Chapter 834

Dalton and Mallory are very familiar with the situation of not wearing clothes when they are given. Many officers and soldiers of the Rhodesian Northern Division will wear old uniforms all year round and save new uniforms for family or friends. The situation of clothes In fact, it’s better, the shoes are even worse. The military boots issued in southern Africa are beautiful and durable. Sometimes the new ones are not as good as the old ones. Every soldier has four pairs of military boots a year, and some people can wear a pair of military boots for four years. National defense The Ministry also knew about this situation, but it didn't lower the standard and send it as it should, and simply regarded it as a special benefit for soldiers.

When the troops from southern Africa came to Egypt, they were issued uniforms of khaki shorts and military shirts. Although some clothes were not even cleaned up because of the rush of production, the style was beautiful, simple, convenient and of good quality. These Egyptian workers were indeed Not willing to wear it.

Interestingly, the raw material used in these uniforms is long-staple cotton produced in Egypt, which is one of the few economic crops in Egypt.

Franklin slept soundly that night, just like in Cairo, without realizing that Alamein was a battlefield.

When the soldiers had breakfast, the Egyptian workers who had been busy all night were going to rest, but they had to take a bath before they rested, which immediately caused many workers to complain.

"You have to take a shower before you can eat, and if you don't take a shower, you can't eat—" Dalton's simple words made the workers willing to take a bath. This point is particularly well implemented in southern Africa, and they will not blindly squeeze the workers. The work assigned by the workers is indeed very hard, but the pay is also acceptable. After a hard night's work, each worker can be assigned a can of luncheon meat.

"You are really too extravagant. The Royal Navy is still eating bread with worms, but you give it to the workers. I saw that many soldiers were unwilling to eat it last night. No wonder your military expenditure is so high." Franklin finally understood why There are more than a dozen soldiers in southern Africa, and their annual military expenditure is actually more than 2000 million.

"Hehe, we also want the Royal Navy to eat canned food, so the Royal Navy must be willing to buy it." Dalton said nothing, and Mallory was rude. Don't think that the banner of "Royal" is enough. Enjoy the treatment of the royal family, and know whether you are warm or not.

Franklin was so stunned that he couldn't speak. The Royal Navy has formed its own system for hundreds of years. The procurement job is a fat job no matter where it is. This also has a chain of interests, and Winston can't do anything about it.

On the contrary, Southern Africa is much better. The Northern Division of Rhodesia was originally formed in the name of Stoudemire. It is natural to purchase materials from South African companies. South African companies will not cut corners on military purchases. The strict requirements of the Ministry of National Defense are one aspect. The self-discipline of South African companies is also an important reason.

To put it bluntly, the interests of Rhodesia are also protected by the National Defense Forces, so it is a short-circuit of the brain to make black-hearted money on this issue. Stoudemire is not the procurement director of the Navy Department who makes money from various gray incomes. There are many ways to make money Well, why offend 10,000+ soldiers on this issue.

The breakfast was still rich, and the favorite salted duck eggs were finally freshly cooked, which was much more popular than canned food, but those broken ones were still not eaten, and they were all poured into a large bucket, ready to be distributed to the workers who had taken a shower later.

This made Franklin frown again. The price of poultry eggs in Egypt is also very expensive. An egg costs about one penny, a duck egg costs three pennies for a larger duck egg, and about five pennies for a salted egg.

This situation is similar to that in southern Africa. No matter what it is, as long as it is processed manually, the price will at least double.

Franklin frowned because during the time when the southern African army was in Egypt, all the expenses had to be paid by the Egyptian government, so he must frown when he saw this situation.

Southern Africa dispatched troops to Egypt originally needed Egypt to supply various materials, but because many of the materials needed by the southern African army could not be supplied locally in Egypt, it was simply converted into cash and paid to the Southern African Ministry of Defense, so that the Ministry of National Defense could purchase them uniformly before transporting them. to Egypt.

The two regiments in southern Africa have to pay according to the troops of a division. The monthly fee is as high as 30 pounds. Thinking that the Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa was taking the opportunity to blackmail, now it seems that 30 per month is also understandable.

Before Franklin could speak, gunshots were suddenly heard from the sand dunes not far from the camp.

Franklin was taken aback, and looked at the soldiers around him. Most of them seemed to be eating and drinking coffee as if they hadn't heard it, and they were hardly affected.

Look at people's psychological quality, tsk tsk, 30 is also worth the money.

