Chapter 923 Is it him?

Chapter 95

Ling Xiaofu opened her eyes, and what she saw was a snow-white wall.

Although the headache was splitting, she still shouted: "Brother Xiaoshan."

Then he jumped up from the bed, and immediately there were many pulling sounds from his body.

At the same time, many doctors and nurses also rushed into the room. When they saw Ling Xiaofu who had woken up, they showed joy and said, "Miss Ling, you are awake."

"Miss Ling, you just woke up, don't move around, lie down quickly."

These doctors and nurses used both hands and feet, trying to push Ling Xiaofu down.

But in Ling Xiaofu's mind, only the scene of Long Xiaoshan being drowned by Yin Wei's sword energy after throwing her out, and the scene of Long Xiaoshan dripping blood in order to protect her.

"Brother Xiaoshan."

She can't remember how many times she was rescued by Long Xiaoshan in the wasteland world. Without Long Xiaoshan, she would have died a long time ago. She has always been an oil bottle. Without her, Long Xiaoshan would not have encountered such How dangerous, even in the end, he blocked Yin Wei's sword to save her.

When Ling Xiaofu thought of this, tears welled up like a fountain, and she struggled desperately to get up from the bed.

She is going to find Long Xiaoshan.

no matter where he is.

Even if he is still in the wasteland world.

She also wants to go to Shennongjia, go back to that ghostly place, and find him.

Brother Xiaoshan, wait for me!


A group of doctors and nurses were pushed away by Ling Xiaofu.

Ling Xiaofu is already a fourth-level spiritual master. Although she just woke up and is in a very bad state, no matter how bad it is, these ordinary people cannot stop her.

After pushing those people away, he ran out.

"Quick, go and stop Miss Ling."

The group of doctors and nurses were shocked. Seeing Ling Xiaofu with loose hair and bare feet, they ran out. You must know that it is still late March and the weather is still very cold, not to mention that Ling Xiaofu is the young lady of the Ling family.

Their hospital is the private hospital in which the Ling family holds the most shares.

But Ling Xiaofu can be regarded as their main family.

If Ling Xiaofu had a problem here, they wouldn't even think about doing it.

After Ling Xiaofu ran out of the ward, she ran in the corridor, her mind was still in a state of confusion, she couldn't see the way at all, she stumbled and knocked down many people in the corridor.

"Xiao Fu!"

Suddenly there was a call, and a figure rushed up to stop her.

Ling Xiaofu still waved her hand subconsciously, pa—— that figure flew out and hit the wall, moaning in pain.



When the people in the hospital saw the man lying on the ground, their faces turned pale with fright.

It doesn't matter if Second Miss Ling goes crazy, but she actually hurt Miss Ling. You must know that Miss Ling's status is much higher than that of Second Miss Ling. My daughter-in-law is getting married soon.

Ling Xiaofu's mind was in chaos at first, but after pushing that person out just now, she suddenly came back to her senses when she heard the familiar voice, and looked down to see the person who fell there again.

She was startled: "Sister, why are you?"

Lying on the ground was a woman whose appearance was five or six points similar to hers, but her face was a little sharper than hers. She was wearing professional attire, full of elegant and capable temperament.

At this time, the woman was unable to get up, her face was snow-white.

The group of doctors surrounded Ling Ruotong, asking questions repeatedly.

Ling Ruotong said: "I'm fine, just let me slow down."

Ling Ruotong could not have imagined that Ling Xiaofu's wave of her hand just now would have such great force, she was thrown out like a rag doll.

Even if Ling Xiaofu was worried about Long Xiaoshan, she couldn't abandon Ling Ruotong at this time. She and Ling Ruotong had a very good relationship, and Ling Ruotong was injured by her just now. She even walked over, knelt down and said, "Sister, you , how are you? I'm sorry, I was too anxious just now and didn't notice you. "

Ling Ruotong forced a smile: "It's okay."

A group of doctors had already brought over the stretcher and put Ling Ruotong on it for examination.

After checking, it was found that there were some cracks in Ling Ruotong's back bones, and the doctors were secretly stunned when they had to lie down to recuperate. Ling Xiaofu might not have been caught by a ghost, otherwise how could Ling Ruotong be injured like this just now with a random push.

Because they heard that Ling Xiaofu was found near Shennongjia, and several classmates who went on an adventure with Ling Xiaofu also came back, saying that Ling Xiaofu fell into a ghost cave.

Ling Ruotong was indeed the same as the bewitched just now.

These doctors and nurses looked at Ling Xiaofu with strange eyes.

Ling Xiaofu didn't care what they thought, she was desperate to go back to Shennongjia to find Long Xiaoshan, but now that Ling Ruotong was hurt by her, how dare she leave.

Ling Ruotong told the doctors and nurses to go away, lay on the hospital bed, and looked at Ling Xiaofu who was in a panic.

She had never seen Ling Xiaofu like this.

She knows the character of her younger sister very well, she is the opposite of her, she is hot-tempered, likes to take risks everywhere, and has formed some so-called donkey clubs, but the current Ling Xiaofu actually gives her a feeling of melancholy.

What made Ling Xiaofu become like this?

She said, "Xiaofu, what were you looking for in a hurry just now? It looks like you are in a hurry."

Ling Xiaofu was trying to hold back, but when Ling Ruotong asked, her tears rolled down, and she remembered Long Xiaoshan's blood, and she murmured: "Sister, I want to go back to Shennongjia, I want to find him , I can't let him just disappear like this."


Ling Ruotong was startled, even if Ling Xiaofu didn't say anything, she was sure that "he" refers to a man.

It's all about a woman's intuition.

Only a man can make a careless woman suddenly become sentimental.

Could it be that Ling Xiaofu went to Shennongjia and experienced something.

"Xiaofu, no matter how anxious you are, don't mess up. It's been a week since you were discovered and woke up now," Ling Ruotong said.

"Ah, I've been in a coma for a week." Ling Xiaofu was shocked.

"Yes, it's been a week, so even if you are in a hurry to go back now, you may not be able to find him in a place like Shennongjia. Please calm down first, our Ling family is quite powerful. If you really want to find him, sister find someone Help you." After all, Ling Ruotong is an executive in charge of a listed company, and he is much calmer than Ling Xiaofu.

Ling Xiaofu cried and shook her head: "It's different, that place is different, no matter how many people go there, they can't find Brother Xiaoshan."

Ling Ruotong's face suddenly changed.

She tremblingly said: "What are you talking about, brother Xiaoshan?"

"It's Brother Long Xiaoshan, the one who saved me, without him, I would have died countless times." Ling Xiaofu was in a state of emotion, and didn't notice the change in Ling Xiaofu's face at all.

Ling Ruotong seemed to be struck by lightning, even the last name was the same, so it couldn't be that person.

Although the crowd is vast, the chances of this are extremely small.

She still couldn't help asking: "What does that Long Xiaoshan you mentioned look like?"

 I got the flu, and today I feel drowsy and weak, so I barely wrote it. Please forgive me. I will see the status tomorrow. If I recover well, I will update it normally. If I don’t recover well, try writing as much as possible. .



(End of this chapter)

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