Chapter 916 Damascus

50 people sounds like a lot, but in fact 20 people in southern Africa are removed. The British Army is still the "poor little army". After all, the army powers of France and Germany have already recruited more than 200 million troops. The Russian Empire with a large population Needless to say, the Russian Empire lost millions of troops in 1913, and now the Russian Empire has more than 300 million troops.

The situation facing the Russian Empire is still relatively bad. After all, the western front is the British and French allied forces, and there is a steady stream of colonial reinforcements.

The Eastern Front was supported by the Russian Empire alone, facing millions of German-Austrian allied forces.

To be fair, no matter how black the Russian Empire is, the performance of the Russian Empire in the World War is still good. Although the Russian Empire is retreating steadily in East Prussia, in the Carpathian Mountains, the performance of the Russian Empire's army is still good. Since the outbreak of the World War, the Austro-Hungarian Empire has also lost 80 troops, only part of which was caused by the loss in the battle against the Russian Empire, and the other part was caused by the three failed invasions of the Kingdom of Serbia.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire was the real tragedy. Before the outbreak of the World War, the Austro-Hungarian Empire had nearly 50 troops, and the Kingdom of Serbia only used about 2 troops.

At the beginning of the outbreak of the World War, the Austro-Hungarian Empire brazenly invaded the Kingdom of Serbia.

Under the leadership of the bearded King Peter, the Kingdom of Serbia resisted tenaciously and smashed the offensive of the Austro-Hungarian Empire three times in a row. All the elite troops of the Austro-Hungarian Empire had been exhausted and had to ask for the assistance of the German army in order to continue to put pressure on the Russian Empire.

It was precisely because Hindenburg and Ludendorff had serious disagreements with Falkenhayn on whether to support the Austro-Hungarian Empire that conflicts within the German army gradually broke out.

The heavy snow suspended the offensive of both sides, and the advance of the Southern African Expeditionary Force gradually stagnated. The German army tried to launch a counter-offensive at the end of January. Also because the snow on the ground was too deep to make progress, the 11th Division failed to capture Ghent, and the [-]nd Cavalry Division recovered. After leaving Oudenaarde, the expeditionary force and the German army finally secured a solid defense along both sides of the Scheldt River, and the front line fell into a stalemate again.

By the end of January, coalition forces from southern Africa and the Sultanate of Najd had also launched three consecutive attacks on Damascus.

Since NO.20 last December, the coalition forces of Southern Africa and Najd Sultanate have surrounded Damascus.

The coalition troops surrounding Damascus consisted of 11 divisions and 19 people. The Ottoman Empire's defenders in Damascus consisted of six divisions with a total of 5000 people. The coalition forces had an absolute advantage in strength.

Colmar von der Golz is indeed a ruthless person. In order to boost the confidence of the Damascus defenders, Colmar von der Golz set up his headquarters in Damascus and organized the local people in Damascus to form a Militia, assisting Ottoman forces involved in the defense of Damascus.

On December 25, the coalition forces launched their first tentative attack on Damascus. Martin invested two cavalry divisions of the Najd Sultanate, but the results were not ideal. The coalition forces lost nearly 5000 people, and they did not even see the walls of Damascus.

On January 501th, just before Roque launched "Operation Horn of Victory", the coalition forces launched another attack on Damascus. This time, while Martin invested in the four Najd divisions, he also invested in the 502st and [-]nd divisions recruited from East India. .

This time the casualties were even more severe. The coalition forces lost 5000 people and once invaded Damascus.

On January 28, when the 11th Division hit the city of Ghent, the coalition attacked Damascus again. This time, Martin not only invested all the servants of Najd and East India, but also the southern African soldiers. Formed the 15th and 17th Divisions.

This time the coalition forces finally gained a firm foothold in Damascus, and the battle was extremely fierce. Under the organization of Colmar von der Golz, the soldiers and civilians of Damascus fought brutal street battles with the coalition forces. Fierce battles broke out in every house. However, most of the coalition forces were not killed or injured in the battle with the Ottoman troops, but died at the hands of the militia composed of civilians in Damascus, which made Martin very angry.

"Nearly half of our casualties were caused by civilians. Goltz armed civilians throughout the city. Women and children also had lethal weapons. They showed no hesitation in combat. Our soldiers often hesitated. There were 600 casualties in my unit yesterday, 280 of whom were caused by women and children." Brent, the commander of the 15th Division, was heartbroken. The 15th Division was an engineer unit before, and the soldiers had not yet gotten used to the battlefield atmosphere. It is normal to engage in brutal street fighting and suffer heavy casualties.

After entering the era of hot weapons, the development of modern weapons has made the form of warfare more complicated. Medieval knights need a long period of rigorous training to become killing machines. Today's women and children do not need strict training as long as they have weapons. Soldiers pose a mortal threat.

