The Little Village's Ultimate Doctor

Chapter 943 Longmen Pharmaceutical

Chapter 943 Longmen Pharmaceutical

Chapter [-]

Long Xiaoshan pouted.

Liaison officer?

He has something to contact, most likely because Mr. He is worried that he will cause some disaster in Yanjing. After all, the things he did in Yinmen before did not have a good reputation, so he specially bought a piece of brown candy for him Stare at him.

At first glance, Xu Bo looked like that kind of one-sided woman. Long Xiaoshan opened his mouth several times, but the other party still followed him in his own way.

Long Xiaoshan couldn't drive him away even if he wanted to.

You can't do it to a woman.

If it is an enemy, Long Xiaoshan will deal with it regardless of whether the opponent is a man or a woman.

But the other party is not, Long Xiaoshan is also a little helpless.

After thinking about it, he didn't bother to care about the other party's stay.

If I really want to do something, it is very easy to get rid of her. Thinking of this, Long Xiaoshan said lightly: "Well, since Major Xu must follow me, then stay, my company's Yanjing branch is just right. If you are a startup, you can stay here and work, and I will give you a salary."

Xu Bo said coldly: "I'm just in charge of contacting you, I can find you at any time, and I'm not responsible for other things. I'm a soldier, and it's impossible for me to work for your company."

Long Xiaoshan went to the executive chair in the office and sat down, crossed his fingers on his chest, and said lazily: "Major Xu, I think you have to make it clear that I came here to start a company, you follow me all day, I don't have an identity, what's the matter, when I come in and out here, what will others think, what will the employees think, the wife who follows her husband all day for fear of his cheating, or the mistress who doesn't work every day and takes care of me..."


Xu Bo raised his brows upside down, his almond eyes were wide open, staring at Long Xiaoshan murderously, wishing he could take out the gun hidden in his thigh and punch a hole in Long Xiaoshan's head.

Facing Xu Bo's murderous intent, Long Xiaoshan's expression remained the same, and he smiled faintly: "You don't need it, you, Major Xu, I'm just analyzing people's normal thoughts to you. Can others have no idea? So, you still do as I said, I will arrange a position for you, um, you can be my assistant for a while, the outside is your office, usually responsible for my personal schedule, OK ?”

Xu Bo clenched his teeth.

Think of her as a major and a top agent of a special department, regardless of firearms, camouflage, fighting, computers, and diplomacy.

It should have been an international success.

Unexpectedly, he was sent to carry out such an aggrieved task.

She didn't know Long Xiaoshan's true identity, and everything about the Dragon Soul Army was a secret.

All she knew was that Long Xiaoshan was a young man from a family, and if she wanted to start a company here in Yanjing, she was only asked to follow this young man and record his daily whereabouts. She didn't say what happened to this young man or his family that needs to be investigated by her, but simply followed.

What the hell kind of mission is this.

She is capable and useless, and she doesn't understand why the higher ups send her a top agent to serve as a personal escort for a young and old. This kind of job can be done by just anyone.

So she picked Long Xiaoshan's nose and eyes. Although Long Xiaoshan was handsome, to a top agent like her, no matter how handsome she looked, she was just a stinky skin.

It is absolutely impossible for her to be half-distracted.

But even though it's very hot.

The job of a soldier is to carry out orders.

She didn't want to take this task very much, but she had to accept it.

She gritted her teeth and admitted in her heart that although Long Xiaoshan spoke harshly, there was some truth to what she said. She followed Long Xiaoshan all day, so she had to have a disguise, and she worked silently for a long time to build her heart. The mood calms down.

Seeing Xu Bo, Long Xiaoshan acquiesced.

He immediately sat up straight, and ordered honestly and bluntly: "Okay, Assistant Xu, you go to draw up a recruitment agreement now, I still need to recruit some people..."

three days later.

A company called Longmen Pharmaceutical officially announced its establishment on the 88th floor of Xinghai Building.

Because Longmen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. rented the 88th floor of Xinghai Building, which had its own halo effect. Soon, it spread in Xinghai Building.

Moreover, it was rumored that the boss of Longmen Pharmaceutical was an aristocratic gentleman with a temperament like a heavenly man, which brought a lot of attention to Longmen Pharmaceutical.

However, Long Xiaoshan has been seen by others since the first day he came to Xinghai Building, but he has not shown up at other times. Of course, it is not that he really did not show up. It's too easy not to be seen.

He is not a person who likes to show off everywhere, especially when it comes to things like appearance, so he usually goes in and out in a hidden manner, but his concealment makes his identity even more mysterious.

Not only did it not reduce his popularity at all, but it made his popularity continue to rise, becoming a legend in Xinghai Building and even the entire business district.

as time goes by.

There are more and more people in Longmen Pharmaceutical.

There are recruited employees, and quite a few Long Xiaoshan pulled over from Xichuan...

At this time, in Long Xiaoshan's office, there was a guest who came from afar.

"Aunt Liu, long time no see." Long Xiaoshan stood up and shook hands with the guest who just arrived.

The guest who just arrived is a beautiful woman with fair skin and a very good temperament. If you just look at the appearance, she should only be about 30 years old, but this woman is actually in her forties, and she is an old acquaintance of Long Xiaoshan .

That is Liu Yufeng from Xinyuan County.

At the beginning, Long Xiaoshan helped the paralyzed Liu Yufeng to stand up, and he rescued Liu Yufeng's deceased husband Wang Feng, and then left a prescription for beauty water to let Liu Yufeng develop in Xinyuan County and establish Longling Pharmaceutical.

It's just that later, Long Xiaoshan's business grew bigger and bigger, and Longling Pharmaceutical couldn't take care of it, so it was always left to Liu Yufeng to do it.

Until recently, Long Xiaoshan established Longmen Pharmaceutical in Yanjing, and thought of the product of beauty potion, he contacted Liu Yufeng.

"Xiaoshan?" Liu Yufeng was stunned for a while when he saw Longxiaoshan, before he dared to recognize him.

Don't be too surprised, Long Xiaoshan has changed so much. Although his facial features are similar to before, he doesn't look like the same person. Now Long Xiaoshan is too handsome, and his figure is obviously a lot taller.

"It's me." Long Xiaoshan smiled slightly: "Aunt Liu doesn't recognize me?"

"I really don't recognize you anymore, you have changed too much." Liu Yufeng said.

"Haha, Aunt Liu, you have also changed a lot, becoming younger and younger." Long Xiaoshan laughed.

"Stop coaxing Aunt Liu."

"I'm not coaxing you. No one will believe you when I say you are Wang Yan's sister. By the way, is Wang Yan okay?"

"Okay, she just keeps talking about you, but she is going to prepare for the college entrance examination, and I didn't let her out."

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, before Long Xiaoshan got to the point.

(End of this chapter)

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