Chapter 891 Cannon Fodder

Adolf Hitler wrote in his autobiography a few years later: The reason why he survived the world war was that fate hinted that he would become a brave man in the future.

Virtually everyone who survived the world wars was brave.

In the cold and damp field of Flanders, the Anglo-French-Belgian coalition forces were engaged in a desperate struggle with the German army. A village in Lombardside was captured by the German army on October [-]st, and was taken back by the French one day later. It was captured by the German army, and the British and French allied forces jointly recaptured it on the [-]th. On the [-]th, this sad village was captured by the German army again. After two changes of hands, the German army was able to secure its defense.

After the German army stabilized the line of defense, all the houses in this village were completely destroyed. Every ruined wall in the village had a fierce battle. The bullet casings on the ground were covered with a whole layer. Pave the village to a full level.

Every forest, every river, every village, every house was fighting, and all Flanders was in flames.

When Roque arrived in Paris, the Second Cavalry Division did not stay in Paris, but went directly to Calais to rest. After three days of rest, the Second Cavalry Division officially entered the war. The Seventh Division of the British Expeditionary Force, on the right is the No.60 Fifth Division of the French Ninth Army.

After the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company were reorganized into the Second Cavalry Division, Hank Wesley, a cowboy from Texas, transformed into a second lieutenant company commander in southern Africa. Hank had no psychological barriers to this arrangement, but what made Hank uncomfortable was that he The name of the regiment he was in was actually called "Muscat Pirates", which was really hard for Hank to accept.

Just because it's hard to accept doesn't mean it's unacceptable.

"Why are we called the damn pirate regiment, the infantry regiment or the rifle regiment, or the carbine regiment?" On the way to France, Hank had complained countless times, and this time he finally took his Even if the 0.45nd Cavalry Division did not supply the .[-]-inch bullets for cowboy pistols, Hank would not give up the cowboys.

"Don't you think the name pirates can represent our spirit? We have nothing, and we are galloping across the sea. As long as we see something, we will grab it back directly—" Hank's partner is Oscar, their battalion commander It was Bill, the former captain.

The Second Cavalry Division is not all mercenaries. Many are Persian soldiers recruited from the Sinai Peninsula. Compared with the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company, these Persian soldiers are better managed. They are brave in combat and execute orders meticulously. There are also scum mercenaries, and the discipline of Persian soldiers is quite good.

The key is strict management. In the umbrella, mercenaries who do not abide by discipline will be expelled at most, and there are few more serious punishments. This is not the case in the army. Violation of orders requires battlefield discipline.

"Gentlemen, cheer up and don't let the Germans attack the ground, otherwise even if you don't die in the hands of the Germans, I will kill you with my own hands!" Bill was emphasizing discipline. Compared with the British and French troops, the second cavalry division equipped There are more machine guns, grenade launchers and mortars. The artillery is equipped to the regiment level. Hank's company has nine light machine guns and two heavy machine guns, plus two grenade launchers.

The company of the Second Cavalry Division has 140 people. In conversion, the Second Cavalry Division has 70 machine guns per thousand people. This ratio is not the best in southern Africa, but it is very different from the European army.

When the World War broke out, the British army had an average of only 1.32 machine guns per thousand people, the French army had 1.51, and the German army had no more than 4.41.

In another time and space until the fourth year of the outbreak of the World War, the number of the most extensive US machine guns per thousand people was only 47.8.

So after inspecting the position of the Second Cavalry Division, Ferdinand Foch was impressed by the number of machine guns in the Second Cavalry Division.

According to the habit of the southern African army, after Hanke's company arrived at the combat position, it first built a complete defensive position.

The officers and soldiers of the Second Cavalry Division were not required to dig trenches. The British were unable to send more expeditionary troops. There was no shortage of labor. The Second Cavalry Division was also assigned a cooperating force, the 135th Division from India, 135 The establishment of the division is the same as that of the British regular army, which is 8000 people. Although they are also troops, they are not responsible for combat tasks, but only for digging trenches and transporting supplies.

"Is this a trench you dug? Not even a dog can get in. A standard trench must be two meters wide and two meters high, with a foxhole every two meters, and a machine gun emplacement every ten meters. The hole should be reserved according to the standard position, and all reworked!" Hanke was very dissatisfied with the work of the Indian engineers, saying that they were "engineers" was flattering them, and it was an insult to the army of engineers.

The trench dug by the Indians was about 20 centimeters wide, 1.7 meters long, and only [-] centimeters deep. For the Indians, it was just big enough to accommodate a person, but it was a bit smaller for the Second Cavalry Division. The general height of teachers is more than [-] meters.

