Chapter 860

Both Bunia and Mankayane are in Swaziland. To be precise, the entire 103rd Division is from Swaziland, and the 105th Division is from Basutoland. This is the only African army in Southern Africa. In populated areas, although there are Africans in other states, they don't even have the right to live, they just work. They don't have the right to buy assets, and they don't even have the right to pay.

Southern Africa still does not recognize the status of Africans, so in the Congress, some members of Basutoland and Swaziland demanded independence. Since the federal government does not recognize Africans, they should simply exclude Africans. Outside the federal government, the federal government no longer has to allocate financial subsidies.

These parliamentarians who demanded independence are all white. They are not fighting for the rights of Africans, but for Basutoland and Swaziland. The federal government has a clear attitude towards Africans and hopes to use Africans to build the South Africa, but they don’t want to bear the responsibilities brought about by it. The current compulsory education in Basutoland and Swaziland is just a formality. The two states together don’t even have a single hospital, only sporadic clinics run by whites. Basically, they have not enjoyed the dividends brought about by the development of Southern Africa.

This is why Rock wants to fish. The hidden dangers in southern Africa are not only Orange, but also Basutoland and Swaziland.

"The six divisions going to Europe to support are just the first batch. Next, another six divisions will be drawn from the conscripts to go to Europe to support. At the same time, [-] divisions are being formed, and it is expected that they will not be able to go to Europe until next year." It was the first time that Rock explained the war plan of the Ministry of Defense to Congress. The old Marshal Hopkins was also there. He was just awarded the title of "Viscount" yesterday, the fourth Viscount in southern Africa.

The first four are Rock, Philip, and Stoudemire.

The British government finally got the hang of it. In order to win the support of southern Africa to the greatest extent, Britain conferred a large number of knighthoods before the outbreak of the World War. The knighthoods were scattered everywhere like no money. Ade became the first earl in southern Africa. Philip is now It is Viscount Matilda, and Stoudemire finally got his wish and was named Viscount Rhodesia. There are a total of twelve barons, including Anton, Martin, and Louis Botha. There are 75 barons, including West Germany. Neil Milner is mixed with a Baron.

According to the usual practice, those who have been knighted have to go to the mainland to accept the king's face-to-face honors, but now the situation is special. If these people all go to London, southern Africa will immediately become a mess, so there is no award ceremony. Wait until the end of the war to reissue.

It is estimated that by then, more people will be knighted.

"Now there are more than 7000 people in each division. Even if it is 7000 people, we have to send 24 divisions with a total number of more than 30 people. Is it too much for us in southern Africa?" Dr. Malan questioned, and as soon as he finished speaking, many congressmen laughed out loud.

"Ahem, 40, to be precise it's 412944." Rock was really embarrassed. He was a dignified member of Congress, and he still held a doctorate title. Simple arithmetic was wrong. He probably graduated from a seminary.

That's right, he is a pastor.

"Even if it is 40, our total population is only 800 million, one-twentieth, covering almost all young and middle-aged people. Lord Nyasaland, you are betting on the future of our southern Africa." Also from Edmund Gaunt of the Cape also opposed it. It is surprising that the most vocal opposition was Cape. Among the ten states in southern Africa, Cape was the earliest British colony.

"Mr. Gunter, among the 41 people, 40 are Africans. They are not within the number of 800 million." Said the problem is not big.

As an immigrant country, the population structure of southern Africa is different from that of European countries, and the situation of European countries cannot be used to describe southern Africa.

If you think about it, you can understand that in southern Africa, the population over the age of 60 does not exceed one percent of the total population. Among the current 800 million people, those under the age of 45 account for 80.00% of the total population. Africa has great population potential. In the past two years, the natural population growth rate in southern Africa has exceeded [-]% every year.

"If these troops suffer losses, they will need to be replenished, so the final figure will definitely not be less than 40—" Finally, a senator from Basutoland spoke, 55-year-old white senator Bruce Emerson .

"So what? Since Africans enjoy the protection of the federal government, they should take responsibility." Altman Brewster would certainly not sit and watch Roque fight alone, from Nyasaland, Rhodesia, Deland Dozens of MPs from Shiva, Bechuanaland, and Lorenzo Marquez are waiting to charge forward.

Altman's speech was like a charge, and the crowd responded immediately.

"Since Southern Africa is a part of the world, Southern Africa cannot stay out of the world war!"

