Chapter 927 Die well

The world war is going on, in order to better boost morale, call (hu) call (you) more soldiers to join the army, grand commemorative activities are being held all over the Allies, including southern Africa.

In southern Africa, officers and soldiers who have performed well in battle and have been awarded medals of heroes and above are being honored by their hometowns, and the local government is responsible for all the expenses.

People from all walks of life in southern Africa also took action. Enterprises and governments organized their condolences to the homes of the dead officers and soldiers. Staff of the Rifle Association raised donations for frontline officers and soldiers on the streets. Primary and middle school students donated their pocket money. Farmers were the most generous. Not willing to eat beef, now in order to let the soldiers can eat the freshest beef, donate the whole head of live cattle to the expeditionary army.

Soldiers wounded and retired in Europe last year have returned to southern Africa. Wherever they go, they are greeted with heroic cheers and applause. What awaits them are flowers and kisses from beautiful women. Federal governments at all levels provide them with living subsidies. Enterprises are willing to provide them with job opportunities, educational institutions including Nyasaland University are willing to provide them with free continuing education, restaurant owners are willing to provide them with free meal services, and they can also work in Tanganyika and Southwest Africa Prioritizing the purchase of quality farms at low prices, Veterans Associations are the most aggressive, and along with the Rifle Associations, are the two largest groups of veterans in Southern Africa.

The Umbrella Corporation does not count, the Umbrella Corporation is a commercial company, the Veterans Association and the Rifle Association are both non-profit organizations, the former is only for military personnel, and the latter is for everyone.

On the island of Lemnos, in order to commemorate the soldiers from various countries who died in the Battle of the Dardanelles, Roque ordered these monuments to be erected, and all the names of the officers and soldiers buried here were engraved on the tombstones for posterity. The cost is Paid by the Mediterranean Expeditionary Command.

The camp of wounded soldiers waiting to be transferred was filled with a sad atmosphere. Many wounded soldiers whose limbs had been amputated were heartbroken. They lay on stretchers, staring at the sky with dull eyes, sometimes not saying a word for a day.

Although they are pitiful, they are lucky compared to those who are seriously injured and wrapped like mummies. It is very difficult for these "mummy" to turn their heads. Solving physiological problems is a huge problem. Some people would rather die She doesn't let the little nurse take off her pants, and would rather let the five big and three rough stonemasons help.

Don't get me wrong, it's just going to the bathroom.

In the heavy atmosphere, occasionally someone would break down emotionally and yell. At this time, the nurses would come to comfort them and give them the best care, but this is not the best way. A British soldier with a swollen face invented Invented a brand new way to just knock the guy out when he's having an emotional breakdown, so they'll be quiet for a while.

Nurses are affectionately called "angels" or "goddesses" by wounded soldiers. Sometimes a smile from a nurse can make a poor guy giggle all day long. If a nurse is willing to sit down and chat with wounded soldiers , soon there will be all kinds of wounded soldiers hanging on their shoulders and leaning on crutches. Some nurses are not good at joking to adjust the atmosphere, but even bad jokes can make the surrounding wounded soldiers explode enough to cover up Laughing at the sound of rumbling guns in the distance.

"I'm not worried about getting hurt at all. This kind of injury is nothing to me. I can go home and heal like a hero. Maybe there will be beautiful women in my arms—" There are always some bad guys who are not pleasant Like, a guy with a butt injury but no muscle injury is waiting to be transported like other wounded. His injury is the most disgusting. Any guy with a back injury is not treated in the wounded barracks See.

It is a tragic thing for a soldier to be injured, but if the injury is not serious, then it is a very lucky thing. British soldiers call this kind of injury "going home to recuperate", while German soldiers call this kind of injury "going home to recuperate". Signal to go home", no matter which one, "going home" is the key point.

"John, you really shouldn't say that. If it were me, I wouldn't like people like you. I prefer William. He is a strong hero." The young nurse came from southern Africa. For the convenience of care, she With short ear-length hair, not a prettier big wave.

However, this does not affect the wounded soldiers' liking for the little nurse. For the wounded soldiers, the little nurse is their common goddess. There was once a wounded soldier who owed a bad mouth to the little nurse who said a few excessive words, but the other The wounded soldiers teamed up to besiege, and as a result, their injuries worsened. It is said that they were sent to the "Seraphim" medical ship.

No one knows exactly where it was sent. Some people say that the damn guy was buried directly in the cemetery. When the coffin was closed, it was said that he was still panting, begging the gravediggers to let him go.

