Chapter 86 Nobles

Kicked to death with one hoof, it's too cheap.

Martin was a good hand at this. Rock only whipped the first whip, and then Martin took over Rock's job. A whip flew up and down, and in a short time the big turban was rolled all over the ground, and his body was covered with cuts and bruises.

The ugly tent is finally gone.

If Rahul hadn't come in a hurry, Rock could have watched Martin beat the big turban on the muzzle of the gun to death.

"Sir—sir." Rahul's face was a little dark, and after seeing the inspector's rank on Rock's chest, Rahul's face was darker than Sun's.

Did the sun mess with you?

"Head is okay? Uh, no, you broke your arm." Rock doesn't need to pretend now, and he will taunt when it's time to taunt.

On the eve of the commando's departure, Rahul became a deserter under the pretext of having a broken arm, but was thrown into the city of cowards as a guard.

This is very interesting, put aside the position, those Boers who dared to go to the Republic of Transvaal and the Orange Free State were definitely brave, but now the families of the warriors are locked up in the city of cowards, and the guards are deserters ——

This arrangement of the British is, well, very interesting.

"Yes sir, my arm is healed." Rahul started to get into shape, as if his arm's recovery was something to be proud of.


This feeling is really wonderful.

"Let your subordinates remember your identities. You are police officers, not damned rapists." Rock didn't talk nonsense to Rahul, and left without saying a word.

"That's all?" On the way back, Anton still felt furious.

This kind of thing is unbearable for any person with a sense of justice.

Those damn rapists, they are more hateful than those thieves and robbers. If there is a physical need, there are red light districts in the port area. The means to achieve their goals will leave a lifelong shadow on the victims, and even cause a devastating blow. If possible, Rock hopes that the colonial authorities can legislate to define rape as an extreme crime. After catching the rapist, all shot.

"How is that possible!" Rock certainly wouldn't let that big turban go just like that, including Rahul, and Rock wouldn't let him go. In the past, Rock wasn't high enough, so he could only stay away from him. Now Rock already has a certain ability, then Rock must do something.

Back in Cape Town, Rock immediately went to Henry and went with Henry to see August Russell.

Now Rock finally had his seat in front of August Russell.

"Damn bastards, they don't have any glory and pride in being a policeman. Throw someone into Robben Island and find a few people to take good care of him." August Russell gritted his teeth. It can be barely acceptable, but it is too abominable to openly commit murder in broad daylight.

Speaking of deserters, Rahul's cowardly behavior is not uncommon, otherwise Stellenbosch would not be called "the city of cowards", and you can imagine how many cowards there are.

Speaking of this, I have to admit that the "chivalry" pursued by the West does have a reason for its existence. After the outbreak of the First World War, by the end of 1914, Britain had 6 nobles of the House of Lords, 16 baronets, and 95 Lords of the House of Lords. Sons of nobles, 82 sons of baronets were killed.

Throughout the First World War, a total of 20 nobles of the House of Lords, 49 heirs of the nobles of the House of Lords and more noble children died in battle.

Eton College in the United Kingdom centered on the children of nobles. Among the 5679 Eton students who participated in the war, the casualty rate was as high as 45%, far exceeding the participation rate and casualty rate of any other social group. Many first heirs of the nobles died in battle. Among the 3000 large noble families who owned more than 558 acres of land, one tenth of the family heirs died in battle.

It needs to be emphasized that, generally, adult males aged 18 to 35 account for about 30.00% of the total population. If those heirs of nobles who did not participate in the war are removed, this proportion will be even greater.

After the Second World War, the Junker nobles in Germany basically disappeared. Among the 8800 soldiers from the Junker noble families who participated in the war, 6400 died on the battlefield, 500 committed suicide after the war, and 500 died of labor camp.

This is the reason why nobles are respected. It is by no means that three generations make a noble. Nobility is not cultivated, it is exchanged for brave sacrifices. If there is no "chivalry" in the bones, ten generations cannot become a noble. "Chivalry", if the family inherits it for a hundred generations, it will only be considered as an upstart.

They deserve to be respected.

Relatively speaking, those cowards really deserve it.

"We can't let this happen. We should send a reliable person to manage the refugee camp." As the deputy director, Henry now has the right to make suggestions.

"You figure it out, I only have one request, from now on, this kind of thing, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely cannot happen again!" August Russell thought more. After the outbreak of the Boer War, many countries asked Cape has sent military observers, many of them are in Cape Town, and if this happened to those military observers, it would be an international scandal.

Is the British Empire really shameless?

Don't be funny, the second Boer War was because Britain wanted to save face. For this, Britain paid 2.2 million pounds. Even if all the gold in the Rand Gold Mine was dug out, it probably wouldn't be able to pay back.

Leaving August Russell's office, Henry also had a bit of a headache: "What should I do?"

Henry really didn't know what to do. The refugee camp was not just a management problem, there were many other problems. Henry couldn't just watch Rock jump into the fire pit.

Yes, for Henry, the refugee camp was the fire pit.

"What should I do? I'll go!" Rock took the initiative to jump, your arsenic, my honey, very fragrant.

"Are you really going? No, no, no, you can't go. Do you know what the death rate in the refugee camp is? Last month, it was 20.00%." ​​Henry was frightened, what is the concept of 20.00%, one in five people in Dead within a month, the real problem in the camp is not management but disease, hunger, and danger everywhere.

"I know." Rock was not surprised, 20.00% was okay. In October 1901, the death rate in the concentration camp in Orange was as high as 10%.

"You know?" Henry doubted.

"Yes, I know." Rock said frankly, let a coward like Rahul be the guard of the refugee camp, the death rate of the refugees must be high, and Rock is going to Stellenbosch, not just for those vineyards , also for those poor women and children.

They are innocent.

 Those who want to collect a wave, think about it, since the brothers saw this, they should have already collected it, so forget it, as a Buddhist salted fish, the fish head has no desires and desires——



(End of this chapter)

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