The Little Village's Ultimate Doctor

Chapter 975 Disturbed Ling Ruotong

Chapter 975 Disturbed Ling Ruotong

The ThousandthChapter 17

Like all women who have just completed foundation building, Ling Ruotong soon discovered that her body was full of filth from washing the marrow.

She didn't have time to feel the change in entrainment, so she hurried upstairs and took another shower.

After taking a shower, Ling Ruotong couldn't believe himself in the mirror.

If we talk about fairy water, it is only a primary change, making the skin young and tender.

Now, it is a deep change.

Because of cultivating zhenqi, Ling Ruotong exuded an aura from her bones, an air of refinement, and now she understood where Ling Xiaofu's changes came from, so it turned out that this was cultivation.

compared to changes in strength.

In fact, this change in appearance surprised them even more.

Ling Ruotong, full of excitement, came downstairs.

"Xiao Shan, thank you." Ling Ruotong almost threw herself into Long Xiaoshan's arms, not only the outburst of love in the past, but also gratitude to Long Xiaoshan for bringing her such a big change.

Smelling the pure masculine breath from Long Xiaoshan, Ling Ruotong even became a little emotional.

Her eyes were blurred, and she raised her head to ask for a kiss.

Looking at Ling Ruotong at this time, Long Xiaoshan knew that as long as he wanted to, he could completely turn Ling Ruotong into his woman now.

However, Long Xiaoshan still had some doubts in his heart.

He gently put his hand on Ling Ruotong's lips, and Ling Ruotong looked at him suspiciously.

Long Xiaoshan said: "Ruotong, I still have something to tell you, so listen to me first."

"What's the matter?" Ling Ruotong asked.

Long Xiaoshan hesitated for a second, but soon he cast aside that hesitation, looked into Ling Ruotong's eyes and said, "Actually, I have another woman."

Ling Ruotong's delicate body trembled, and at that moment, she even trembled a little.

She finally waited to come to Long Xiaoshan, could it be that she was just happy for nothing.

But she is not a little girl after all, no matter how uncomfortable she is in her heart, she can barely keep calm, she slowly sat up straight, lowered her head and said: "Bless you..."

Before Ling Ruotong could finish speaking, Long Xiaoshan interrupted her.

"Ruotong, listen to me first."

Ling Ruotong raised her head, she didn't know what else Long Xiaoshan had to say, since he had a woman, she could only let it go no matter how reluctant she was, maybe it was fate, she was lucky to be able to get rid of Shen Tianhao's entanglement, Don't expect too much anymore.

"Ruotong, I don't want to lie to you, I still like you in my heart, because you are my first love, but since I was in prison, I don't know your situation, I have complained about you in my heart, so after I got out of prison, I didn't Contact you again, at that time I thought it was impossible to be together with you, I went back to the village, and then met a woman..."

Long Xiaoshan started talking about his encounter with Chuntao, and told about his entanglements with some women.

If it is an ordinary man, it is absolutely impossible to tell the entanglement between himself and other women in front of the woman he likes.

But Long Xiaoshan is not ordinary.

He is a rare great spiritual master in the world. In the world, he is already at the top. Even in the hidden sect, it is difficult to find a few people who are stronger than him.

Cultivated to his level.

Naturally, I will no longer look at problems from a secular perspective.

All he has to do is follow his heart, even if Ling Ruotong leaves him, he will not change his heart to deceive and keep her.

Long Xiaoshan finished speaking calmly, looked into Ling Ruotong's eyes, and said sincerely: "Ruotong, I know it's unfair to force you to stay by my side if I say this, but it's even more unfair to you if I don't say it , I still love you in my heart, but love is not just possession. No matter what choice you make, I will not blame you. Even if you leave me, I will still protect you and let you have a safe and happy life. Change."


At this moment, Ling Ruotong was in a turmoil. She never thought that Long Xiaoshan not only had a woman, but more than one woman. If she changed a man, she would definitely scold him for being a shameless scumbag.

But Long Xiaoshan's eyes were clear, and he spoke eloquently.

No matter what, it was impossible to connect such a Ling Chen refined man with a worldly scumbag.

It's like a fairy telling you that he has a group of fairy wives.

You may only envy him.

And don't think he's morally corrupt.

Because you can't use the eyes of a secular person to see a higher existence.

Because what Long Xiaoshan said was exactly what he thought, he really liked being with his women, not just wanting to possess their bodies.

If it is said that before he condensed the divine flower, he was still affected by the instinct of the body, then now, he has completely got rid of the influence of instinct, and he has no interest in pure physical needs, and he can even completely control the hormones in his body. secretion.

Now he is more pursuing a spiritual fit.

It's just that although Ling Xiaofu can feel his sincerity, she is a woman who has just embarked on cultivation after all, and she is far from reaching Long Xiaoshan's current state of mind. It is really difficult for her to accept how many women Long Xiaoshan has.

But let her leave decisively.

She felt inexplicable again.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Shan, I'm so confused right now." Ling Ruotong seemed to have an angel and a demon fighting in her heart, making it difficult for her to make a choice.

"Ruotong, don't be anxious, I don't need you to answer me now, you have a lot of time, you can think about it slowly, maybe, one day you will figure it out, as I said, no matter what you choose, it's fine." There was a sense of tranquility in Long Xiaoshan's tone.

Let Ling Ruotong's anxiety gradually calm down.

She looked up at Long Xiaoshan's handsome face, and nodded blankly.

"Okay, it's getting late today, you have a good night's rest, I'm right here, call me if you need anything." Long Xiaoshan stroked Ling Ruotong's hair, his eyes were a little loving.

Watching Ling Ruotong go upstairs.

Long Xiaoshan got up and set up a simple formation around Ling Ruotong's house.

Although he took revenge on Shen Tianhao this time.

But things won't end so easily...


In the middle of the night, a group of people broke into the barn in the suburbs.

They are the guards of the Shen family who came after hearing the news.

Shen Tianhao didn't return all night, which naturally aroused the vigilance of the Shen family.

Moreover, those who kidnapped Long Xiaoshan by the Dark Knife Organization were also found to have collectively become idiots.

The Shen family couldn't get in touch with Shen Tianhao, so they immediately used their forces to track down Shen Tianhao's whereabouts.

Finally came to the barn here.

As soon as the guards of the Shen family broke in, they were a little shocked when they saw the corpses all over the floor in the barn. This is Yanjing, so many people died at the feet of the emperor.

Then they found Shen Tianhao with mutilated limbs, and they were even more horrified.

The dignified Young Master of the Shen family had his five limbs cut off in Yanjing. It was like an earthquake, and all the guards of the Shen family felt cold. No matter who did it, Yanjing would be changed.

 I feel that the description of this relationship is not very good, mainly because of Cavin, please forgive me, and try to downplay the description of emotions in the future. .At the beginning of the month, it is customary to ask for a few monthly tickets. .



(End of this chapter)

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