Live it!

Unlike John, who was alive and kicking, William was seriously injured. When he was sent to the field hospital, he suffered multiple injuries. William's lung was pierced by a bullet, and a third of his lung was cut off. Two doctors and three nurses cooperated It took four hours to snatch William back from death. This is the field hospital in southern Africa. If it was in the field hospital of the British and French allied forces, the doctors would not perform this kind of operation at all.

This kind of operation is too difficult and the success rate is too low. One operation requires the cooperation of several people, and it takes too long. Under normal circumstances, it would not be sent to the hospital at all.

What's more, William's military rank is only a sergeant major. Although the sergeant major has high prestige among the soldiers, to the officers, the sergeant major is just a position.

Hearing what the little nurse said, William smiled with difficulty, and looked at the little nurse with gratitude.

"When you arrive in Cyprus and recuperate well, if you have the opportunity to meet Lord Nyasaland, please say thank you for me. If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't know that I was buried in some unknown wilderness." A leg The wounded British soldiers were in a cheerful mood. In the hierarchical British army, there were few generals who still respected ordinary soldiers like Rock.

That's right, respect. Although the king was very polite to soldiers when he was patrolling the front line, politeness is politeness, which is completely different from respect.

"Zelda, have you met Lord Nyasaland?" A young Anzac soldier was curious about everything in southern Africa. It is also a colony. In the current Commonwealth, southern Africa has a significantly higher status in Australia and New Zealand.

You must know that when Australia was self-governing, the federal government of Southern Africa had not yet been established.

"Yes, I have not only met Lord Nyasaland, but also Mrs. Nyasaland and the two young barons. Mrs. Nyasaland will attend the annual graduation ceremony of our Johannesburg Medical School , Mrs. Nyasaland is the main donor of the Johannesburg Medical School, and also the honorary dean of our Johannesburg Medical School." Zelda was full of pride, and her big eyes shone with dazzling light.

"I heard that Lord Nyasaland and Mrs. Capet are very close—" A wounded British soldier was full of gossip. It's the same as adding luster.

It's really a comparison of everything.

"Don't talk nonsense. In our southern Africa, Mrs. Capet is very respected, especially us women. Mrs. Capet is the idol of all of us." Zelda seemed angry, but she was still very cute when she was angry. , making people hate it.

Ada is the first female minister in southern Africa, which is of great significance to women in southern Africa. Countless women who are not reconciled to their families regard Ada as their idol, hoping to play a more important role.

"After I recover from my injury, I will definitely go to southern Africa to see—" William spoke with difficulty, and his voice was a little hoarse. Every time he said a word, the lung injury would cause heart-piercing pain.

"I know, I know, don't talk too much now, it will affect the recovery of the injury—" Zelda looked sad, very worried about William's injury.

Even if William's injury is sent to Cyprus, it will be very dangerous, and the recovery period will be very long. Even after recovery, it is impossible to return to the battlefield.

"You don't have to worry, and you are the same. If it is inconvenient to live in Europe, you can go to southern Africa. In southern Africa, you can live and work like normal people." Zelda said to the wounded soldier With their great confidence, more wounded soldiers immediately surrounded them. The military police not far away noticed the situation here, and after coming over, they also listened quietly.

"What kind of job can I do with such an injury—" A wounded soldier with both legs amputated looked confused. After returning to his hometown with such an injury, he would definitely become a burden to his family.

"As long as you don't need to run around, you can do it. Nyasaland Military Industry Group has many assembly workshops, and all the work doesn't need to run around. You sit on a chair and wait for the conveyor belt to deliver the parts you need. Just send the parts, you can’t even assemble a rifle, can you—” Zelda was surprised, this is common sense in southern Africa, assembly line work, many people sit for a whole day, the production line supervisor likes it the most kinds of workers.

"Of course I can assemble a rifle—" The wounded soldier with amputated legs was overjoyed. It's a joke that soldiers can't assemble a rifle.

"That's it, I'll go to the quartermaster in a while, and they will register your name—" Zelda offered to help, which is one of the duties of the quartermaster.

That night, the message spread throughout the wounded barracks.

Three days later, the entire Mediterranean Expeditionary Force knew that the wounded would also be well cared for in southern Africa.

Many wounded soldiers are still in the field hospital, asking how to emigrate to southern Africa, and the frontline officers and soldiers seem to be more brave in combat.

Soldiers are really not afraid of death, but they are afraid that they will not be able to survive, and they will not be able to die.

(End of this chapter)

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