Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 915 God of Protection

Chapter 915 God of Protection

According to Rock's usual practice, the Second Cavalry Division and the 11th Cavalry Division suffered heavy losses in the previous stage of operations, and are now withdrawing to the second line to rest.

Neither Don Juan nor Wei Zheng agreed to do this. The cruelest encounters and hand-to-hand combat have passed, and now is the time to reap the results. The Second Cavalry Division and the Eleventh Division will not give up the honor of regaining lost ground to the African Division.

Both the United Kingdom and France have begun to publicize the victory of the expeditionary force. According to the practice of the British and French allied forces, the temporary campaign launched by the expeditionary force is called "Operation Horn of Victory". The negative information about the southern African expeditionary force in the newspapers during this period It was swept away. You must know that before that, there were quite a lot of voices criticizing the inaction of the Southern African Expeditionary Force, which led to the failure of the "New Year Offensive".

Of course, according to the practice of the British and French allied forces, the German army's losses in the "Operation Horn of Victory" were determined to be more than 20 people, and this number is still increasing.

Compared with exaggerating the losses of the German army by twice as usual, the losses of the Southern African Expeditionary Force were truthfully reported. If it were placed on the British and French allied forces, the report would usually be reduced by half. However, the casualties of the Southern African Expeditionary Force and the German casualties The numbers were so small that London and Paris couldn't believe it. Kitchener had also come to France to make sure that Roque hadn't manipulated the number of casualties.

Rock would not conceal the number of casualties, and even raised the number of casualties a little when reporting.

The treatment expenses of the wounded soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force, as well as the pensions of the fallen soldiers, were all paid by the British and French allied forces.

When Kitchener saw Roque, he read to Roque the commendation order written by King George V for Roque, and at the same time brought Roque a Garter Medal.

The Order of the Garter has similar status to the Victoria Cross in the British order system, and is also known as the most difficult honor to obtain.

There are even fewer soldiers who have won the Victoria Cross and the Garter Medal at the same time. There may be, but as far as Roque knows, none of them are still alive. Kitchener also appointed Roque as the deputy commander-in-chief of the British Expeditionary Force. This means that Rock now has command over the British Expeditionary Force.

This is definitely a huge threat to Ferenzi.

However, Roque did not make it difficult for Frenzi. In Roque's report, "Operation Horn of Victory" was commanded by Roque and Frenzi together. any relationship.

The same cannot be said, at least after the German army retreated, the British Expeditionary Force and the Belgian army pursued the German army.

"Lord Nyasaland, you have created a miracle. In just one month, you have won the Victoria Cross and the Order of the Garter consecutively. This is unique in the British Empire. Congratulations!" Kitchener didn't know how to act like Luo Ke congratulated, more than half a month ago, Kitchener had just said similar things to Rock.

Rock stood at attention and saluted, and didn't say anything like "glory belongs to all". The British military system can also walk sideways.

"Congratulations, Lord Nyasaran—"

"Great job, I'm proud of you!"

"You and your troops act like our protectors!"

Joffre, Frenzi, Smith Dolin, Max Lloyd and others lined up to shake hands with Roque and congratulate him. Haig also had a smile on his face. He has now deeply understood It turns out that small reports are useless to Roque.

Although the Southern African Expeditionary Force is also within the combat system of the British Expeditionary Force, Rock's identity is too special. He is the Viscount of Nyasaland and will soon be made an Earl. The huge military industry system in the military industry group, nobles and medals may be dispensable to the British Empire, but the Nyasaland military industry group is very important to the current British Empire.

Not only the British Empire, but the current Nyasaland military-industrial group is very important to the entire Allied Powers, irreplaceable.

"What are you going to do next, Lord Nyasaland, His Majesty and I look forward to more surprises from you!" Kitchener looked at Roque with scorching eyes at this time, and the British and French allied forces had made no progress on the front line. , Kitchener, the Minister of War, is also under a lot of pressure.

Kitchener also took a lot of risks when agreeing to give Rock an independent command. At that time, not only the British army, but also the British government and the opposition were questioning Kitchener's decision.

Now Rock and the Southern African Expeditionary Force have finally repaid Kitchener's trust with their outstanding performance on the battlefield. Kitchener's giving Rock the command power is no longer an insider transaction, but a stroke of genius. Someone in the British Parliament is already helping Roque made a campaign, believing that only Roque, as the commander-in-chief of the British Expeditionary Force, could lead the British troops to win the final victory of the World War.

