Chapter 902 Innate Fruit

Chapter 74

After getting dressed, Long Xiaoshan said: "You stand up now, it seems that Elder Baiya didn't lie to us, then Yang Xuanzhi has taken effect."

Ling Xiaofu tearfully said: "Brother Xiaoshan, if it wasn't for helping me pick Yangxuanzhi, you wouldn't be hurt like this, it's all my fault."

Long Xiaoshan waved his hand: "Needless to say these things, to be honest, even if I don't pick Yangxuanzhi, I will go to Jiluo Island to see, other places don't have the vitality of heaven and earth..."

Ling Xiaofu thought it was Long Xiaoshan comforting her, and was even more moved.

Long Xiaoshan suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Xiaofu strangely.

Ling Xiaofu had never seen Long Xiaoshan look at her so earnestly. Normally, Long Xiaoshan would not look at her, which made her very discouraged. Maybe Jackie Chan changed his temper and discovered her charm.

The corners of Ling Xiaofu's mouth turned up, and she puffed out her chest proudly.

"Xiaofu, why do you have fluctuations of true energy in your body?" As a great spiritual master, Long Xiaoshan was sure that he was not mistaken.

Ling Xiaofu was just an ordinary person, how could she have true energy, even a genius couldn't cultivate true energy in such a short period of time.

"What fluctuations in true energy?" Ling Xiaofu said.

"Well..." Long Xiaoshan tried his best to explain: "There is a stream of air in your body, don't you feel it?"

"Yeah, after I ate that fruit, I felt like there was a breath of energy in my body, and my strength became much stronger." Ling Xiaofu said.

"What kind of fruit?" Long Xiaoshan was startled. It's too exaggerated to eat a fruit that can make ordinary people generate true energy.

"No, it's those." Ling Xiaofu pointed to a light in the distance and said, "It's those glowing fruits, but I ate a lot of them. You were unconscious just now, so I also fed you some."

Long Xiaoshan hurriedly got up to look, but he moved a few times, but failed.

His injury was too severe.

Ling Xiaofu hurriedly supported him to stand up.

"Help me over there."

With Ling Xiaofu's support, Long Xiaoshan walked to those glowing fruits, took a closer look, and said in shock, "Xiantian fruit!"

Long Xiaoshan did not expect to see the legendary Xiantian fruit here.

This is one of the main medicines for refining Xiantian pill.

In the pharmacopoeia handed down to him by Master Chang, Xiantian fruit was recorded emphatically.

Because the Xiantian fruit is extremely rare, the refined Xiantian pill is even more precious. It is a divine fruit that can help people step into the Xiantian realm, and it cannot be measured by value. Long Xiaoshan was ecstatic.

If you can meet Xiantian fruit, you will be able to survive a catastrophe, and you must have a blessing in the future.

This time, no matter how serious the injury is, it's worth it.

Because this kind of fruit is rare, he even doubts whether there is any innate fruit on the earth, because he devoured the memories of several masters, and none of them have the memory of innate fruit.

With the value of innate fruit, as long as it appears, it will definitely spread in the hidden door.

However, Long Xiaoshan soon discovered that there were only two small fruits left on this Xiantian fruit. It was rumored that once it was born, there would be nine of them, implying fate, so how could there be only two left.

He suddenly turned around and said, "Xiaofu, how many pills did you eat just now?"

Ling Xiaofu snapped her fingers and said, "One, two, seems to be five or six, oh, I even fed you the juice of one."

"I go!"

In Long Xiaoshan's heart, a hundred thousand grass-mud horses roared past.

Seeing Long Xiaoshan's expression, Ling Xiaofu asked cautiously: "Brother Xiaoshan, I, did I do something wrong, can this fruit not be eaten?"

Long Xiaoshan took a deep breath, squeezed out a smile and said, "No, I can eat it."

He really wants to say that you can't buy this thing with tens of billions, even hundreds of billions, and you actually eat a bunch of it like ordinary fruit.

But after thinking about it, she ate everything, why bother to say that Ling Xiaofu regretted it, this was originally discovered by Ling Xiaofu, even if she ate all of it, it was her freedom.

What's more, Ling Xiaofu even fed him one.

He now understands why he wakes up so quickly. Can he not wake up after eating a congenital fruit?

This is a spiritual fruit.

It is much more precious than the 500-year snow lotus that was refined last time.

Long Xiaoshan looked at it. Although there were only two small fruits left, this innate fruit was still of great value. It was a pity that these two small fruits were obviously not mature, and he didn't know how long it would take to ripen. He would pick them off now , is also wasted in vain.

He couldn't wait here endlessly.

Who knows how long it will take for the congenital fruit to mature, the time for this kind of heaven and earth spiritual fruit to mature may be measured in decades or hundreds of years.

Suddenly, Long Xiaoshan's eyes lit up.

He forgot that others can't do it, and he still has a magic weapon, the Jade Cleansing Vase.

The virtuous spiritual liquid inside can catalyze growth and even bring plants back to life.

He has made so many meritorious deeds, established the Dragon Foundation, the Dragon Gate, and now the spirit liquid in the Jade Purification Bottle has accumulated a lot.

He took out a flower pot, carefully dug up the root of the Xiantian fruit plant, put it in the flower pot, poured another drop of merit liquid, and put it into the interspatial ring.

He took this innate fruit plant back and cultivated it slowly.

After doing all this well, he looked at Ling Xiaofu again, Ling Xiaofu swallowed six innate fruits, even if they were not mature innate fruits, the benefits she gained were self-evident, her whole body was reborn, full of immortal energy.

With a little training, Ling Xiaofu's strength will definitely skyrocket.

This can be regarded as a silly girl has a silly blessing.

This girl is a bit foolish to have such a chance.

But Long Xiaoshan doesn't have time to train her now, his injury is very serious, even if the innate fruit makes him recover, he is still seriously injured, the most important thing now is to heal the injury.

"Xiaofu, I want to heal my wounds, so don't run around later." Long Xiaoshan said.

Ling Xiaofu responded repeatedly: "Brother Xiaoshan, I'm right beside you."

Long Xiaoshan sat down cross-legged and began to use the Longevity Art. A large amount of heaven and earth vitality surged in and formed a vortex to be absorbed by his body. The underground heaven and earth vitality was very thick.

Under the nourishment of the zhenqi of the formula of longevity, Long Xiaoshan's injuries are also constantly recovering.

three days later.

Long Xiaoshan's injury has almost recovered.

The more he practiced, the more he could discover the power of the longevity formula, which not only allowed him to condense his true energy in advance, but also had special effects on healing injuries.

It only took three days for him to be seriously injured like this, which is absolutely impossible for other great spiritual masters.

After recovering from his injuries, Long Xiaoshan didn't leave in a hurry. Jiluo Island was full of dangers, and he didn't dare to go out rashly, at least the underground was safer.

"Xiaofu, come here, I will teach you how to cultivate true qi."

Long Xiaoshan waved his hand and said calmly, originally he didn't want Ling Xiaofu to have anything to do with the hidden door, so he deliberately concealed his identity, but Ling Xiaofu had his own chance, swallowed the congenital fruit of the sixth younger sister, and generated true energy in his body, this is fate .

Long Xiaoshan simply stopped concealing it, told Ling Xiaofu about the hidden door, and taught her how to practice at the same time.

(The fourth update is completed, and the chapter from yesterday has been added)

(End of this chapter)

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