sell high prices. In fact, our wines in southern Africa are of good quality. Our cocktails are sold all over the world. The wine base is produced in southern Africa Only wines produced in southern Africa can make authentic cocktails, which is our pride.” Mallory is also very enthusiastic, French champagne is actually the same thing, since the French began to order After the "champagne" trademark lawsuit, the sales of champagne in southern Africa dropped sharply, while the sales of wine continued to rise.

Franklin took a sip of the barbecue and then drank the wine. The strong aroma of the barbecue and the aftertaste of the wine felt wonderful, which made Franklin feel ecstatic.

"Your southern Africa is indeed very rich. I can't even imagine it. It's really as good as it is advertised in the newspapers?" Franklin is very interested in southern Africa. The Times will have intensive articles about southern Africa every short time. It is reported that many people choose to immigrate to southern Africa precisely because of the report in The Times.

"In our southern Africa, everyone lives and works in peace—"

"The barbecue and wine we eat now is actually the daily life of ordinary farmers in southern Africa. There is also a delicacy that people can't give up on the farm. Try this. This is our special red duck egg in southern Africa. Do you know why the egg yolk is red? That’s because these ducks grow up eating fish and shrimp.” Dalton was very proud, and he sang with Mallory. He really didn’t know how good southern Africa is until he left southern Africa. , This kind of feeling has become common in southern Africa, and people think that many parts of the world are the same as southern Africa.

This illusion became very real immediately after leaving southern Africa. The Nile Delta was actually good, but under British rule, the Nile Delta was a paradise for the rich and a hell for the poor.

There is no such thing as a "middle class" in Egypt. The rich are well-clothed and well-fed, while the ordinary people struggle to survive. The polarization is very serious. As an official, Franklin is already the ruling class in Egypt. The children in the family want to eat Canning is also impossible.

Canned food is an absolute luxury outside of southern Africa. Canned whitebait in southern Africa is only sold for one shilling in Nyasaland, but it costs five shillings in Egypt. In fact, Egypt is not far from southern Africa. Where is it? Among the many "two Cs" and "Teutonic Africa" ​​plans, it seems that the British plan is the most likely to be realized.

"I can see that I was observing the defensive position just now. I have to say that this is the most complete defensive position I have ever seen in my life. Your equipment is almost armed to the teeth. The Bainbridge Rifle Regiment is only equipped with With less than ten machine guns, you only have two companies equipped with dozens of them, won’t this put huge pressure on logistics?” Franklin is no novice in military affairs, and the gap is really visible to the naked eye.

"It doesn't matter. We have transport ships, trucks, and countless cheap laborers. As long as the problem can be solved with bullets, we will never pile up human lives. We have a vast land and sparsely populated southern Africa, and life is very valuable." Marlowe Li is a firm believer in "firepower first". Southern Africa has no shortage of mineral resources, but people.

To be precise, what is missing are whites and Chinese.

And this is really not high-profile, just when Franklin, Mallory, and Dalton were having dinner, the workers who went to the beach to take a bath finally came back, and they are now wearing the uniforms and military shirts issued by the Northern Division of Rhodesia With shorts, it still looks very energetic. The only regret is that there are not enough shoes, so most of the workers are barefoot.

However, this does not affect their enthusiasm. Some people find it a little bit of resistance to have a haircut before taking a shower, but after getting the new clothes, that little bit of unhappiness is immediately thrown into the clouds.

After returning to the camp, there is a sumptuous dinner, which of course varies from person to person. There are certainly not many canned food for the workers to choose from, but a baked potato has satisfied many people.

Adding a grilled fish, many people almost swallow their tongues. In fact, Alamein’s aquatic products are also very rich, but fishermen can’t make a rich taste. The most common in Alamein is all kinds of dried salted fish. That taste is really not good.

Of course, they have to work if they are full of food and drink. These workers don’t have the concept of “human rights” in their minds. They start working after getting the order, and there is no resistance at all.

"Are the workers here so communicative?" Franklin was surprised. In his concept, most of the workers were unable to communicate. The Egyptian government tried all kinds of coercion and inducement, but the results were not good.

"It's not difficult. Everyone is just a penny a day. Their enthusiasm can burn the sky." The sergeant major who completed the task had a calm expression. A little over two shillings, much cheaper than in southern Africa.

"Let's go and see—" Franklin couldn't believe it. The Egyptian government had done this before, but it didn't work.

"Franklin, please forgive me, even if you give a worker one pound a day, there is a high probability that they will not get that much—" Mallory was rather tactful, after all, he did not directly accuse the Egyptian colonial officials of not being responsible. responsibility.

This situation is actually very normal. Under the layers of exploitation and profit sharing, the wages that workers can get are indeed very few.

The Rhodesian Northern Division doesn't pay the workers high salaries, but the actual full payment is never withheld. This is a world of difference.

After all, money is what you get.

These workers are actually working very hard. The most fearful thing is that they still can’t get the pay they deserve. The Rhodesian Northern Division pays money first and then works. The promise with Egypt is very good, but until the development It's completely different from just finding excuses to deduct at will when paying wages, so workers don't mind working overtime at night.

In fact, the work is really very simple. Build simple fortifications, build a fence around the camp, and then clean all the houses.

However, the Rhodesian Northern Division has relatively high requirements. After the room is cleaned, there will be a special person responsible for inspection and disinfection. Only under the premise of ensuring hygiene as much as possible can the soldiers be allowed to live in the stone house.

Infectious diseases are no joke.

So when Franklin woke up in the morning, the camp was completely new. Not only were the fences and watchtowers completed overnight, but the ground inside the camp had also been leveled. Franklin randomly walked into a stone house to check. Although the room was filled with the smell of drugs, those indescribable smells had disappeared, and the military doctors in white coats were still busy. They not only disinfected the room, but also disinfected the workers.

I don't know how long these workers haven't taken a shower. They still look unkempt. Many of them are still wearing old clothes, ragged and barefoot, looking sluggish.

This is in line with Franklin's impression of these workers.

(End of this chapter)

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