Chapter 926

After the Battle of the Dardanelles began, the number of wounded in the field hospital on Lemnos increased day by day.

In the entire Aegean region, only Lemnos Island has a field hospital. In addition, the "Seraphim" medical ship in southern Africa is also docked on Lemnos Island. There is also a larger field hospital in Cyprus. The wounded on the front line will be sent to Lemnos Island for early treatment, then sent to Cyprus to recuperate, and return to the front line after recovery, or retire.

Although Rock has tried his best to provide better medical conditions for the troops, there are still many wounded soldiers who died of serious injuries before they could be sent to the hospital. The hospital is short of manpower, and some wounded soldiers cannot be treated in time. After being sent to the rear hospital in Cyprus, their injuries deteriorated. Unlike the standards of the US military, these officers and soldiers who died in the hospital are also included in the scope of deaths, so that their pensions will be higher.

Unless the US military officers and soldiers died on the battlefield, they must prove their identity before they can be recognized as killed in action, otherwise they will not receive due pensions.

In the U.S. military, those who were torn apart by large-caliber shells were the most unlucky. Because they could not find their bodies after the war, they were treated as missing, and the levels of pensions were different.

This can also explain why the US military took all the corpses away as much as possible after the war.


Hehe, the soldiers just want to give some comfort to the families of the comrades-in-arms who died as much as possible, because they hope that after they die in battle, their comrades-in-arms will do the same.

The situation in the field hospital on Lemnos is dire.

Before the outbreak of the battle, Rock had already sent medical supplies to Lemnos Island as much as possible. The military doctors in the local garrison had already come to Europe, and many doctors from public hospitals in southern Africa were also called up urgently. Even so, after the outbreak of the battle , Field hospitals are still in a state of extreme shortage of manpower. Many wounded soldiers cannot receive timely and effective treatment. Some injuries that could have been treated better are treated roughly as more serious cases. Some soldiers have injuries to their arms or legs. If there is enough time and sufficient medicines, more sophisticated operations can be performed to preserve the limbs of the wounded. However, in the field hospital, because there are not enough medical resources, the amputation can only be simple and crude.

Doctors in field hospitals have had many disputes over this issue.

"Mr. Dean, we can't treat these young people in such a rough way. Some of them are not yet 20 years old and their lives have just begun. We should provide them with better medical treatment as much as possible, not as simple as that Rough all are fucking amputations, if it's amputation, why call us from southern Africa and hire some butchers and carpenters to do the job." Attending physician from Niasaran State Hospital in Los Angeles Division chief Dylan Brown only completed two operations in one morning, and both wounded kept their thighs, but at the same time, Dylan Brown's colleagues handled at least ten operations.

The dean of the field hospital, Ivan, is a veteran. His name sounds like a Slav, but he is not. Ivan is a standard Chinese. He used to be a top student at the Johannesburg Medical College. During the Russo-Japanese War, Ivan followed southern Africa. The military observation mission went to the Far East, but he was infected during the operation and lost an arm. After returning to southern Africa, Ivan retired to administrative work, which is normal for him in southern Africa.

When Dylan Brown came to see Ivan, Major Ruskin, the commander of the security force sent by the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force Command, was sitting in the tent that was temporarily used as an office.

"Doctor Brown, I understand what you said, but losing a certain part of the body is much better than dying from excessive blood loss. I think those soldiers who have their arms or thighs amputated can accept it, and Compared with the soldiers who died in battle, they are all lucky.” Ivan is also very helpless, if possible, Ivan also wants to provide better medical treatment for the wounded soldiers, but the current situation is impossible, and they can save their lives. Already lucky.

After the battle began, thousands of wounded were sent to the hospital every day. The troops on the front line were losing at a rate of nearly [-] a day. The Fifth Army of the Ottoman Empire suffered even more casualties. The winner wins everything, the loser loses everything.

Although the troops suffered heavy casualties, the goal of the first phase of the campaign to attract the main force of the Fifth Army to the southern Garibaldi Peninsula has been completed, and the next phase is the landing behind enemy lines, completely cutting off the retreat of the Fifth Army of the Ottoman Empire. The casualties of the troops in the first stage will be even more severe, because the landing troops may be attacked on both sides by the Fifth Ottoman Army and the Ottoman reinforcements.

There are still six divisions in Rock's hands that have not yet been put into combat. The troops preparing to land behind enemy lines are the 501st Division, the 502nd Division, Annan's troops, and the 402nd Division that was urgently transferred from Port Elizabeth.