The person who spared no effort to help is Winston. Winston hopes that Roque will serve as the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, so that Winston, as the Minister of the Navy, can cooperate with Roque tacitly. Now Frenzi is competing with Winston for the new troops. If Rock is the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, although they will still fight for the command, Rock will definitely communicate better than Ferenzi.

"I'm sorry, Marshal, I can't make any promises to you. Although we won the victory, the troops suffered heavy losses and need time to rest." Rock returned to the previous state of refraining from oil and salt, but at this time Kitchener was sure Don't mind Rock's attitude.

Like Xia Fei's "eat small bites and slow eating", Rock will decisively join the army to fight when he finds an opportunity.

Unlike Xiafei, the "Operation Horn of Victory" organized by Roque won a complete victory, but the "New Year Offensive" organized by Xiafei failed. If possible, Kitchener would rather have a Roque than 1 Joffres.

"Lord Nyasaland, I hope that if there is another time, you can inform me in time, so that we can achieve a greater victory." Joffre was almost mad with jealousy, but with the record here, Joffre is considered true. Crazy, can't erase Rock's record.

The reason for saying this is that when the internal conflicts broke out in the German army some time ago, Falkenhayn erased the names of Hindenburg and Ludendorff from the victory report. It is hard to imagine that such a naive thing would happen in a On the Minister of War of a powerful country in the world.

So next, William II dismissed Falkenhayn as Minister of War.

"The battle situation is changing rapidly, and the fighters are fleeting. I only ordered the troops to attack after I discovered the fog. There was not much time--" Rock didn't want to blame anyone, but he stayed in Paris like Joffre and Frenzi. Even if an opportunity arises, Joffre and Frenzi don't know the style of commanding frontline operations.

"God still cares for us. If Lord Nyasaland did not launch an attack suddenly, then we would have suffered heavy losses. We will be as embarrassed as the Germans are now—" What does Kitchener think of Luo at this time? How pleasing to the eye.

Speaking of it, Prince Eitel Friedrich of Prussia and his First Guard Regiment are tragic enough. It is said that after knowing that the First Guard Regiment was wiped out, Eitel Friedrich vomited in the headquarters Blood, and then fell ill, and now he has returned to Konigsberg, the hometown of the Hohenzollern family, to recuperate.

This is really both good and bad, if there is no temporary idea of ​​Rock, then even if Eitel Friedrich cannot completely defeat the Southern African Expeditionary Force, he will cause heavy casualties to the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

Now everything has become a thing of the past. The German army has lost its most elite troops. Roque has become a hero of the Allies. The French government is considering granting Roque the title of Marshal. France's affirmation of Roque.

"Next, we should continue to attack, occupy Ghent and advance to Brussels, and drive the Germans out of Belgium completely." King Albert I of Belgium, whose throne is always threatened, was also present. He is still resenting Rock and southern Africa, but I dare not show it.

It was Albert I who described Roque as a "protector" just now.

Albert I could not forget that it was because of southern Africa that Belgium lost the Congo Free State.

But Albert I dare not show the slightest resentment towards Roque now, and he still counts on Roque and the Southern African Expeditionary Force to fight bravely to drive the Germans out of Belgium.

Foch's threat to Albert I has always been there. If the whole of Belgium falls, Albert I will lose his throne.

"It is impossible for us to attack now. Not only do the troops need to rest, but also the weather conditions do not allow it. The snow in Ghent is already one meter deep. Every step forward is very difficult for the troops. I have ordered the troops to stop the attack and set up a defense line on the spot. , Before the snow melts, the troops have no ability to attack." Rock did not save face for Albert I, and Rock could understand Albert I's mood, but the reality did not allow it.

After the fog, there was indeed heavy snow. From NO.16 onwards, heavy snow fell throughout Belgium, creating more and more difficulties for the troops' offensive and logistics.

When Germany was attacking, the Belgian army destroyed all the railways, roads and bridges in Belgium in order to delay the advance of the German army.

In the area occupied by the German army, the road conditions are gradually recovering. It was the Belgians who blew up the roads, and the Belgians who were forcibly requisitioned by the German army were the ones who repaired the roads.

Now the German army is retreating. In order to delay the offensive of the coalition forces, the German army blew up the road that had just been repaired not long ago. It is estimated that it will not be long before the Belgians will build the road.

While the Southern African Expeditionary Force was advancing towards Ghent, the reinforcements that Kitchener had promised to Frenzi continued to arrive in France.

These reinforcements are not troops trained by the British mainland, but the Australian and New Zealand Allied Forces from Canada, India, and Australia. In any case, Frenzi's troops now have a strength of 30, plus 20 in southern Africa. The British Expeditionary Force is in For the first time, the French military strength exceeded 50.

(End of this chapter)

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