"How much you pay now, how much spoils you can win after the war. Think about the situation after the Allied Powers lose the war. Can you still sit here and talk about it? I am afraid that you will all go to the German plantations to cut rubber. .”

"If you can't accept the war plan of the Ministry of National Defense, then you should make one yourself? It won't hurt your back to stand and talk!"

"What kind of behavior is treason!"

The dignified parliament immediately became chaotic and noisy, and the voices of the few opponents who were aggressive just now were extremely weak, like a small sampan in a storm.

"Be quiet, be quiet, gentlemen, please be quiet, or I'll ask the security to take you out—" Philip hit the hammer hard, and accidentally threw the hammer head out, holding the wooden handle in disbelief.

There was a moment of silence in the chaotic scene, and then there was a roar of laughter as if the roof was about to be broken. The supplier of the hammer was probably out of luck.

"Gentlemen—" It was finally Ade's turn to speak, and the councilors still respected Ade, and the doctors, whose chests heaved violently, had to be patient.

"No matter how many divisions we have had before, we should now be united in a war of unprecedented scale. Germany on the [-]st declares war on Russia, Germany on the [-]rd declares war on France, Germany on the [-]th declares war on Belgium, we also declare war on Germany, Just now, the Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on Russia - so far, nearly a billion people are at war, and we in southern Africa cannot stand alone, as Senator Eden just said, if we lose this war , then our southern Africa will also become a colony of the Germans. At that time, we will all have to herd sheep for the Germans. At this critical moment, everyone must work together and all opinions must be temporarily reserved. This is our federal government. Since its establishment, it is the first time to enter the state of general war mobilization. If you don’t understand general war mobilization, you can go back and understand the meaning of general war mobilization—” Ade finally showed his iron and blood side, no longer the good old man who often wears a smile on his face.

How could the man who had strategized and decisively wiped out the two Boer countries be a good man?

"The federal government has entered a state of war. Your job now is to recruit supplies, mobilize the army, stabilize law and order, coordinate and cooperate, and no other voices are allowed. I repeat, during the war, any treasonous behavior will be severely punished. The Ministry of Defense needs to simplify the trial procedures and increase punishments, and the Ministry of National Defense needs to deploy its troops rationally. Supporting Europe is of course important, but domestic stability is even more important." Ade was murderous, and the last two words gave Henry and Roque Shangfang the sword.

Looking at the expressions of the congressmen, some are elated, some are full of ambition, some have a heavy expression, and even more uncertain.

Rock, who turned around to get Shangfang's sword, was also dissatisfied. Rock's original intention was to go fishing. With Ade's warning, some guys who were about to jump back would probably be scared back.

"Locke, the most important thing for the federal government is stability. Strictly speaking, those opponents are not our enemies. They just think too much about their own interests. In other words, in recent years, the Transvaal, Rhodesia, Nyasaland's development is a bit fast, and they can't accept this reality." Ade didn't know the future evolution of southern Africa in another time and space, so he didn't have as much thought as Rock.

"There are militias gathering in the west of Orange, and the number is now nearly [-]. Military officers from the Ministry of National Defense have secretly contacted Southwest Africa. Representatives from Orange want to restore the independent status of the Boers. Neither do Swaziland and Basutoland. Stable, these problems must be resolved." Rock patiently explained that the situation was not as optimistic as Adelaide thought.

"Nearly 6000? Didn't it only have more than [-] a few days ago?" Ade knew the situation in Orange, but he didn't expect it to develop so quickly.

"Yes, there were more than 9000 yesterday, and now it is estimated to have exceeded [-]." Rock was waiting, and there were troops gathering in Bechuanaland and the Transvaal around Orange, waiting for the rebels in Orange to raise their hands. Anti-flag.

"Lock, so many people, are they all enemies? Some of them must be coerced, and get this done as soon as possible." Ade didn't want to see too many people killed, even though most of the rebels deserved to die.

"Okay, I will do it as soon as possible." Rock promised very simply, but it was not easy to implement.

The efficiency of the militia is still incomparable to that of the army. With Roque's order, the engineering soldiers composed of conscripts take up their guns and transform into local garrison troops. After a day on the train, they can appear hundreds of kilometers away to perform tasks. It will take several months for the militia to assemble, and they still lack weapons including rifles. Pistols and shotguns are good for scaring wild animals, but they are really useless on the battlefield. If two armies are fighting, use Lee Enfield's troops could have let the shotgun-wielding militia run 39 meters first.

(End of this chapter)

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