The Little Village's Ultimate Doctor

Chapter 901 Glowing Fruit

Chapter 901 Glowing Fruit

Chapter 73

Ling Xiaofu excitedly raised her hand, flipped it over, and said in a trembling voice: "I can move now, Brother Xiaoshan, I can move..."

Ling Xiaofu suddenly stopped speaking, Long Xiaoshan is still in a coma.

Although she was able to move, Long Xiaoshan paid a huge price for it, and the joy of being able to stand up again cooled down. She gritted her teeth and tried her best to support her body.

Being unable to move for so many days made it difficult to control her newly recovered body.

After standing up vigorously, she took Long Xiaoshan's hand and tried to drag him to the bank—half of Long Xiaoshan's body was still submerged in the water.

"Brother Xiaoshan, I will never let you die. You took care of me a few days ago, and now let me take care of you."

Ling Xiaofu kept drumming up, pulling Long Xiaoshan up.

Long Xiaoshan's body was extremely heavy, and she used all her strength to pull Long Xiaoshan ashore.

With trembling hands and feet, Ling Xiaofu looked around, wanting to see if there was anything useful in this underground cave.

There is a faint glow in the front.

Ling Xiaofu grabbed a stone and walked forward cautiously.

As she walked, she saw that the fluorescent lights were actually emitted by the fruits of some plants. This was the first time Ling Xiaofu had seen glowing plants after traveling so many places.

Bursts of fragrance emanate from the fruit.

Ling Xiaofu's stomach growled twice, and she was also hungry after tossing around on Thorny Island for so long.

She plucked a fruit.

Taking a closer look, with her limited knowledge of wild survival, the fruit does not seem to be poisonous.

She tried to peel off a little bit of skin, and licked it with her tongue, and a burst of sweetness entered her throat, which lifted her spirits.

Ling Xiaofu doesn't care about that much, she has no strength at all now, and if she keeps starving, she won't have the strength to take care of Long Xiaoshan.

She peeled a fruit and ate it.

The fruit was extremely sweet, and after eating it, a stream of air flowed to her limbs, allowing her to recover quickly.

"Really delicious."

Ling Xiaofu had never eaten such a delicious fruit, she kept grabbing the fruit and eating it.

I ate four or five in a row.

The belly suddenly swelled up, as if being continuously inflated with gas, it suddenly swelled to the point of being pregnant in October, Ling Xiaofu's expression was terrified, what's going on.

Her stomach was still swollen, and she opened her mouth wide in horror.

Just as I was about to yell, my abdomen turned upside down, and a foul-smelling gas came out.

Ling Xiaofu couldn't bear it anymore, she quickly took off her pants and squatted on the ground.

After a while of release.

Ling Xiaofu's stomach calmed down, not as bloated as before, but there was still a stream of air flowing in her stomach, and her whole body seemed light and light, as if she was about to fly.

Not only that, but she felt that her eyes and ears had become much sharper, and the dark caves became even more subtle in her eyes.

His whole body was full of energy, as if he could kill a cow with one punch.

She smelled a stench, lowered her head, saw the big black filth on the ground, even covered her nose, she couldn't believe that so much filth was released from her body.

Although Long Xiaoshan was unconscious.

But she still blushed and lifted up the dirt like a thief to cover up the filth.

After cleaning it off, her complexion became a little normal.

At this time, look at those glowing fruits again.

Even if Ling Xiaofu is a fool, she also understands that the fruit she ate was unusual, otherwise how could she have such a big change in her body.

She had already eaten so many fruits, if it was poisonous, she would have died of poison.

She picked another one.

Walking to Long Xiaoshan, she gritted her teeth, squeezed the fruit, and dripped the juice into Long Xiaoshan's mouth. She didn't know if the juice would work, but it was better than doing nothing.

Moreover, the dose of juice is not large, so it shouldn't make Long Xiaoshan's stomach swell like hers.

After feeding Long Xiaoshan with fruit juice.

Ling Xiaofu looked at it for a while, but found no abnormal reaction from him, so she breathed a sigh of relief, and walked into the cave again. The cave was very big, and she didn't know where it extended, so she didn't dare to go too far , Afraid of encountering some danger again, I found some dry grass leaves and hurried back.

She had learned some tricks for making wild fires.

In addition, she is very strong now.

After a few touches, a fire was really born.

Ling Xiaofu jumped up.

With the fire, that clammy feeling disappeared quite a bit.

Seeing that Long Xiaoshan's clothes were soaked, she blushed for some reason, but she showed determination in a blink of an eye. She peeled off all the tattered wet clothes on Long Xiaoshan's body, and saw Long Xiaoshan's body covered with wounds. , she couldn't think of anything else at all, and her tears kept rolling.

She moved Long Xiaoshan to the fire to keep him from getting too cold.

After doing all this, she felt that her body was also sticky. After eating the fruit just now, she not only pulled out a lot, but also seemed to have a lot of sweaty things on her body. body.

She simply took off her clothes and soaked them in the dark river to wash them. After taking a bath, she rubbed those clothes again, and then walked back to the fire. The cave was cold and damp, but after she ate the fruit, I feel hot all over, and I don't feel cold at all.

So there was no rush to put the wet clothes back on, and put the clothes on the fire to roast.

While she was warming up to the fire, she heard a movement, turned her head, and saw Long Xiaoshan opened his eyes and sat up.

"Brother Xiaoshan, you're awake." Ling Xiaofu cheered in surprise, and hurried to Long Xiaoshan.

"Xiao Fu!"

Long Xiaoshan yelled, suddenly felt something was wrong, and turned his head away quickly: "Why aren't you wearing clothes?"

Seeing Long Xiaoshan turn her head, Ling Xiaofu realized that she was warming herself by the fire just now and she was not wearing anything. She blinked, but she didn't scream. Although her face was a little red, she didn't show panic at all.

"My clothes are all soaked and I want to dry them before I wear them," she said as she took them off the fire.

"You put it on first."

Long Xiaoshan coughed. Although he helped Ling Xiaofu before, he usually avoided his eyes. This was the first time he saw Chi Guoguo like this.

After Ling Xiaofu finished dressing, he turned his head and found that he was also naked except for a pair of underwear. He said, "You also took off my clothes?"

"Well," Ling Xiaofu landed on those wounds, tremblingly said: "Brother Xiaoshan, how do you feel now?"

"I'm much better." Long Xiaoshan's tone was a little puzzled, and he didn't understand that he would wake up so soon.

When he was in a coma just now, he could only rely on his body to heal slowly, but in a daze, it seemed that a cool breath poured into his body, which made his body recover faster.

He took out a piece of clothing with his divine sense, because his hand was seriously injured, and said, "Xiaofu, help me put it on."

Ling Xiaofu quickly brought the clothes over and helped Long Xiaoshan put them on.

(End of this chapter)

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