"There's no need to dig so deep, maybe you will give up here tomorrow, so these trenches won't take too long." Wearing a big turban and bearded Indian captain plausible, it sounds like nothing wrong, the position changed hands in Buddha Landers is normal.

"Damn, when did our Umbrella Company give up their position? I'll kill you in the fucking beep!" Hank felt greatly insulted. Such a thing as giving up a position had never happened in Umbrella.

"You—how can you curse—" Captain Big Turban was extremely surprised. Probably in his concept, the status of southern Africa in the British Empire was similar to that of India, or even worse than that of India.

The Indian army, like the southern African army, also traveled thousands of miles to Britain to show their loyalty. They were already suffocated because they were not taken seriously by the Ministry of War, but now they have to be scolded by a second lieutenant. The captain really can't keep up.

"What's wrong with scolding you? Dad is an American!" Hank was triumphant. If he were a purebred British, Hank would be more restrained. Forget about India, there are also many Indian workers in Port Elizabeth, and they are all working at the bottom. The working environment is very bad.

"I'm going to file a complaint against you!" This is probably the most serious threat of Captain Big Hood.

"Whatever, just dig the trenches for Dad first." Hank didn't care about complaints, the slave army must have the awareness of the slave army.

While speaking, a sharp whistling sound suddenly sounded over the position.

The Germans began shelling.

Before Hank could react, Oscar dragged Hank down the trench.

"Spot the enemy, prepare for battle—"

"Kick a German in the ass-"

"Kill the Germans and don't embarrass us with the umbrella—"

The high-pitched voices of the officers came and went, and Hank kicked the captain with the big turban away, and looked into the distance with his binoculars.

It is true that someone wearing the uniform of the German army is advancing towards the troops of the Second Cavalry Division, but to Hank's surprise, the German army does not seem to be attacking, but some kind of mysterious ceremony.

About a kilometer away from the position of the Second Cavalry Division, a German army was advancing. They wore fraternity hats, some of them had flowers on them, joined hands, lined up in dense formation, and sang "Mr. Song forward.

If this is a parade, Hank can understand it, but this is a fucking battlefield, and the Germans appear in this way, which makes Hank wonder where he is.

"Don't stand still, machine gunners and grenades are ready, wait for the enemy to enter the 500-meter range, bullets and grenades are ready, 200 meters free fire, 50 meters throw grenades, if the enemy is not dead, then take it without hesitation Take up the sapper shovel, whether you bite with your teeth, chop with a knife, or spit at the Germans, in short, kill all the enemies—" Bill's voice echoed on the battlefield, mixed with the fierce German artillery fire.

About 5 minutes, or a little longer, the artillery units of the [-]nd Cavalry Division began to counterattack.

The second cavalry division is equipped with a 120mm howitzer (a mistake in the previous article). Compared with the German 105mm howitzer, this kind of howitzer has a longer range and greater power. Soon the German artillery was suppressed. At this time, the attacking German soldiers Has entered the fire range of heavy machine guns.

"Fire!" Bill's voice was extraordinarily high-pitched. The word "fire" in English is an opening sound, and the howling is still very powerful.

The heavy machine gun couldn't wait anymore, the muzzle on the muzzle was half a foot long, and the pre-installed bullet chain was loaded with tracer bullets every four rounds, so the shooter could aim and shoot better with the tracer bullets.

The grenade launcher also began to roar. Compared with the heavy machine gun, the grenade launcher is an absolute killer for infantry. The explosion range of the 40mm grenade is similar to that of the defensive grenade. Although the effective range is 15 meters, in fact the shrapnel Flying beyond 100 meters is also lethal. The key is that the firing speed of the grenade launcher is very fast, which can reach about [-] rounds per minute. The shooter must also pay attention to controlling the firing rate to ensure the supply of ammunition in the rear.

At this time, the 135th Division was busy sending bullets to the front line, and they couldn't do this job well. The German artillery had been suppressed by the artillery of the Second Cavalry Division, and only a few shells fell on the positions of the Second Cavalry Division. The artillery shells still frightened the soldiers of the 135th Division. Some soldiers just found a bomb crater and got into it, crying and howling, throwing their missions out of the sky.

No matter how unbearable the performance of the 135th Division was, the German troops could not put pressure on the positions of the Second Cavalry Division at all. The battle lasted only 10 to [-] minutes. It is roughly estimated that the German army invested at least one battalion in the attack just now.

This is standard cannon fodder.

(End of this chapter)

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