Chapter 924 Exercise

Chapter 96

Ling Xiaofu described Long Xiaoshan's appearance and height.

The more Ling Ruotong listened, the more excited she became, because the appearance described by Ling Xiaofu was very similar to that of Long Xiaoshan, but when it came to height, Ling Ruotong seemed to be poured under a basin of cold water. The height of "Long Xiaoshan" that Ling Xiaofu said was more than 1.8 meters five, completely Just a big guy.

The Long Xiaoshan she knew was only 1.7 meters tall, probably because he was born in a poor family and had a thin body, so he was a completely different person from what Ling Xiaofu said.

After all, she was already a college student when she met Long Xiaoshan.

Height is basically fixed.

It is impossible for Long Xiaoshan to rise so much suddenly.


Ling Ruotong smiled wryly.

It doesn't matter if it's that person or not.

After all, it is a person of two worlds.

If he went to find him by himself, he would be harmed. He had already been persecuted by the Shen family once, and if he still thought about it, he would only be killed.

It's just that this world is too coincidental.

Xiaofu unexpectedly also met a man named Long Xiaoshan, and judging by Xiaofu's expression, she was a little girl who fell in love...


A figure fell from the sky and smashed into a big tree. After a while, the figure slowly got up from the ground, shaking its head.

"This is where?"

Long Xiaoshan got up covered in blood, and after he stepped into the devil's wind, he was sucked in, and then fell down here after a burst of dizziness.

Looking around, he saw a vast forest and several towering mountains, but they looked very strange. He turned around Shennongjia. With his photographic memory, he didn't remember that there were similar mountains in Shennongjia.

Could it be that Shennongjia is no longer here?

Long Xiaoshan frowned.

Although it doesn't look like Shennongjia here, he has a feeling that he should be back, because the breath here is very close to the earth, and it has the familiar vitality of heaven and earth.

As long as you come back, Long Xiaoshan let out a long sigh of relief, the most important thing now is to recover from the injury first.

A burst of extreme weakness surged, and Long Xiaoshan quickly restrained his mind, took out a few pills from the space ring and stuffed them into his mouth. The injuries on his body were too serious, and most of the blood had flowed out. .

This means that the longevity formula has a powerful recovery effect.

If he hadn't practiced this technique, even a master would not have survived such a serious injury.

But when Long Xiaoshan recovered.

Suddenly a gust of wind hit him from behind, aiming at the back of his neck.

He immediately patted behind him without even thinking, bang!

A crisp sound.

The attacker flew out, crashed into a tree, and fainted.

Looking back, Long Xiaoshan saw a man lying under a tree, wearing a green camouflage uniform, a gun on his body, and some branches-like camouflage on his head, judging from the strength of his sneak attack just now and his clothes.

Long Xiaoshan can be sure that the opponent is a soldier, and not an ordinary soldier, otherwise it would be impossible to have such strength.

It's a pity that I met him, even though Long Xiaoshan's injury has not healed.

But it is not comparable to ordinary people.

Long Xiaoshan got up and walked over, checked the things on the other party, and found some positioning things. After looking at it, it turned out that this place was in the Taihang Mountains near Zhongzhou.

It fell so far.

It is at least a thousand kilometers away from Shennongjia.

Long Xiaoshan was speechless for a while.

It seems that the outlet of the devil's wind is different, and it does not say that it must be in Shennongjia.

They come, the security.

It's good that Long Xiaoshan knew that this was Huaxia, and he didn't mean to wake him up. Now that he was covered in blood, and he had used up all the spare clothes in the ring, Long Xiaoshan simply took off the other party's clothes and put them on himself .

Looking at the gun, the bullets in it were paintballs, so Long Xiaoshan threw it back.

He's about to leave here.

Not long after he walked out, suddenly there was a burst of gunshots.

Long Xiaoshan dodges quickly.

Where he stood just now, a lot of soil was splashed, and there were many colorful paints on the ground.

If it wasn't for Long Xiaoshan's unhealed injuries, he wouldn't be touched by some ordinary people, even if these people were some top soldiers.

Long Xiaoshan didn't want to get involved with them, so he rushed forward.

But it didn't take long before he found more people appeared in front of him.

Could it be that he fell into the siege of the army.

Long Xiaoshan didn't know, he really guessed right.

Here, a top-level special forces exercise is going on, gathering the top ace special forces from all major military regions. The vicinity has already been blocked, and it has become a forbidden area. It is so hard to die. Long Xiaoshan just landed in this forbidden area middle.

After these people discovered the clothes Long Xiaoshan was wearing, they immediately attacked him.

Originally, Long Xiaoshan just wanted to leave, but he was attacked more and more, which also made him angry.

If he hadn't been seriously injured now, how could he have been followed by these people, and he would have left them far away, and now he has become the target of these people instead.

Since you can't get rid of it.

Long Xiaoshan simply started.

He quickly rushed to the left front side, dodging left and right in a cloud of bullets, and quickly approached the three people who attacked him. The three people were shocked when they saw Long Xiaoshan coming towards them despite their bullets.

Although the bullets they used were patina bullets for exercises and had no lethality, their speed was the same as that of ordinary bullets. Moreover, they were all ace troops in various military regions, and their strength was beyond doubt.

Everyone is a sharpshooter.

What is the concept that Long Xiaoshan can rush under their bullets?

In a blink of an eye, Long Xiaoshan rushed in front of them.

The three of them immediately put down their guns and charged towards Long Xiaoshan. They used military fighting techniques, which looked simple, but were extremely effective and deadly.

It's a pity that they met Long Xiaoshan.

Long Xiaoshan rose into the air, kicked three times quickly, and just hit the three people's jaws, and the three people passed out without shouting.

This is still Long Xiaoshan showing mercy.

He also saw that these people should be practicing, and regarded him as the target of the exercise.

After kicking the three people unconscious, Long Xiaoshan rushed towards another direction where the gunshots came from. Not long after, the gunshots stopped abruptly at another place [-] meters away.

One place after another, after the sound was heard, it quickly became quiet again.

Long Xiaoshan made a big circle.

Originally, there were gunshots in the forest one after another, but after he joined, those gunshots gradually disappeared, and finally only the quiet sound of the wind remained.

at the same time.

In a temporary headquarters more than ten miles away from the location of the exercise.

A large group of people were sitting in front of a large screen, watching the exercise. These people had flowers on their shoulders, full of momentum, and they were obviously big shots.

This selection involves an international competition for special forces, so each military region takes it very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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