Chapter 917

Chapter 89

Hidden and visible.

In the pool of blood, there seemed to be a phantom of a crocodile roaring.

Although the eight-armed crocodile dragon is not a real dragon, it still has a trace of dragon blood passed down from ancient times in its body.

Dragon is the most noble and proud creature.

Long Xiaoshan swallowed the essence and blood of the crocodile dragon.

It touched the dragon power in the blood to counterattack.

Under the impact of that powerful force, the body seemed to be torn apart.

The soul trembled violently.

The sky eyes between Long Xiaoshan's brows suddenly opened.

A huge golden phantom of the gods emerged.

"Give me town!"

This huge phantom of the gods stepped forward fiercely, fighting the dragon in the sea of ​​blood, the void shook, and the sea of ​​blood turned into waves.

These are attacks from the spiritual world.

Outsiders can't see it.

Only Long Xiaoshan who is in it can feel the danger.

To get much benefit, you have to pay the corresponding risk.

Although the blood essence of the eight-armed crocodile is unmatched, it also brings greater danger to cultivation.


The god flower emerged, and the god was shining brightly. After a fierce fight, the god stepped on the eight-armed crocodile, grabbed its crocodile tail, and pressed its head. The evil dragon finally surrendered.

The sea of ​​blood gradually subsided.

Long Xiaoshan has 65 orifices all over his body, like stars appearing in his transparent body, dotted lines connect these human stars, forming a vast and mysterious celestial map of the sky.

A large amount of dragon blood essence poured into his acupoint and stars.

sinking slowly.

After a few hours.

On the Yongquan acupoint at the foot of Long Xiaoshan, the dim star seemed to be lit up, burning with flames. Compared with the stars on other acupoints, it was obviously much brighter, as if it was the difference between a star and a planet.

Long Xiaoshan could even feel that there was a powerful supernatural power contained in that acupoint star, as if the divine treasure of the human body had been opened.

The human body is the most mysterious.

It is a huge treasure in itself.

There is no other kind of life, like human beings, who can continue to cultivate and grow from being extremely weak, and the life is constantly leaping, and finally become the supreme existence.

As long as you continue to explore the mysteries of the human body and open the hidden treasures of the human body, you will be able to gain powerful power.

The Blood Demon Sutra is to light up the 65 acupoints and stars in the whole body.

Give people extraordinary power.

Long Xiaoshan didn't expect that he could light up an acupoint star so quickly.

It took nearly a year for the Blood Buddha to light up the first acupoint.

However, Long Xiaoshan only spent a few hours, the difference cannot be counted.

The essence and blood of the eight-armed crocodile is indeed powerful.

After Long Xiaoshan lit up a star, he became more confident.

Continue to devour the power of the crocodile dragon's blood essence, boom, boom, the blood pool of blood is constantly circling around Long Xiaoshan, following Long Xiaoshan's tireless cultivation.

Between the lines, Rangu, Taichong...

The star acupoints in Long Xiaoshan's body were constantly lit up.

Ling Xiaofu saw that since Long Xiaoshan hid in the snow cave, he had been soaking in the blood pool and practicing non-stop, like a sculpture. Although Long Xiaoshan had left enough food for her, after a few days like this, Ling Xiao Fu couldn't hold back.

On this day, Long Xiaoshan finally opened his eyes.

Stopped practicing.

It wasn't because he was tired, but because he had sucked out the strength of Crocodile Dragon's blood essence, and the pool was full of blood, without the previous boiling blood energy, just like stagnant water.

Long Xiaoshan took a look inside.

At this time, on his feet, there are bright lights, like tiny beads of light.

This pool of dragon's blood fully lit up fifteen stars in his acupoints.

According to the inheritance of the Blood Buddha.

As long as the 65 acupoints and stars around the body are lit up, the Blood Demon Sutra will be completed, enough to condense the essence.

Fifteen, and three hundred and fifty more to be lit.

Long Xiaoshan pouted.

If this goes on, even if the dragon's blood is exhausted, it won't be enough.

I don't know when Ma Yue will be able to light up all 65 acupuncture points.

Long Xiaoshan complained in his heart.

If the Blood Buddha knew about it, the coffin board might not be able to hold it down.

After all, Long Xiaoshan has only been practicing the Blood Demon Sutra for a long time, and it only takes two or three days if he is full of fights.

And the Blood Buddha spent a full 30 years in order to cultivate the Blood Demon Sutra to a great success.

It even killed an unknown number of strong men and devoured their blood.

And because of practicing the Blood Demon Sutra, he became a street mouse that everyone shouted and beaten, so he had to go far away to the Western Regions.

It took Long Xiaoshan a few days to light up fifteen acupoints, but it was still too slow.

Long Xiaoshan jumped into the blood pool, ready to drain the discarded dragon blood, replace it with new dragon blood, and continue to practice the Blood Demon Sutra.

Ling Xiaofu's surprised voice came from behind: "Brother Xiaoshan, you have finally finished your cultivation."

Long Xiaoshan turned his head and found Ling Xiaofu looked haggard and lonely.

I saw my eyes light up.

After thinking about it, I realized that I was practicing the Blood Demon Sutra, and I didn't know the time. In fact, the place they were in was a snow cave of ten square meters. Ling Xiaofu, a young girl, stayed in this snow cave for three days. Like being imprisoned.

Under the ground of Jiluo Island, fortunately, the place is bigger, and Ling Xiaofu can also walk around.

The snow cave is only so big, Ling Xiaofu can only sit there and watch her practice.

No wonder it has this expression.

Thinking of this, Long Xiaoshan felt a little sorry, and said, "Xiaofu, I have neglected you these few days, you must be bored."

Ling Xiaofu shook her head and said, "It's okay, Brother Xiaoshan, have you finished your training?"

Long Xiaoshan originally wanted to continue practicing, but when he saw Ling Xiaofu's expectant eyes, he changed his mind and said, "Well, I'm done practicing."

It is still very early for the Blood Demon Sutra to be completed. At this rate, even if the dragon's blood is exhausted, Long Xiaoshan is not in a hurry. After all, he and Ling Xiaofu have grown feelings for each other after staying for so many days.

You can't really ignore her and let her live here alone and go to jail.

Long Xiaoshan washed off the blood on his body, changed his clothes, and looked outside through the formation. In fact, although he was practicing these days, he used the formation to monitor whether there was a devil wind blowing outside.

No trace of the devil wind was found.

It is daytime now, and Pascal Snow Mountain is a little calmer, without storms and hail.

Long Xiaoshan said, "Let's go out and get some air."

"Okay." Ling Xiaofu was almost suffocated, and she jumped up and down when she heard Long Xiaoshan's words.

Long Xiaoshan opened the formation and walked out of the snow cave with Ling Xiaofu.


A gust of wind blew, and Ling Xiaofu shivered from the cold. Even if there was no storm, the temperature on the top of the snow-capped mountain was around minus [-] degrees all year round, colder than the South Pole on Earth.

Long Xiaoshan held Ling Xiaofu's hand and injected a burst of true energy.

Ling Xiaofu didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore.

She looked at the ice field on the snow mountain and the strange-shaped wind-eroded mushrooms condensed from a large amount of ice and snow, her eyes glowed, and she exclaimed: "It's so spectacular."

This is a magnificent landscape that ordinary people can never see.

Although the severe cold is severe, it also brings an extremely gorgeous world of ice and snow, which seems to be different from the real world.

Ling Xiaofu was originally an adventurous girl, seeing such natural wonders, she was completely intoxicated.

(End of this chapter)

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