The Little Village's Ultimate Doctor

Chapter 916 Blood Demon Sutra

Chapter 916 Blood Demon Sutra

Chapter 88

Hide in the snow cave, and there is an array to block it, so the outside wind can't blow in, so it's not as uncomfortable as the cold.

Long Xiaoshan put Ling Xiaofu down.

Now on the Pascal Snow Mountain, since the black demon wind has not appeared, Long Xiaoshan can only prepare for a protracted battle and wait here.

He believed that Chief Vulture wouldn't dare to talk about it.

Unless he dies.

After putting Ling Xiaofu down, Long Xiaoshan continued to dig inside, digging out a snow cave house of about ten square meters.

After trekking such a long distance in a row, holding Ling Xiaofu again.

Even Long Xiaoshan, an eighth-rank great spiritualist, would feel overwhelmed.

Especially the climbing process last night.

It's even harder.

At this time, most of the true energy in his body was consumed.

Long Xiaoshan sat down and stuffed a few pills into his mouth to restore his true energy. Most places in the barren land world do not have heaven and earth vitality, and this place is no exception, so they can only be restored by pills.

After recovering his true energy, Long Xiaoshan did not sit still.

His interspatial ring was stuffed with a large amount of blood of the eight-armed crocodile dragon. Long Xiaoshan collected this blood for the purpose of cultivating the body-refining inheritance of a Blood Buddha.

He has already cultivated to the peak of the Vajra Immortality Art.

Although this body training method is powerful, it is not top-notch, and it is only close to the strength of a horizontal training master when it is cultivated to the peak.

Although this is already great.

But at the level of Long Xiaoshan, only masters and above can fight him.

Vajra is not bad, a little stretched.

What's more, if you want to cultivate into innate, you need to gather three flowers.

Essence of flowers - on behalf of the body.

Qi flower-represents true energy.

Shenhua - represents the soul.

Now Long Xiaoshan's soul has been cultivated to a level comparable to innate, and has condensed a divine flower.

Infuriating, his Longevity Art is a supreme magic skill, as long as he continues to practice, sooner or later he will be able to condense his energy.

Now he only has physical fitness, which is his shortcoming.

The Vajra Immortality Jue, no matter how hard it is practiced, it will not be able to condense its essence.

Fortunately, he has the blood Buddha inheritance.

The Blood Buddha is the master of the Tang Dynasty, the master of the Western Regions, and the master of the real world.

Since he is a real person, he must have condensed Sanhua.

So his body training inheritance is also very powerful.

It can even be said that the Blood Buddha is most proud of, and that is the Blood Demon Sutra.

Although the Blood Buddha is called a Buddha, he is an evil Buddha, and he does not practice any serious Buddhist exercises. His body training exercise, the Blood Demon Sutra, is a magical exercise that devours essence and blood to strengthen his body.

In this guy's inheritance memory, in order to practice the Great Success of the Blood Demon Sutra, he swallowed the blood essence of many strong men.

Even his master and brother were attacked and killed by him.

He was originally an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty.

It was because of practicing this evil skill that he killed too many people and caused the Buddhist sect to be furious, so he was chased and killed by the masters of the Central Plains, avoided the Western Regions, and became the national teacher of a small country in the Western Regions.

Although the Blood Demon Sutra is a demonic evil method that everyone turns pale upon hearing it. .

But at the level of Long Xiaoshan.

From a high altitude, what you see is naturally different from ordinary people.

Ordinary people can only see that in order to practice the Blood Demon Sutra, they devour the essence and blood of others and do a lot of evil. As long as they have a bottom line of morality, they must never practice this kind of demonic art.

But Long Xiaoshan's understanding of Taoism is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.

There is a thin line between Buddha and demon.

Even the Blood Demon Sutra was originally born out of Buddhist exercises.

Avenue three thousand.

