Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 861 Patriotic Education

Chapter 861 Patriotic Education

The militia gathered in the west of Orange is based on some former Boer coalition generals such as Schalke Beagle, Byers, and Kemp.

After the establishment of the federal government, these people were excluded from the Ministry of Defense because of Roque's insistence, and they could not get involved in the core of power in southern Africa.

Compared with their previous power, this result is undoubtedly unacceptable to them. They are also the core of the "Old Republicans", and their core appeal is to get rid of the rule of the federal government and restore the independent status of the Boer country.

If they only ask for Orange, then Roque doesn't care, independence means independence, forcibly keeping these people in the federal government, Roque actually feels troubled when he sees it, it's better to keep them in Orange to fend for themselves.

But among the demands of the "Old Republicans", the Transvaal is also a core interest, and its status is even more important than Orange, which makes Rock unacceptable.

The Transvaal is the largest Chinese gathering area outside of Nyasaland. Even if there is no Rand mining area in the Transvaal, Rock will not give up the Transvaal to the Boers.

So unlike Ade, the conflict between Rock and the Boers is irreconcilable.

"Kronstad has added another brigade. With our current strength, we can't invade the Transvaal at all. There is no news from Southwest Africa. Do you need to send someone to contact us?" Byers, the former deputy commander of the Boer coalition forces, is full White-haired, his leg was injured during the Boer War, and his recovery was not complete, and he needed crutches to walk normally.

"It's useless. The Sixth Division is in Macron, and the Eleventh Division is in Ascombe. Even if Southwest Africa wants to provide us with support, it won't reach us. Locke is forcing us to go to Cape. It's so cruel. We will perish together with the Cape people, and then the Chinese will be able to successfully occupy Orange and Cape—" Former President Schalke Beagle looked sad and desolate, he saw through Rock's plan, But it was unable to break the situation.

Just after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, Schalke Beagle sent someone to contact Southwest Africa, hoping to get support from Southwest Africa, at least to have a longer range and more powerful rifle.

Although guns are not banned in southern Africa, only pistols and shotguns can be bought in gun shops. Rifles and grenades are prohibited weapons. Don’t even think about the more powerful machine guns and mortars, just rely on the militia’s own Pistols and shotguns don't need to think about the result, and hitting a rock with a pebble doesn't count.

"Then what are we waiting for, launch an attack directly on Pretoria, either we win or die with honor, it's better than being stuck here eating potatoes." Kemp is a short and stocky young man, of course this "Young" is relative to Schalke Beagle and Byers, and Kemp is now in his 40s.

The rapid development of southern Africa has nothing to do with Orange. Orange seems to have been forgotten by the federal government, and it has changed little since the end of the war ten years ago.

Don't forget that Bloemfontein is also nominally the capital of the federal government, but there are no buildings with more than ten floors in the whole city. Compared with Cape Town and Pretoria, which are full of high-rise buildings, they are just like the countryside.

Needless to say, Cape Town and Pretoria, the capitals of Southern Africa, are a bit shabby compared to the capitals of other states. The tallest building in Southern Africa is the South African company located in Somalia. The 35-storey headquarters in Woodsbury is as high as 155 meters, and the tallest building in Nyasaland is the headquarters of Rand Bank in Little Rock. Although it has only 22 floors, its height reaches an astonishing 130 meters.

In Port Edward, the Los Angeles Tower, the headquarters of Nyasaland Agricultural Company, is building 56 floors. After completion, it will reach a height of 245 meters, making it the tallest building in the world.

Skyscrapers represent the height of a country or economic development. The construction of skyscrapers requires not only strong economic strength, but also advanced technological level. The higher the floor, the more prosperous the economy, the more advanced the technology, and it will also become the landmark of the city. architecture.

In the past, the United States was the favorite place to build buildings. The Woolworth Building just completed this year is now the tallest building in the world, with 55 floors and 230 meters. The meaning of the building is the city of Rock, and Los Angeles is also another name for Little Rock. One is a transliteration and the other is a literal translation. The transliteration is even better, which is amazing.

These buildings have nothing to do with Orange. Not to mention the buildings, Orange is just now in a state of food and clothing. As a result, once the militias gather, even food cannot be guaranteed. Kemp and Schalke Beagle also want to eat potatoes.

Looking at it this way, Orange did have reasons to rebel.

"Don't give up, we still have hope." Schalke Beagle insisted, his hope is the Boer troops among the conscripts, the conscripts of twelve divisions in southern Africa, there are about [-] Boer soldiers, less than two division.