After the start of the second phase of operations, there will be only two divisions left in the reserve team in Rock's hands. These two divisions will be used in the third phase of the campaign to encircle and wipe out the Fifth Army of the Ottoman Empire.

Compared with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, the Fifth Army of the Ottoman Empire was even worse. Otto Liman von Zanders had already invested all the reserves, and the worst-hit unit had only 1000 people left. The commander is called Mustafa Kemal, and there is another translation of this name, called: Mustafa Kemal.

It was in this battle that Mustafa Kemal became a hero of the Ottoman Empire. When he ordered the troops to attack, he emphasized: "I don't want you to attack, I want you to die. After we die, other troops and them Your commander will continue to fight!"

This sentence is a true portrayal of the Battle of the Dardanelles, and it will become Kemal's most representative famous saying in the future.

"The problem is that they've been sent to the hospital and they could have received better care. You ask the young soldiers whose thighs were amputated. They will be confined to a wheelchair and can no longer run. They will not Think of it this way.” Dylan Brown is a doctor in a large public hospital, and he is not used to the way wounded soldiers are treated in field hospitals.

"Are you accusing me of disregarding human life?" Ivan was angry. With the time for this quarrel, he could saw his legs again.

This is too cruel to say, it should be: another life can be saved.

This change is really much better.

Before Dylan Brown could speak, Major Ruskin could bear it no longer.

"Gentlemen, now is not the time to quarrel, we need to calm down—" Ruskin was also very conflicted, he hoped to save the lives of more soldiers, and at the same time, he didn't want to see too many severely disabled and seriously injured after the war, This is a huge burden for any country.

To put it bluntly, seriously disabled and severely wounded people are more troublesome to the country than direct deaths in battle. For soldiers who died in battle, a one-time payment of pensions is enough, but for disabled soldiers A government with a little conscience will take care of them for the rest of their lives.

According to this standard, except for southern Africa, no one in the current country has a conscience. The wounded soldiers cannot be effectively cared for after the war. The disability pension paid by the government cannot afford their lives at all. Bing simply committed suicide in order not to become a burden to his family.

Southern Africa is much better in this regard. For the wounded, southern Africa has different pension standards. If the wounded want to work, the major companies in Nyasaland are willing to provide jobs that they can afford

In Nyasaland, salaries paid by businesses to disabled soldiers are tax deductible.

"Dr. Brown, I know that you are a responsible doctor. It is a good doctor's duty to be responsible for your patients—Dean Ivan, in fact, this problem is easy to solve. Dr. Brown is very skilled in medicine and works seriously and responsibly. Why not adjust Dr. Brown to the third treatment group—" Major Ruskin made a very feasible suggestion.

Although Rock didn't want to admit it, in the field hospital on Lemnos Island, the care of the wounded was also graded.

Unlike the field hospital in Paris, the hospitals on Lemnos do not accept ordinary doctors at all, but it is undeniable that military officers can enjoy better medical care than ordinary soldiers in the field hospital on Lemnos.

In order to provide different standards of service for different groups of wounded, the doctors of the Limnos Island Field Hospital are divided into several medical groups, of which the third medical group is dedicated to serving military officers.

Hearing Major Ruskin's suggestion, Ivan's eyes lit up immediately.

Dylan Brown's work is serious and meticulous, so he just happened to work in the third group with stricter medical requirements.

A dispute was resolved into invisible, and Dylan Brown devoted himself to the busy medical work again. Ivan was still having a headache for coordinating medical supplies and medical personnel. The security forces of the field hospital were not idle. The Fifth Army of the Ottoman Empire threatened Before Lemnos Island, the officers and soldiers of the security forces were busy transferring the wounded and carrying supplies. Next to the field hospital was a camp for logistics personnel. In the center of the camp were more than a dozen steaming cauldrons with used Bandages and medical instruments, this is the logistics staff being sterilized.

There are bloodstains on many bandages, which have not been cleaned too cleanly. This is also understandable, and it is the same in Nyasaland. Bandages must be reused if they can be reused, of course, under the premise of strict disinfection.

Most of the wounded who have undergone preliminary treatment will be sent to Cyprus to recuperate. Passenger ships that transport the wounded do not come every day. The wounded waiting to be transferred are temporarily placed in a camp next to the pier. Next to the camp is an invisible To the huge cemetery on the side, there are more than a dozen huge stone tablets in front of the cemetery, and a stonemason is carving words, and the names of people are densely engraved on the stone tablets.

(End of this chapter)

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