Chapter 974

The ThousandthChapter 16

Long Xiaoshan put Ling Xiaofu aside for the time being, he and Ling Ruotong reunited after a long absence, and there were too many thoughts in his heart to express.

Seeing that there are still wounds on Ling Ruotong's exposed skin.

He hurriedly said: "Ruotong, come here, I'll help you look at the wound."

Ling Ruotong was actually a little shy. She was worried about Ling Xiaofu just now, and now she was facing Long Xiaoshan alone, wrapped in a bath towel, which made her blush a little. Although she liked Long Xiaoshan, the window paper between the two of them had just been torn.

And she hasn't seen Long Xiaoshan for a long time, and Long Xiaoshan has changed too much, and she still feels a little strange in her heart.

He hurriedly said, "I'll go change my clothes first."

"No, change it after I heal your injury, or I won't be able to heal you wearing clothes." Long Xiaoshan took Ling Ruotong's hand and sat down on the sofa.

"Well," Ling Ruotong is not a hypocritical woman, not to mention that Long Xiaoshan saved her, even if something really happened in her heart, it is not unacceptable, after all, she is already a mature woman, and at her age, she is still a girl Almost rarer than a national treasure.

If it wasn't for Shen Tianhao, she had never been able to have a boyfriend, and it was impossible for her to remain a virgin until now.

Long Xiaoshan didn't know that Ling Ruotong was thinking so much.

Even if Ling Ruotong was only wrapped in a bath towel.

He doesn't think too much about it either.

After condensing the divine flower, his soul has been promoted to a new level. Although it is not that he has no interest in sex between men and women, he will definitely not be as impatient as ordinary men.

He put his hand on Ling Ruotong's scratched area, and circulated his true energy to stimulate Ling Ruotong's wound to heal.

With his current True Qi of Longevity Art, he can achieve excellent healing effect without the aid of golden needles.

What's more, Ling Ruotong only had some superficial injuries.

Under Long Xiaoshan's gentle caress, traces of true energy poured into Ling Ruotong's wound, making her wound itchy and healing at a speed almost visible to the naked eye.

Ling Ruotong was shocked again when he saw this scene.

She has been shocked enough today.

In the barn, Long Xiaoshan was almost like a superman, with incredible strength. Now, he just moved his hands, and his wounds healed. This is too amazing.

Could it be, long time no see, did Long Xiaoshan really worship a god as his teacher?

Otherwise, how could Long Xiaoshan change so much in just a few years.

From a small farmer to a strong man with super powers.

After about half an hour.

Long Xiaoshan treated all the wounds on Ling Ruotong's body, and Ling Ruotong recovered completely without leaving any scars.

"Xiaoshan, how did you do it?" Ling Ruotong couldn't help asking, moving his hands and feet.

"Do you think it's amazing?" Long Xiaoshan smiled slightly.

Ling Ruotong nodded quickly.

Long Xiaoshan sat upright, looking at Ling Ruotong: "Ruotong, do you know the hidden door?"

Ling Ruotong thought for a while, and said: "I seem to have heard my grandfather say it, and our Ling family has a grandfather who is very skilled and has a high status in our Ling family. Even my father and the others would call Uncle Pei when they saw it. I heard Grandpa once said that Uncle Pei used to be a member of the hidden sect, and Grandpa saved his life, so he has been by Grandpa's side all the time."

"Since you know the hidden door, it's easy to handle. In fact, I can be regarded as half of the hidden door. My power comes from the hidden door. It can be called true energy..."

Since Long Xiaoshan recognized Ling Ruotong, he didn't intend to tell her all his experiences over the years without telling her.

Of course, he didn't discuss many specific things in depth.

Just let Ling Ruotong know where his changes come from.

Long Xiaoshan talked for tens of minutes, telling Ling Ruotong about her situation these years. Ling Ruotong was overwhelmed when she heard it. She didn't expect that Long Xiaoshan had experienced so much in these years.

Especially the life in prison, although Long Xiaoshan didn't go into details, but Ling Ruotong's eyes were already red.

He was a small farmer, and was thrown into prison by Shen Tianhao. With the influence of the Shen family, it was definitely not as easy as Long Xiaoshan said in prison. It was already a miracle that Long Xiaoshan survived.

It was also his luck that he had the opportunity to be taught by an expert, otherwise he would definitely not be able to see him.

"Xiao Shan, I have suffered for you all these years. I was the one who harmed you. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been framed by Shen Tianhao." Ling Ruotong grabbed Long Xiaoshan's hand and looked at him with tears in his eyes.

Long Xiaoshan wiped away Ling Ruotong's tears, and said gently: "What does this have to do with you, you are also a victim, besides, without this frame-up, my life would not have changed. Speaking of which, I would also like to thank God for giving me Grind."

Long Xiaoshan is not lying.

If he hadn't been imprisoned and hadn't met Lao Chang, although his life might have been good, it would be easy for him to graduate from Mizuki University, enter a good big company or take the civil servant exam, but that's all.

No matter how powerful he is, being able to become a senior executive of a listed company and become a gold collar is probably the limit.

How can life be wonderful now.

Become a great spiritual master, stand at the pinnacle of martial arts, and overlook the common people.

There are more possibilities in the future, instead of just a few decades of mediocrity rolling around in the world of mortals, and finally turning into loess.

"Ruotong, do you want to practice?" Long Xiaoshan said suddenly.

Ling Ruotong was stunned for a moment: "Cultivation, do you mean practicing martial arts? Can I do it? I'm already this old."

Long Xiaoshan laughed: "What's the big deal, you're not too old, besides, it's a layman's misunderstanding that martial arts requires boy's kungfu, I didn't start practicing after I was imprisoned, as long as I do it, nothing is impossible Come on, let me help you build your foundation with Qi, cultivation is very good for you, when you have true Qi, you can deal with a scum like Shen Tianhao by yourself."

He helped almost all the women around Long Xiaoshan cultivate.

Because practicing can not only protect yourself, but also strengthen your body and increase your lifespan.

In the future, his lifespan will be much longer than that of ordinary people. He doesn't want everyone around him to die of old age in a few decades, leaving him alone.

Ling Ruotong thought of Ling Xiaofu, did Ling Xiaofu become so powerful just because she cultivated true qi.

Thinking of that kind of power, she was also eager to try.

Not to mention that women are not interested in power, that kind of extraordinary power is what everyone desires.

Especially for a person like her who has been restrained since she was a child, she wants to have power and break the restraint stronger than anyone else.

Long Xiaoshan took out a Qi-Cultivating Pill.

He took out another spirit stone and let Ling Ruotong hold it.

Long Xiaoshan has done too much to help others, and now his strength is not what it used to be. Coupled with the help of Lingshi, it only took half an hour for him to let Ling Ruotong get into his body, helping She opened her dantian.

Ling Ruotong opened his eyes and discovered a new world.

(End of this chapter)

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