Many casualties of the 15th Division were caused in this way. The people of Damascus are very good at taking advantage of human weaknesses and often use women and children to set traps. The soldiers of the 15th Division are hard to guard against.

Relatively speaking, the casualties of the servant army were very small.

This is because the servant army is more cruel when fighting. In the face of traps, the soldiers of the 15th Division are still too kind, so the servant army is unscrupulous. They will actively shoot and kill all creatures within sight, even mice.

"Withdraw your troops, Sabah, send your troops to the top—" Martin decided to withdraw the 15th Division from Damascus. Some things are inconvenient to report. Let the colonial servants be responsible, so that it will be easy to blame in the future .

Well, Martin has also fallen now. In order to occupy Damascus, Martin's bottom line has been lowering.

"No problem, Marshal, my troops will definitely take Damascus." Sabah's smirking expression is daunting. The human weakness of southern African soldiers, in Sabah's view, is unreasonable indecision. Women and children pick up knives and guns It is also an enemy, and there can be no mercy in treating enemies.

In fact, compared with the servant army of Najd Sultanate, the servant army from East India was more brutal when fighting.

It is not the same as the African division in southern Africa. Although the soldiers of the East Indian servant army are all East Indian natives, the officers are all Chinese. The servant army of the Najd Sultanate is Persian just like the Damascus. The East India Servant Army did not have the slightest scruples. Wherever it went, it could be described as "not a blade of grass grows". The No.15 Division had to worry about whether it would accidentally injure civilians when fighting. The East India Servant Army When attacking a building, no matter who or how many people are in the building, as long as there is resistance, the grenade is thrown first, and then the flamethrower is called.

As for whether there are civilians in the building, no one knows if it is burned down, and the officers and soldiers of the East India servant army are not in the mood to verify.

I’m really not in the mood. Damascus is actually a thousand-year-old city and one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world. It used to be the capital of the Umayyad Dynasty of the Arab Empire in history. It is now the capital of the Damascus Province of the Ottoman Empire. It is known as the "garden of the world". , "heaven on earth".

Now a thousand-year-old city is facing destruction, banditry is like combing soldiers like a grate, Persians like gold a lot, commoner families also have a lot of gold products, jewelry decorations are simply not too much, and even furniture for powerful people is made of gold.

Now these golds have become the trophies of the coalition forces, which is the same as the way the European expeditionary force handles the trophies. Soldiers can only get about one-tenth of the pitiful amount, and the other tenth must be distributed to officers, and nearly [-]% of it is taken away by the high-level coalition forces.

After the capture of Basra and Baghdad, the post-war statistics of the coalition forces not only did not spend money, but made a lot of money by fighting, with as many as [-] tons of gold seized.

Sure enough, it was golden ten thousand taels when the cannon fired.

As the capital of Damascus Province, Damascus has a stronger background than Basra and Baghdad, so more seizures will be made.

After Nezhi's servant army entered the battle, the next battle was indeed overwhelming. On January 31, the coalition forces had occupied 80.00% of the urban area and divided and surrounded the Damascus defenders in several different areas. Colmar von der Ge The Governor's Mansion where Ertz was located was also surrounded by coalition regiments.

"Marshal Goltz, if you take the initiative to lay down your arms, then you can enjoy the treatment that matches your status, and your officers and soldiers can also return to their hometown after the war. Don't be obsessed with it anymore. You have fulfilled your duty. , did what you can, and even if you lay down your arms, no one can accuse you—”

Outside the Governor's Palace, the coalition forces are shouting for Colmar von der Golz to surrender. The Governor's Palace is a castle with a moat and a drawbridge. There are nearly [-] soldiers defending the castle. If you attack from the front, you will definitely suffer heavy casualties. .

As for the treatment that matches his identity, this is not a lie. Europe today is not Europe during World War II. Officers and soldiers who surrender will not be abused. If Golz surrenders, he will also enjoy the treatment of a marshal. Neither the standard of living nor the living environment will decline.

Of course, the preferential treatment here is for military officers. Goltz has "Von" in his name, and he is a standard Junker nobleman, so it is normal to enjoy noble treatment.

Don’t even think about ordinary soldiers. The German soldiers captured by the British and French allied forces in Europe have been thrown into concentration camps. The environment and conditions are similar to the concentration camps established by the British Expeditionary Force in southern Africa during the Second Boer War.

This can be regarded as being familiar with the road. Basically, the generals in the British Expeditionary Force have participated in the Second Boer War.

 It’s May, and I’m posting a chapter now. Brothers should know what I want to do. If there are more votes, there will be more updates at [-] noon.



(End of this chapter)

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