Schalke Beagle hoped that these Boer conscripts would voluntarily give up their efficiency for the federal government, join the ranks of the rebels, and work hard for the independent status of the Boers.

This is very likely in Schalke Beagle's view. The Ministry of Defense now has officers who are in contact with Southwest Africa, which Schalke Beagle also knows.

While Schalke Beagle and Kemp were gnawing potatoes, officers and soldiers of the No. 300 Division were conducting patriotic education in Ascombe, 11 kilometers away.

Don’t think that imperialism doesn’t carry out patriotic education. It’s the same as the British Expeditionary Force’s three cheers before turning off the lights at night. Patriotic education in southern Africa is also everywhere, and now more and more people are targeting southern Africa. The patriotic education in Africa is the main one, and the patriotic education for the British Empire is gradually downplayed.

Troops in southern Africa have half an hour of study time after dinner. Usually, this half hour is used to learn culture, learn first aid in the field, and recite military regulations and disciplines. Recently, patriotic education has increased significantly.

"Ten years ago I came to Southern Africa with my father, and I lived in Brest, France. If most French people choose, I should go to North Africa, or to the French East Indies in the Far East, but my father is tired of it. After leaving this country, my grandfather died in the Franco-Prussian War. After the war, he did not receive the pension promised by the government in full. My father was a dock worker in Brest. He started working at five in the morning and returned at ten in the evening. My mother has to take care of our family of six, and because of long-term malnutrition, one of my elder brothers and one younger sister have no chance to grow up—" In the barracks of the second battalion, third company, and first squad of the Douglas Rifle Regiment, Private Green was speaking .

The place name of Douglas, there are eight if not ten in southern Africa. It is as common as Elizabeth and Edward. In many cases, the place name is the surname of the first family to settle there. The Douglas where Green is located is Douglas of Orange. Their group The membership was a bit mixed, with not only soldiers from Orange, but also soldiers from the Transvaal and Natal.

"When we came to southern Africa, our family had a farm and our own house. Finally, I no longer had to squeeze into a bed of only 1.5 square meters with my brother. My brother and I joined the army. My brother has retired now. Umbrella went to Sinai, my sister graduated from medical school in Johannesburg and now works at Bigwig Hospital in Pretoria, my father finally got his long-awaited Shire horse, he leads three on horseback every day The hunting dogs go hunting, my mother is still worrying about what to eat every night, but it is not because there is no food, but because there is too much food, my father can’t finish all the prey, so he can only eat the ones that are about to rot first, so my father Always complaining—" Green's voice was full of emotion, and his eyes were red as he spoke.

"I cherish everything I have now. My mother always said thank God. I didn't mean to be blasphemy. I used to beg God to make our life better as soon as possible. Now I don't think so. I can have everything now. It is my own efforts and my family, I thank the federal government, and I thank God, if anyone wants to destroy my current life, I will kill him at all costs, even if I die with him." Green is decisive, no one doubt his resolve.

"Green, you are not alone, we will fight with you and kill all the enemies!" Someone responded immediately, and the soldiers were excited, including Germans and Boers.

Everyone knew that "enemies" here meant the Germans, or all potential enemies.

However, in southern Africa, the use of clearly oriented terms such as "Germans" is now prohibited, and only "enemy" is allowed to refer to them, so Germans and Boers will not feel offended.

"Soldiers, we now not only have to face foreign enemies, but domestic enemies are also ready to move. They may be our neighbors, our friends, or even our family members. We must be mentally prepared. Now If anyone wants to avoid this war, then please register with me. Don’t worry, even if someone registers, they will not be specially targeted. The Lord will transfer you to other less sensitive areas, such as going to Port Edward as a marine police, or I’m going to ride a camel in the Sinai Peninsula—” Company Commander Richard is a Chinese-American who just graduated from Nyasaland Army Academy. He is wearing a well-fitting 1910-style military uniform. The texture and texture are no different from ordinary soldiers.

"Mr. Second Lieutenant, I am a Boer. I know our next mission, but don't worry, I will not back down, let alone register. Not all Boers are in collusion with the enemy. I am a southern African first. Then there are the Boers." Sergeant Victor's speech immediately received warm applause, and many Boer and German soldiers burst into tears. In fact, this era does not have a clear concept of nationality. The Boers themselves are endowed by the times. A noun, unlike the Chinese, has a deep-rooted cultural tradition.

This is the core culture of national formation.

(End of this chapter)

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