Ordinary officers and soldiers were not affected because the order to fight had not yet been issued, but the sound of gunfire was an order, and many officers and soldiers began to speed up. Dalton immediately sent someone to investigate the situation, and news came back immediately that it was the sentries who found out. Unidentified armed men were approaching in the distance, so they fired warning shots.

Alamein had been attacked by guerrillas before, so the identities of these armed men were clearly revealed.

Dalton was not in a hurry, he tore the bread into strips and soaked it in coffee to drink together. This kind of behavior would not matter to the Egyptians, but Dalton had a distinct personality. After hearing the report, Dalton just " Oh", and then continued to take his time, which made Franklin anxious.

The sentinels have already fired warning shots, shouldn't they take the initiative to attack?

"Don't worry, I can't run away—" Dalton was really not in a hurry. Company B and Company D had just arrived in Alamein, and they hadn't even had time to familiarize themselves with the terrain. At this time, a rash attack is courting death. What if they were ambushed by guerrillas? Do, what if you get lost in the desert?What if you are transferred from the mountain?

The two companies, occupying favorable terrain and relying on fortifications to confront an enemy ten times their size head-on, were not afraid of Dalton.

"They've already run away—" Franklin was very dissatisfied with Dalton's conservatism. He was obviously well-equipped and well-trained with sufficient logistics, but he was so conservative in the face of the enemy's situation, and he did not have the aura of invincibility at all.

"That's not right, we didn't have any losses. Their laborious expedition consumed not only physical strength and supplies, but also the fighting will of the soldiers." Dalton received the order to defend Alamein, which did not include active attack. In the future, there will be troops gradually occupying other coastal areas, gradually reducing the space for the activities of the guerrillas, and eventually driving the guerrillas out of Egypt.

If it is not necessary during this process, the southern African army will try to avoid fighting. Even if it wants to fight, it must be carried out in its own way, and the guerrillas cannot take the initiative.

"Well, what you said makes sense." Although Franklin was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to say more. Franklin was an amateur in military matters, and he had to respect the command authority of Dalton and Mallory.

"We need to repair the port. We need more workers and building materials, otherwise we will not be able to supply through the port." Mallory has requirements, and this is the scope of Franklin's work.

One thing is very frustrating. In many cities of this era, the level of infrastructure is really poor, including Alexandria, the largest port in Egypt, which is also unreasonable by the standards of southern Africa.

After all, Egypt is not southern Africa. Whatever you do in Alexandria has nothing to do with the soldiers in southern Africa. Alamein is different. Company B and Company D don’t know how long they will be stationed in Alamein. The port needs to be repaired as soon as possible so that supplies can be replenished through the port. .

It is said that it is a port, but it is not much better than a fishing village. The whole of Egypt, only Alexandria and Cairo, have relatively large-scale terminals.

"Workers can go to the village to recruit, and building materials takes time to dispatch." Franklin, the liaison officer, has great or small rights. If money and materials are involved, they must be reported regardless of the size. The workers don't care. Alamein The locals can be recruited at will, and it doesn't matter whether they are paid or not, as long as they don't die of hunger.

This can also explain why the Egyptian workers did not work hard, let the horses run, and let the horses not eat grass. How can there be such a good thing.

Then report it.

McMahon was hunting with Rock while Mallory and Dalton were preparing for a long-term stay at Alamein.

Rock also finally realized the so-called "noble life". Hunting is an important activity for nobles, just like ladies and ladies are keen to attend banquets. It was only later that I found out that there is a hunting ground in the suburbs not far from Cairo, covering an area of ​​more than [-] square kilometers, which is also an amusement park for Cairo's upper class.

The area of ​​the entire Nile Delta is only 2.4 square kilometers, and the value of the land near Cairo is even higher. More than [-] square kilometers of fertile land is wasted just to allow a few people to hunt and entertain for a limited few days every year. Know how to evaluate this behavior.

There are also hunting grounds in Nyasaland, but they are all uncultivated wilderness. Except for the Eagle Mountain where Eagle Fort is located, almost all around Little Rock have been developed and utilized. Ruthlessness in southern Africa will be condemned by God.

In fact, they will be condemned by God in Egypt, but the colorful surface hides all kinds of fire cooking oil. Now the British can dominate Egypt. In a few years, when the Egyptians’ national consciousness awakens, Britain will be in trouble .

In fact, the so-called "Egyptians" here are mostly descendants of British immigrants, and they are also standard British people. Just like the United States now, they don't want to accept the leadership of London, so they demand more power in the name of "colonies" .

At this time, if there is another force to fan the flames, it will hit it off.

(End of this chapter)

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