Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 85 The City of Cowards

Chapter 85 The City of Cowards

In fact, the most important thing is not the region, but the people. As long as people are hardworking and capable, deserts can be turned into forests. Saihanba is the best example.

When it comes to deserts, I have to admit that some people are so awesome that they can surprise you anytime and anywhere. Before the people in Saihanba became famous, everyone's understanding of land desertification was "irreversible", that is to say Once the land is deserted, it is impossible to restore it to its original state.

Saihanba people slapped those experts in the face severely with their actions. For those experts in the office, land desertification is indeed "irreversible", but for those who are persistent, the experts' faces are used to slap , Saihanba people use their actions to tell the world that "fighting the sky and fighting the earth" is really more than just a slogan.

In fact, Roque is also very good at shouting slogans. The key point is that the slogans Roque yelled and the pies he drew are gradually becoming reality——

That's pretty convincing!

"In fact, there are a lot of farms in the suburbs of Cape Town. In the past, many farms belonged to the Boers. The British were not interested in farms. Only gold and diamonds could arouse the interest of the British. After the outbreak of the Boer War, many farms in Cape Town The Boers went to the Transvaal Republic and the Orange Free State to join the Boer coalition forces and fought against the British. The families of these people were imprisoned in refugee camps, and their farms were abandoned. Now is a good time to start, many The Boers in the refugee camp must be very willing to turn abandoned farms into money to make their lives better." Rock is on his way to Stellenbosch, which is a scenic spot in the 21st century. It is now a refugee camp for the Boers, and Rahul was sent to Stellenbosch.

Many people may not know that Stellenbosch means "cowards who have been transferred from important positions". The British threw those soldiers who did not perform well on the battlefield to Stellenbosch for reflection, so Stellenbosch Sri Lanka is also known as the "City of Cowards".

In the 21st century, Stellenbosch is famous for its wine. The vineyards here have a history of hundreds of years. At first, a group of French came here. They lived in no man's land, so they came to Stellenbosch, which was not called "Stellenbosch" at that time, because there were mountains on both sides, and the middle river valley was an open sandy land, much like Provence, their French hometown, so they built this town.

Although the aborigines of Stellenbosch were once French, they are now considered Boers by the Cape colonial government, so after the war broke out, Stellenbosch became a refugee camp for the Boers.

The name City of Cowards is really bad, so Stellenbosch also has a name called "City of Oaks". When the French planted vineyards, they also planted a large number of oak trees. They used oak trees as grapes at the beginning. Later, oak trees gradually became the unique scenery of Stellenbosch. Rock and Anton traveled all the way, and both sides of the road were also full of oak trees. The Cape in March is in autumn, and the leaves of the oak trees have begun to turn red. , the oak trees here can grow up to 30 meters high, and look like a group of torches from a distance. Countless torches gather together, which is really beautiful.

"It's all good land, what a waste." In Anton's simple values, he didn't understand why the Boers didn't grow grain in such a good land, but grapes.

It is indeed good, and it is indeed a waste, because the Boers were imprisoned in refugee camps, many vineyards were in an abandoned state, and the ripe grapes hung heavily on the branches and no one picked them. Fei, if this was in the Qing Dynasty, those old people would scold their mothers if they saw it.

In some vineyards, there were also people working. They were all Boer women, surrounded by uniformed police officers. Rock knew that they should be Rahul's subordinates.

"Bring Christian over another day, and ask him to come forward to find those owners who are willing to transfer the vineyard. They are all Boers, and communication should be more convenient." Rock came to check the situation, and if he wanted to buy it, Christian should come forward. If Roque came forward, it is estimated that those Boers might not be willing to sell to Roque. After all, Roque did not want to be a villain.

If Roque wants to forcefully buy it as an inspector, then I believe Roque can buy it too.

But Rock can't do that. The British are gaining power now, but sooner or later the Cape will be self-governing. At that time, the Cape people will all be Boers, so if possible, Rock still wants to have a good relationship with the Boers, which is more beneficial to the Chinese. Survive in the Cape.

As for the killing of Joubert, this will not be a problem between the Chinese and the Boers. During the war, anything can happen, and everyone has their own masters. It can only be said that the skills of the Chinese police are not as good as those who died in the war. Reasonable people will not pursue these sacrifices.

As for those irrational people, it doesn't matter. The British are very cruel to the Boers. Those who deserve to be killed will be killed, and those who are not guilty of death will be exiled to India and Ceylon. After the war, it is hard to say how many Boers will be left. Ke wants to have a good relationship with the Boers in the Cape, not with the Boers in the Transvaal. Why do the Boers in the Transvaal hate Roque and have something to do with Roque?

Dead people can't speak.

"Head, over there—" Anton raised his hand to gesture to Rock.

Rock looked in the direction indicated by Anton. An Indian policeman wearing a large turban was dragging a Boer woman into the woods. The Boer woman was begging and struggling, and the Indian policeman was laughing. The Boers were silent, and the surrounding police turned a blind eye——

"Your sister—" Rock clenched the whip in his hand, and the sun drove Rock away.

The current "Sun" is another thoroughbred horse. The previous "Sun" was requisitioned by the Expeditionary Command. Although the current "Sun" is a pure black thoroughbred, Rock still calls it "The Sun" willfully. , The black sun is not without it, the dog eclipses the sun.

"Please don't do this, my child is here too, don't let her see this, please—" The Boer woman was begging bitterly, almost sitting on the ground, but she was still unable to match the man's strength, and was staggered by the pull stagger.

"Be honest and obedient, I'll give you an extra serving of milk today. Others want it, but I won't give it to you—" The big scarf looked up to the sky and laughed.

The sun rushed to the side of the big turban, Rock raised his horsewhip, and slapped the big turban's astonished face hard.

Roque never held back against this kind of person, and Roque wished the sun could kick him to death.

 There is no recommendation this week, what should I do, I am so flustered——


(End of this chapter)

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