Chapter 949

Chapter 21

Seeing Long Xiaoshan pointing at him, Ling Ruotong showed some astonishment on his face.

She didn't expect that Long Xiaoshan would suddenly call her name. With so many people present, he happened to find her.

Long Xiaoshan smiled slightly and said: "Before I came to Yanjing, I heard of Miss Ruotong's name and admired her for a long time. Miss Ruotong is the president of Ling's Pharmaceuticals. Strictly speaking, we are still in the same industry. I don't think anyone here doubts that Miss Ruotong will be my trustee."

Long Xiaoshan's explanation made everyone understand.

Long Xiaoshan approached Ling Ruotong on purpose.

Ling Ruotong herself is a celebrity in the business world in Yanjing, and a well-known goddess-level figure in the circle.

It is unlikely to help Long Xiaoshan cheat.

Secondly, Ling Ruotong did not come alone today, but with her fiancé Shen Tianhao. It is a beauty and nourishing liquid, which is in direct competition with Longmen Pharmaceutical's products.

It's impossible for Ling Ruotong to cheat for her fiancé's competitor.

However, Long Xiaoshan had admired Ling Ruotong for a long time in front of so many media present and the global live broadcast audience. This was simply embarrassing Shen Tianhao on the spot.

A lot of good news media instantly turned their cameras on Shen Tianhao.

No matter how deep Shen Tianhao's energy-raising skills were, his smile became stiff at this moment, and his eyes revealed a gloomy look.

He said coldly: "Dr. Long, your current product is taken orally. Who knows if there are any side effects? Ask my fiancee to verify it for you and use it as a test product. If something happens, will you be able to pay for it?" ?”

Shen Tianhao questioned on the spot.

As the eldest son of the Shen family, he is proud and arrogant, so naturally he would not give face to an outsider.

Long Xiaoshan said lightly: "Although I am very confident in my product, there will never be any side effects, but I can't let Miss Ruotong take this risk for nothing. Here, I promise that the product will not have any side effects. If it doesn't achieve the effect I said, I will pay Miss Ruotong 1 billion yuan on the spot."


Long Xiaoshan's arrogant words once again shocked the venue and all the audience watching the live broadcast.

He is so confident in his product.

As long as the effect is not achieved, 1 billion yuan will be paid to Ling Ruotong on the spot.

A billion!

Not ten yuan, not one hundred thousand!

It's a big gamble.

Although one billion is nothing to many Yanjing big families.

But it is by no means a small number.

Especially when he took out one billion cash on the spot.

Even Ling Ruotong was shocked.

Even if the market value of Ling's Pharmaceuticals under her control exceeds tens of billions, it would be very difficult for her to withdraw one billion in cash, and it would drag down the entire enterprise's capital chain.

Long Xiaoshan actually gambled with one billion cash because of a small verification.

This boldness alone shocked everyone.

Shen Tianhao snorted coldly: "Are you really willing to give one billion?"

Long Xiaoshan did not respond, but clapped his hands, a hostess brought up a computer, Liu Yufeng took the computer and operated it, then pointed the computer screen at the media, and said: "Everyone, you can take a look, this is our company's account, Now there is still 1.3 billion cash in it, if you don’t believe it, we can put one billion into a third-party notarization platform first to show our sincerity.”

A large number of media focused their shots on the computer, and sure enough, a long series of numbers were displayed on it, more than 1.3 billion.

People sighed.

I don't know what the origin of Longmen Pharmaceutical is, and it's too rich.

There is so much money in the company's account.

It's just that the chairman of Longmen Pharmaceutical is too arrogant. Even if he has money, he doesn't throw it away like this. Even if Long Xiaoshan spends one billion yuan, there is still no one who believes that his fairy water has such a strong effect.

Because that is absolutely impossible. If the fairy water really has such a strong effect, let alone sell 300,000 boxes, even if it is [-] boxes, there will be people rushing for it. Don't underestimate women's pursuit of beauty.

No matter what others think, Long Xiaoshan's eyes have been locked on Ling Ruotong, and he said softly: "Miss Ruotong, have you considered it? Do you accept my invitation?"

"Think about it, Ruotong, go up." Before Ling Ruotong could speak, Shen Tianhao had already agreed.

Although he is the eldest son of the Shen family, one billion is not a small amount to him. The Shen family is a big family, but no matter how much money there is, it is impossible to give it to him. He is just a junior. The Shen family only spent tens of millions of dollars.

A billion!

Shen Tianhao's heart was eager to move, if Long Xiaoshan hadn't pointed out Ling Ruotong, he would have gone up in person, and no one would want the one billion for nothing.

Seeing Shen Tianhao's greedy look, Ling Ruotong didn't know what it was like.

Just now I was worried that she would have side effects if she went to the verification, but when I heard about a billion, I let her go up without hesitation.

Isn't it important that her Ling Ruotong's body is worth 1 billion yuan?

He smiled self-consciously.

What is there for her to be disappointed? Doesn't she know who Shen Tianhao is?

I hadn't expected much, so naturally I wasn't disappointed.

Ling Ruotong stood up slowly.

It was not because Shen Tianhao asked her to go up, but because she saw Long Xiaoshan's eyes. Although she was not the same as Long Xiaoshan in her heart, at that moment she felt that the eyes of the two were very similar.

She walked up to the stage.

Immediately, all the media's cameras were focused on Ling Ruotong.

Long Xiaoshan came over, stretched out his hand and said, "Thank you, Ms. Ruotong for your trust. You are willing to come on stage to help me verify it. Ms. Ruotong, can I take a look at your skin condition first?"

Ling Ruotong said, "Yes."

Long Xiaoshan personally moved a chair for Ling Ruotong to sit down.

Long Xiaoshan put his hand on Ling Ruotong's face and examined it. His hand was very warm. Ling Ruotong trembled all over. At that moment, she was a little lost, as if she had returned to the bar, to the scene in her dream after she drank "Si Lian". screen.

At that time, Long Xiaoshan rubbed her head with his hands like this.

How come it looks like this?

Ling Ruotong opened his eyes wide, looking at the face of the man in front of him.

See it so close.

She found that the facial features of Long Dong in front of her were so similar to the Long Xiaoshan in her memory, but the two temperaments were too different.

How can it be?

Ling Ruotong was so upset that she felt like she couldn't distinguish between reality and dreams.

Could it be that you are too tired recently?

"Ruotong, don't worry, it will be fine soon." Long Xiaoshan smiled at her.

Ling Ruotong was shocked again, the tone of this sentence was so familiar, that day in the bar dream, "Long Xiaoshan" seemed to say the same to her...

she shook her head,

I may be really tired.

This is obviously a very common sentence. What Long Xiaoshan said, don't worry, should be just to let her not worry too much about the problem with the beauty water.

(End of this chapter)

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