Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 892 The Unlucky King

Chapter 892 The Unlucky King

When Rock arrived in Ypres, the coalition forces were discussing the combat effectiveness of the Second Cavalry Division.

The combat effectiveness of the Second Cavalry Division is indeed strong. In the previous battles, the Second Cavalry Division wiped out at least [-] German troops, with less than [-] casualties, and all of them were caused by the German artillery units.

While the record is brilliant, the Second Cavalry Division also relies heavily on logistics. When it came to Flanders, the logistics materials carried by the Second Cavalry Division had been exhausted in previous battles, so the Second Cavalry Division It is also unable to launch an offensive now, and more logistics materials need to arrive in Ypres before the Second Cavalry Division can exert its full strength.

"Congratulations, my lord. Your children performed well on the battlefield. They won the greatest victory with the least loss." Haig's words were sour, and I don't know why these generals like to use "children" to represent Refers to soldiers, probably means loving soldiers like children.

Just now, Haig was promoted to general, and his status in the expeditionary force was further improved.

Rock didn't know why Haig was promoted to general. The Second Army commanded by Haig did not perform very well in the Battle of the Marne or the Battle of Ypres. Compared with Smith Doring, Haig was not a qualified commander.

"Lord Nyasaland, I am very pleased to meet you. Your Second Cavalry Division has inspired me a lot. I hope we can have a good chat when we have time." Ferdinand Foch was a real soldier. He is an excellent artillery commander, a member of the Paris Artillery Commission, and also an excellent staff officer and an excellent strategist. After graduating from the Higher Military Academy in 1891, Foch stayed on to teach and lectured on strategy courses.

Foch was born in cavalry, but he was not pedantic, and he did not superstitiously believe in the role of cavalry, which was in stark contrast to someone else.

After the outbreak of World War II, Foch's Second Army and First Army formed the right wing of the French army. When defending Nancy, Foch performed well and commanded the troops to launch a counterattack against the German army under extremely difficult circumstances.

The counteroffensive was a resounding success, Foch became famous and was transferred to the left to serve as commander of the newly formed Ninth Army, where he performed well at the Battle of the Marne and the ongoing Battle of Ypres.

If there is one French general who can now command the confidence of the British Expeditionary Force, it is undoubtedly Foch.

"General Foch, it's a pleasure to meet you. Your Ninth Army has also performed well. They look as experienced as veterans. It's a great honor to fight side by side with you." Rock treated Foch very enthusiastically, after all This is the future commander-in-chief of the coalition forces and a British field marshal. Even without these reasons, Foch is old enough to be respected.

Foch was awarded the title of British Field Marshal because of his outstanding performance in the World War. He was also awarded the title of Field Marshal by Poland. There were many outstanding commanders during the World War, but very few were recognized by the three countries at the same time.

As part of the coalition, the young Belgian King Albert I was also present. The London Treaty of 1839 confirmed the independence of Belgium and at the same time determined that Belgium was a neutral country. Fragile.

When Albert I saw Roque, his expression was as ugly as eating a fly. Roque knew why and didn't take it to heart. If the Congo Free State was still in the hands of Belgium, then even if all of Belgium fell, the Belgian government would It is also possible to relocate to the Congo Free State.

Now Belgium has no way out, so it can only fight against Germany.

"Marshal Locke, what do you think of the battle in Flanders?" Frenzi did not exchange greetings with Rock. The battle of the British and French allied forces in Flanders was very difficult, and it has been raining in Flanders recently. , and Albert I opened the sluice, Flanders is already a vast ocean.

Although the sea water slowed down the speed of the German army's attack, it also made it difficult for the British and French allied forces to make an inch of progress. This was very unfavorable to the British and French allied forces. Launch a new round of attack.

"The best way is to withdraw to the French-Belgian border, build strong fortifications on the French-Belgian border, and be prepared for a long-term battle with the German army." It is useless on the battlefield. Since it is impossible to defeat the German army in a short time, then sit up on defense first.

Defense is the best offense, or offense is the best defense. There is no conflict between the two. The main thing is who holds the initiative on the battlefield.

"No, we should attack the Germans immediately—"

"We cannot abandon Flanders—"

Haig and Albert I simultaneously objected.

Haig opposed for the sake of opposition, Albert I for the sake of his throne.

Before the launch of the Battle of Ypres, Joffre had sternly warned Albert I that once the entire territory of Belgium fell, Albert I would lose his throne.

The threat of Joffre is very important, and now France has such a great influence on Belgium.

"We really can't give up on Flanders—" Ferdinand Foch didn't agree with Roque's suggestion, and his purpose was also very clear, not to return to the French-Belgian border, in order to prevent the war from being outside of France.

