Fortune Shrine

Chapter 1999

Chapter 1999

The facts were as he had expected, the disciples of the Heavenly Killing Sect naturally did not choose to leave.

In this case, they have nowhere to go.

The Kyushu sect is in full swing, it is undoubtedly the best choice to stay, and maybe they can make a career out of it, so... instead of resisting, they are eager to move.

And this is undoubtedly what Fang Yi, Supreme Shura and others are happy to see.

Especially Supreme Shura.

Because Fang Yi handed over all the Heavenly Killing Gates to Shura Hall, the strength of Shura Hall instantly increased, how could he not be happy.

"How is it? Nothing serious!"

Somewhere on the top of an attic, the two looked down, Fang Yi asked with a smile.

In the previous battle, Supreme Shura suffered some injuries, although they were not fatal, they were not light.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty, it's just a minor injury." Supreme Asura hurriedly replied with a respectful expression.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help smiling lightly, and said, "It doesn't have to be like this between you and me!"

Supreme Asura is the master of the Asura Hall, ruling the entire Asura Hall. Fang Yi was able to be praised as the Emperor of the Nether, and everything is due to his credit.

In fact, Fang Yi has no interest in the Nether Emperor.

However, in order to take advantage of the strength of the Asura Hall, he has long been a member of the Asura Hall, and now...

"Your Majesty's words are different. Since I, Shura Palace, want to elect Your Majesty to be the Great Emperor of the Netherworld, then all necessary etiquette cannot be neglected."

"If we are still like this, then the other nine halls will not pay much attention to His Majesty."

There is some truth to these words.

Fang Yi shook his head helplessly, seeing that the other party was so persistent, he didn't say anything more.

"Your Majesty let go of Devouring Senluo today, and it is a great kindness, and it also laid the foundation for him to truly enter the Nether Palace in the future. I believe..."

Supreme Shura seemed to be looking forward to the future, his eyes showed anticipation.

Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

"By the way! What kind of person is the Emperor of Huangquan?" He paused slightly, and asked.

He didn't know much about Emperor Huangquan, because he had no interest in the Nether Palace or the Nether Emperor.

Naturally, he would not even inquire about Emperor Huang Quan.

But now... the matter has come to this point, even if he wants to get away, it is impossible.

What's more, that's not his style.

"Return to Your Majesty, Emperor Huangquan is a great talent of a generation..." Speaking of Emperor Huangquan, Supreme Shura's expression was full of respect and admiration.

According to him, the Yellow Spring Emperor was born thousands of years ago, and before that, his name was unknown.

It wasn't until he reorganized the Yan Luo Temple and called himself the Emperor of Huangquan that he gradually became known to the world.

But what really made him famous in the first battle was the battle with the powerhouses of the Tianchen Starfield, Tiansha Starfield, and Tianshen Starfield.

Because the three major star domains are afraid that the Nether Palace will reappear the dominance of the ancient times.

So jointly launched that war.

He intends to obliterate Huang Quan Da Di and Yan Luo Dian in the cradle.

But no one thought that that battle would make Emperor Huangquan's great reputation. He led the Yan Luo Temple, killed countless powerhouses in the three domains, the overlord of the three domains, and the five-fold heavenly god and true king, all in that battle. fall.

There are not a few other combinations of quadruple and triple.

However, although Emperor Huangquan is domineering, he is obviously unable to compete with the powerhouses of the three domains with only the first hall of Yan Luo.

However, none of the top powerhouses in the three domains can stop Huangquan Emperor.

Finally, the two sides reached an agreement.

The Ten Nether Temples will never rule the three domains, but, as a condition, the birthplace of the Ten Nether Temples must not interfere with the development of the Ten Nether Temples.

Among them, Sky Blue Star is the birthplace of Shura Hall, so Shura Hall has always been on Sky Blue Star.

That's it!

Fang Yi couldn't help but secretly startled when he heard this.

This Huangquan emperor is so overbearing. Thousands of years ago, he was able to kill a super strong person of the fifth level of the body, and there is still a thousand of the body, so his strength has at least reached the sixth level of the body?

Thousands of years later today, then...

Fang Yi suddenly felt a little tricky. He hadn't taken the matter of the Nether Palace to heart before.

Because his own ambition is not here, he cares more about Kyushu.

But now, he couldn't help but not care.

And this Emperor of Huangquan is so overbearing, so what he will face...

"Then what happened afterwards?" After a pause, Fang Yi couldn't help but continue to ask.

"In this battle, Emperor Huangquan became famous all over the world. After that, he traveled all over the three regions, subdued the Ten Nether Palaces, and gave them resources to allow them to grow in their respective birthplaces, and did not interfere with the internal development of each palace."

"Indeed, almost half of the Ten Nether Temples at that time had already existed in name only, but they all grew slowly under his protection."

"Even if I am Asura Palace, it is the same."

"Throughout thousands of years, the Ten Nether Halls have also grown gradually, but the Emperor of Huangquan kept a low profile, rarely showed his face in front of people, and hardly asked about the affairs of the Ten Nether Halls."

Supreme Asura spoke slowly, and in his words, he was full of admiration for Emperor Huangquan.

Even Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Because according to what the Supreme Asura said, the Emperor of the Underworld has made great contributions to the Ten Nether Temples, and he does not hold power.

This kind of high-spirited and honest style should be highly respected by the Nether Ten Temples, and judging by the appearance of Supreme Shura, it is indeed the case.

Ke Shura Hall...

Supreme Asura also seemed to see Fang Yi's doubts, and quickly explained: "Your Majesty doesn't know something. It is precisely because the Emperor Huangquan delegated power that he ignores things that are not important. Everything is up to Yan Luodian."

"The same goes for resource allocation and so on."

"Those who are close to them will naturally take care of them, and those who are far away will understand without saying anything."

"As for my Shura Hall, I have been suppressing the Yan Luo Hall in ancient times. The two halls have always competed fiercely. The result is self-evident, and I have been suppressed everywhere. Therefore, when I first met Your Majesty..."

Fang Yi already understood what happened next, even if Supreme Asura didn't say anything.

He couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.

However, he couldn't help being a little curious about the Emperor of the Underworld.

"Do you think Emperor Huang Quan knows about this Lord's existence? If he knows, what will happen to him?" After a pause, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

"Returning to Your Majesty, with the style of the Emperor Huang Quan who does not love power, I estimate that most of them will not do anything to His Majesty, which is why I dare to do this."

Supreme Shura is extremely honest.

Just kidding, Emperor Huang Quan is so domineering and has kindness to Shura Palace, if it is obvious that he will be angered, a fool would do this.

Fang Yi nodded subconsciously when he heard the words.

With such a character, I'm afraid he wouldn't mind having one more Nether Emperor.

"If you're afraid, I'm afraid, Emperor Huang Quan doesn't know at all, he may not mind, but Yan Luodian will definitely not agree." Supreme Shura said helplessly.

"That's right! Interesting!" Fang Yi said lightly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

(End of this chapter)

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