Chapter 944 Meeting

Chapter One Thousand and Sixteen

Long Xiaoshan called Liu Yufeng to expand the beauty potion business in Yanjing.

At the beginning, Liu Yufeng changed the prescription he gave and created the beauty potion, which immediately caused a sensation in Xichuan. After more than half a year of development, Longling Pharmaceutical's beauty potion has already become Xichuan's top health care product.

It can be said that it has almost monopolized the market of high-end beauty care products in Xichuan, and even the beauty water of many international brands is not the opponent of Longling Beauty Water.

Longling Pharmaceutical is making a lot of money every day, from a company of tens of millions to a large company with assets of more than one billion.

However, a company worth more than one billion yuan is considered a big company in Xichuan, and it can't make any waves in the whole country.

The market for Longling Beauty Water is basically limited to Xichuan Province.

People in other provinces have rarely heard of and used this beauty potion.

This time, Long Xiaoshan intends to launch this beauty potion in Yanjing. Yanjing is the capital of China. As long as the reputation is established in this place, with Yanjing as the foundation, this potion can be easily promoted to the national market.

After listening to Long Xiaoshan's plan.

Liu Yufeng's heart was surging.

She was originally just a small businessman, but it was Long Xiaoshan who gave her the prescription, and also intimidated Zhao Jun, the black wolf, and became her backing, allowing her to quickly occupy the beauty and health care products market in Xichuan Province.

After more than half a year, in addition to the skyrocketing increase in her net worth, her horizons have also broadened.

She has long understood how miraculous and scarce her beauty potion is. It is definitely not only capable of occupying the market in one province, but can be promoted throughout the country and even the world.

Become a world-renowned beauty care product.

However, this is Long Xiaoshan's prescription after all, and Long Xiaoshan is the major shareholder.

Even if she wants to promote, she needs Long Xiaoshan's approval.

Another one is that the shopping mall is cruel. After all, she is just a weak woman. She deeply understands the importance of doing business, contacts and backstage. If you don't have a strong backstage support, let alone go to the world. It has long been swallowed up.

So after occupying the Xichuan market, she did not rush to continue to expand.

I wanted to find an opportunity to have an in-depth talk with Long Xiaoshan.

Unexpectedly, before she found Long Xiaoshan, Long Xiaoshan took the initiative to drag her to Yanjing to talk about the expansion of Nourishing Water.

This is exactly what Liu Yufeng wanted to do.

And it was even more radical than she thought, directly entering the most high-end market in China, Yanjing.

Liu Yufeng said with a hint of excitement and worry: "Xiaoshan, if you want to promote the beauty potion, I definitely support you, but is this step too big? This is Yanjing, it is the Huaxia Center. Although I I have never been to Yanjing, but I also know that Yanjing is at the foot of the world, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, this place, the water is too deep, if we rush directly into this market, will we touch someone's cheese, or cause trouble? The one who should be messed with."

Liu Yufeng is a mature woman who thinks things through and thinks carefully.

Long Xiaoshan also understood Liu Yufeng's worry.

After all, Liu Yufeng didn't know his true identity.

However, this is exactly what Long Xiaoshan is going to do. He has a lot of products on hand, no matter medicinal food, elixir, spiritual vegetables, every product, he can guarantee to cause a sensation and open the Yanjing market, but he chooses beauty and health care Taste.

Of course, he has his own ideas. He really wants to use this product to touch some people's cheese.

Long Xiaoshan smiled slightly, stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking with his hands behind his back...

The 88th floor of Xinghai Building stands out from the crowd in the Yanjing CBD business district. Standing here overlooking the mountains, you can have a panoramic view of the bustling Yanjing.

He said indifferently: "Aunt Liu, you see, the world is so big. If you don't fight, it belongs to someone else. You can just let it go and do it. Just leave it to me."

Liu Yufeng's heart trembled, looking at Long Xiaoshan's tall and straight back.

The worries in my heart involuntarily dissipated.

I don't know why, this meeting made Long Xiaoshan feel more and more mysterious to her. Even a woman of her age can't help but feel a little admiration when she sees it.

It was such a strange feeling, and too shameful.

She would actually feel admiration for a man who was not a few years older than her daughter.

Little do they know that Long Xiaoshan is now a spirit body, and his life level has jumped to a higher level, which will naturally affect lower-level mortals, just like the bloodline suppression between monsters, monsters with low-level bloodlines will naturally affect monsters with high-level bloodlines. Beasts have psychological fear.

After Liu Yufeng came.

Long Xiaoshan basically left all the company's affairs to her.

Let Liu Yufeng plan and promote the beauty potion.

Because she was originally a professional in this area, Long Xiaoshan naturally left the professional work to professional people.

Of course, he didn’t do nothing. These days, he still took the time to improve the beauty potion. After all, he made the original formula back then. Now his level of refining medicine has improved by leaps and bounds, and he can naturally make it. Better formula.

When the company is in full swing.

But Long Xiaoshan appeared leisurely in a bar near Xinghai Building wearing a peaked cap.

He restrained his aura, and wearing a hat and sportswear, he looked like a college student who had just graduated, making him very ordinary, and no one would notice him.

The reason why he came here was because he wanted to meet someone.

This is Yanjing's CBD business district.

The bars near here are naturally not ordinary nightclubs. This is a very formal occasion without complicated music or dance floors. Most of the people who come here to drink are senior white-collar workers or gold-collar workers who work in nearby buildings. They simply come to drink. relax for a moment.

It's seven o'clock in the afternoon.

Many nearby companies are off work, and there are some people sitting in the bar in twos and threes.

Long Xiaoshan walked to the bar and said a few words to a bar waiter, the bar waiter's eyes widened, followed Long Xiaoshan to the back, after a while, a person wearing waiter's clothes came back, if you look carefully , you will find that this person is not the original waiter, but Long Xiaoshan who has changed into a waiter's clothes.

Long Xiaoshan stood behind the bar, holding a mixing glass, playing with it boredly.

He didn't move and didn't greet any guests who came over.

The night was getting darker.

Suddenly Long Xiaoshan narrowed his eyes, and saw a woman in business attire coming in from the door of the bar. She had a beautiful appearance and light makeup, and her figure was about 1.7 meters.

Seeing this woman, Long Xiaoshan's hands trembled slightly.

He took a deep breath and followed the woman with his eyes.

Seeing her walk in and sit at the bar, she said in a tired voice, "WAITE, give me a glass of White Lady."

"Okay, miss, wait a moment." Long Xiaoshan opened the mixing glass in his hand, poured a glass of wine into the glass, and put it in front of the woman.

(End of this chapter)

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