Chapter 950 Reborn

Chapter 22

In front of countless media cameras, Long Xiaoshan held Ling Ruotong's face in his hands. The man's eyes were gentle, while the woman's eyes showed a trace of confusion and throbbing. Time seemed to stand still.

These two people, the male is handsome, the female is beautiful, and they are both well-known figures in Yanjing.

Many people watched the two in the camera through the live broadcast.

If you didn't know that this is the product launch event of Longmen Pharmaceutical, you would have thought it was a beautiful scene where the male and female protagonists of an idol drama meet.

Click click.

Many people involuntarily press the shutter.

Record this picture.

Shen Tianhao's lungs were about to explode.

Ling Ruotong was actually held by a man on the stage with his face in his hands, and he showed a look of intoxication. Although the scene looked very beautiful, if the heroine was his fiancee, the feeling would not be so good. There is a feeling of having to do hair.

He is an imposing eldest son of the Shen family, and he has always been the only one who loves others. When will someone dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head and touch his woman.

He couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and coughed hard, and said in a cold voice: "I don't know how long Dong Long you are going to wait for the verification, but I can't wait to see your fairy water Long Dong."

Ling Ruotong was shocked, she was lost just now.

Now that he came back to his senses, his face turned red, and he quickly pushed Long Xiaoshan's hand away.

Long Xiaoshan smiled lightly and said: "I'm sorry, it took a long time to check Miss Ruotong's skin just now, because I am a professional doctor, so seeing Miss Ruotong's physical condition, I couldn't help but check more. Ms. Tong's skin is indeed very good, but Ms. Ruotong may have been in a depressed mood for a long time, which makes her look good on the surface, but that is because Ms. Ruotong is young and has a good foundation. In fact, Ms. Ruotong's physical function is not small The problem is serious sub-health, the skin is slightly loose, some melanin deposits lead to serious dark circles, and there are some faint spots on the face..."

Long Xiaoshan pointed out Ling Ruotong's skin problem on the spot.

In fact, this is also the problem of most modern women.

Because of staying up late at work, irregular diet, etc., most women's skin is not as glamorous as the surface, and needs to be covered by cosmetics.

"Miss Ruotong, do you admit the questions I mentioned?" Long Xiaoshan asked.

Ling Ruotong nodded: "Yes, my health is indeed not good, and my skin has problems."

"Okay, can I ask Ms. Ruotong to remove my makeup now? Because I will give Ms. Ruotong some of our company's fairy water later. After taking it, it will immediately improve Ms. Ruotong's skin condition. You can make a clearer comparison. "Long Xiaoshan said.

Originally, it was very impolite to ask a famous person to remove makeup in front of a global audience. Everyone knows that some women regard makeup as everything, and if they really want her to remove makeup in public, it is better to kill her.

But Ling Ruotong said generously, "Yes."

People can't help but look at Ling Ruotong with admiration.

Soon someone brought up a basin of water.

Ling Ruotong took off her makeup on the spot. In fact, her makeup was very light, and it took off in a while.

After removing makeup, Ling Ruotong raised his head, looking younger than before, like a college student with a pure appearance.

"Sure enough, she is the goddess of Yanjing, she looks even more beautiful after removing her makeup."

"I also feel that Goddess Ling is more beautiful without makeup."

Many viewers standing before the live broadcast were full of admiration.

Of course, some problems with Ling Ruotong's skin were also revealed.

There are some dark circles and a few small pimples on the skin.

But compared to ordinary people, it's pretty good. After all, there is no perfect skin in this world.

Long Xiaoshan turned around and took the bottle of fairy water on the table, he said: "Everyone, although the effect of fairy water is very strong, it cannot be achieved overnight, but, in order to let everyone see the effect as soon as possible, I will cooperate with the fairy water Give Ms. Ling an acupuncture treatment with water to speed up the absorption of the medicine."

After finishing speaking, he handed the bottle of potion to Ling Ruotong and said, "Miss Ling, can you drink it?"

Since Ling Ruotong came to the stage, he agreed to Long Xiaoshan.

She said calmly, "Yes."

She took the bottle of fairy water, opened it, put it in her mouth without hesitation, and swallowed it.

A cold liquid poured into her abdomen, Ling Ruotong didn't feel uncomfortable, this fairy water is not bad at all, even sold as a drink, many people may like it.

Long Xiaoshan took out a golden needle and said, "Miss Ling, I will do acupuncture for you now."

Ling Ruotong nodded.

Long Xiaoshan stood next to Ling Ruotong and quickly applied the needles.

His movements were so fast that Ling Ruotong hardly felt anything. He just felt that with Long Xiaoshan's movements, his face was getting hotter and hotter, as if streams of heat were flowing inside, and there was still a trace of itchiness, but it was not so unbearable. Bear.

After about ten minutes.

Long Xiaoshan stopped.

He said, "Miss Ling, you can wash your face now and see the effect."

"So fast!" Ling Ruotong was a little surprised, even if it was a magic medicine, it's impossible for her skin to change in such a short time.

"Yes, I have accelerated the absorption of the potion. If ordinary people take it, it will take a few days to see the effect..." Long Xiaoshan explained, and then asked someone to deliver a basin of water.

Seeing this, Ling Ruotong didn't say anything else, and cleaned up on the spot.

When she stood up after washing, boom!

Suddenly the audience shook, and many people showed incredulous expressions, and picked up their cameras one after another to take pictures.

Long Xiaoshan brought a mirror and put it in front of Ling Ruotong: "Miss Ruotong, take a look for yourself."

Ling Ruotong looked at the mirror, his eyes widened suddenly, and he covered his mouth.

The person in the mirror, is that her?

It was a face with delicate and fair skin as if it had just peeled off an eggshell. There were hardly any blemishes visible on it.

This kind of skin, which Ling Ruotong thought could only be achieved in PS photos, actually appeared in reality.

She couldn't help reaching out and touching her skin.

The tentacles were slippery.

She kept stroking, from top to bottom, not sparing every inch, and finally determined that this was not a dream.

The big screen also displayed Ling Ruotong's face ten minutes ago and his current face at the same time. It was obvious that Ling Ruotong's skin had undergone a radical change, which shocked everyone present, especially those women, who were almost fanatical.

"Miss Ruotong, how do you feel now?" Long Xiaoshan said.

Ling Ruotong murmured: "I, I'm fine."

"Then do you think the fairy beauty water produced by our company can achieve the effect I said? Did I exaggerate." Long Xiaoshan asked again.

"Ruotong." Shen Tianhao suddenly shouted.

Ling Ruotong looked over, and there was a meaning in Shen Tianhao's eyes, she knew very well what Shen Tianhao wanted her to say, she was silent for a while and said: "I think the effect of fairy water is better than I imagined, if Longmen Pharmaceuticals mass-produces All the medicines have such a strong effect, I will become a loyal customer."

(End of this chapter)

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