The so-called Buddha, Dao, and demons, as long as they cultivate to the extreme, they can all reach the same goal by different routes and prove the Dao.

Although the Blood Demon Sutra is known as a magic skill, it's just that the way of cultivation is different from the conventional ones.

In fact, the Blood Demon Sutra doesn't necessarily depend on devouring people's essence and blood to cultivate, as long as it is blood, it can be used, and the stronger the blood energy, the better.

Beast blood can completely replace it.

It's just that powerful monsters are rare in the first place.

Far less than the number of strong human beings.

As a result, people who practiced the Blood Demon Sutra basically devoured the blood essence of strong human beings in the end.

After all, those who practice magic arts are mostly unscrupulous and lawless people, and there are not so many taboos.

Long Xiaoshan has studied this technique a long time ago. After all, it is the most important technique in the inheritance of the Blood Buddha. It's just that he didn't think about practicing it at the beginning. It's not the so-called morality, but just let him absorb other people's blood essence , he also finds it disgusting.

Until he sealed the throat of the eight-armed crocodile on Thorny Island with a sword, and sprinkled a lot of dragon blood.

The powerful blood energy suddenly reminded Long Xiaoshan of this magic art. In terms of the power and strength of blood energy, who can compare to the eight-armed crocodile dragon? It is impossible to compare with this ancient beast.

These dragon's blood, for those who practice the Blood Demon Sutra, are supreme treasures, and no panacea can compare to them.

So at that time, Long Xiaoshan did not hesitate to collect a large amount of dragon blood, filling up the space ring.

Now on Mount Pascal, waiting for the Devil's Wind to appear.

Long Xiaoshan didn't know when the devil's wind would come.

At this time, of course he will not wait idly.

Prepare to take out the dragon's blood and practice the Blood Demon Sutra.

Long Xiaoshan dug a two-meter-square pit on the ground.

Pour the dragon's blood from the ring into it.

A thick pool of blood appeared in front of his eyes.

In the blood pool, the blood was like amalgam, turbulent, twisting and changing. The ice and snow near the big pit immediately melted as if corroded. Long Xiaoshan quickly cast a few spells to strengthen the blood pool.

"Brother Xiaoshan, is this blood?" Ling Xiaofu's face changed greatly when he smelled the strong and pungent smell of blood.

"That's right, this is the blood of the octopus. I want to use it to practice a skill." Long Xiaoshan stood by the blood pool and began to take off his clothes.

"It's disgusting, do you want to soak in it?" Ling Xiaofu's face turned pale, and his stomach churned.

She is a daughter of a family, and she really can't stand this.

"Not bad." Long Xiaoshan quickly took off his shorts and jumped into the pool of blood.

Ling Xiaofu quickly moved away, she really couldn't figure out why Long Xiaoshan wanted to practice such a disgusting exercise.

Of course, Long Xiaoshan didn't care what Ling Xiaofu thought.

He sat cross-legged in the blood pool, which did not reach his neck.

As soon as his body was covered with dragon blood, he felt as if he had been soaked in sulfuric acid. The stinging pain was unbearable, and the strong evil spirit rushed into his body, making Long Xiaoshan's eyes turn red. Octococcus is an ancient beast.

How strong the evil spirit is, his blood is deadly arsenic to ordinary people.

Ordinary people will die if they touch it.

However, Long Xiaoshan is not an ordinary person. His body has been conceived by spiritual energy, and he is already a primary spirit body. The golden light of his soul blooms, and immediately dispels the evil spirits that try to affect his mind.

Long Xiaoshan's face was like a Buddha, and he fell down on the sea of ​​blood.

It is necessary to subdue the blood sea monster with great perseverance.

He squeezed out a seal formula with his fingers, and according to the practice of the Blood Demon Sutra, he slowly operated the exercises. The sea of ​​blood generated waves, and a large amount of energy and blood burned like dragon flames, enveloping Long Xiaoshan, and his body gradually became transparent. stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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