"Then we'll have a good fight with the Germans." Rock was not stubborn. Since everyone else opposed it, Rock would obey the majority.

Frenzi was not surprised by Roque's performance, Haig was full of joy, Albert I was gloomy, but Ferdinand Foch's eyes lit up.

Unlike most generals of this era, Roque was never stubborn. This was in stark contrast to Joffre, who was paranoid about attacking, Haig, who insisted on cavalry to determine victory, and Frenzi, who had increasingly prejudiced against French generals.

This kind of Roque may seem to some people to be weak, without a bottom line, and to drift with the tide, but for the current Anglo-French coalition forces, only by knowing how to be flexible can the cooperation of the Anglo-French coalition forces be promoted.

"Our aircraft reconnaissance shows that the German army is continuing to increase troops to Ghent. At least sixty trains arrive in Ghent every day. Our troops are defending around Ypres. Winter is coming. Our troops need dry and warm cotton clothes. I Yesterday, I went to inspect the position of the Second Cavalry Division, and 90.00% of the soldiers on the position did not have cotton-padded clothes, and many of them only had a blanket, so they would definitely not be able to persist in fighting in winter." In his words, Frenzi accused the Second Cavalry Division of being insufficiently prepared mean.

The failure of the German army on the Marne had a lot to do with the lack of German logistics.

Now that the German General Staff has realized this, the logistics of the German army has become smooth again, and the tragedy of the Marne River will not repeat itself.

"The Second Cavalry Division is a temporary force. It was previously stationed in the Sinai Peninsula. The Sinai Peninsula does not need warm clothes." Rock does not think that the Second Cavalry Division is not well prepared. At least the officers and soldiers of the Second Cavalry Division came to France. Always carried a rifle with him.

Originally, the French government was responsible for the supplies needed by the Second Cavalry Division when it came to France to fight.

"To defeat the Germans is inseparable from the cooperation of the Royal Navy. The Royal Navy must cut off the Iser River and stop the German backup troops, so that we can drive the Germans out of Flanders." Foch didn't worry about whether the soldiers had cotton coats, he said There is no right to speak on this issue. Paris is working hard to organize the deployment of materials. There are still two months before winter, and I hope it will be in time.

"The Royal Navy cannot go deep into the Iser River, otherwise it will become a target for the Germans." Frenzi disagreed. The Royal Navy had sent warships deep into the Iser River before, but suffered heavy losses.

In the river, warships have no room to maneuver and can only be ravaged by the Germans like targets.

The German Navy is indeed unable to confront the Royal Navy in the ocean, but on land, the British Army is the younger brother.

"We still need more reinforcements. When the Second Highland Light Infantry Battalion in Scotland withdrew from the battle, there were 1000 soldiers left out of more than 30 soldiers. Even if we found an opportunity, there were not enough troops to go into battle to win the victory. We at least Another 20 divisions are needed to complete the campaign goal of occupying Brussels." Haig complained, no matter how many troops were given to him with his command method, it was not enough.

When it comes to troops, everyone is looking at Roque. Everyone knows that Roque still has a reserve team that has not been put into the battlefield, and in southern Africa, Roque can recruit more troops.

"Before I came to France, both the Kingdom of Congo and the Free State of Congo indicated that they could send troops to France—" Rock could indeed recruit more troops, but it would depend on Albert I's attitude.

"There is no such thing as the Kingdom of Congo or the Free State of Congo. They are all traitors who should be hanged on the gallows. As long as they dare to come to Europe, I will hang them all!" Albert I's attitude was really fierce, but Buddha Both Renzi and Foch looked at Albert I sternly.

Rock doesn't care. If the Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo send troops to support Europe, then after the war, the Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo are eligible to participate in the distribution of the fruits of victory after the war. This means that Britain and France recognize the Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo. The independence of the Republic was something Albert I did not want to see.

But Roque's attitude is also very clear. If the British and French coalition forces want to receive more troop assistance, they must recognize the independent status of the Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo. Otherwise, Southern Africa can just find an excuse to stop reinforcements to Europe.

"How much can the Kingdom of Congo and the Congo Free State send?" Frenzi didn't care about Albert I's opposition. As long as more troops could be obtained, Frenzi didn't care whether Belgium's interests would be lost.

Anyway, the Congo Free State is not a British colony.

"At least [-]!" The price given by Rock is full of weight. When the Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo became independent, the combined population was tens of millions, so it is not difficult to recruit [-] troops.

Of course, the cost of recruiting troops must be paid by the British and French coalition forces.

(End of this chapter)

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